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Growing A Business With Delegation – How To Delegate In 4 Steps

Written by: Hanna Hermanson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“Whatever, I’ll just do it myself.” – how many of us consistently fall into the trap of taking on too much…edging towards burnout because we refuse to delegate? Women, in particular, often feel as though we need to “do it all, and do it all well.” Because when we don’t do it all, we feel as if we’ve “failed” somehow. And then shame swallows us into an abyss of unworthiness.

A lady smiling and sitting in a round table with a blue background.

For decades, women have fought for “equality” in all realms of life. But female CEOs will be the first to tell you that climbing the business ladder doesn’t necessarily mean that childcare/family obligations lessen. Hustle culture teaches that there is always more: more money to make a bigger title or promotion and a higher wall to climb. And the pressure to BE everything to everyone has resulted in a distinct decline in mental health among women, in particular. Enter stage right: COVID-19. Delegation - The Hottest Trend in BusinessToday The world is turned upside down. And everyone is FORCED to “stay home.”And while no one was left “unaffected,” it is no secret that women were hit the hardest, as the demand childcare AND work life were thrown into one big crock-pot stew. Tension was amplified. And women started taking a stand, calling for new world order. “Equality” was no longer a battle cry. Rather…women started rejecting concepts of overworking and championing: (gasp) REST. Never, in all of history, have women’s voices created a stronger collective shift in the culture of the business. The brakes have been pressed. And a wave of feminine energy is now bringing an entirely new precedent to the table.No longer are women willing to experience pure and utter exhaustion. This means... the art of delegation is quickly becoming the HOTTEST trend in business. Because the conversation is now OUT THERE in the open: We DON’T need to do everything. In fact, MORE teamwork and collaboration are bringing with it a tidal wave of positive effects.

Outcomes of Delegating

  • Everyone can do more of what they love (and are good at)! - The Law of Attraction loves this

  • More creative flow…or time for family(or naps!)

  • More time to focus on “IPA’s”(Beer? – No…not necessarily, I mean Income Producing Activities – the stuff that actually grows your business)

  • More accountability (you have a team to show up for now!)

  • More ease, joy, abundance…you know…all the cliches

  • More vacations!

Ready to jump on the delegation bandwagon…but don’t know where to start (or how to set aside your control-freak tendencies)? I get it. Delegation can feel a bit like handing over your baby – will ANYONE be able to do it as well as I can?!? (the answer is definitely YES). Here’s my best advice. How to Delegate: A Roadmap 1. Zone of Genius check In order to decide WHAT to delegate, you need to ask yourself: What do I *love* doing, and what do I *not love* doing? Identify the right things to delegate by outlining what YOUR zone of genius is and what lies on the outskirts of enjoyable. Everyone is different, with different strengths and interests. Know what floats your boat and what sinks it. Get those “yuck” tasks down on paper, and know the steps/procedures of what needs DOING. 2. Delegate whatever falls in your Zone of Yuck Once you've pinpointed your “greatest weakness” and the stuff that makes you cringe…it’s time to DELEGATE! Breaking news: not everyone is exactly the same as you…and other peoples DO in fact love writing blogs, finding hashtags, and even scheduling your marketing calendar.

So know what strengths you are looking for in others (and make THOSE strengths part of the job description). 3. Fund your delegation habit Wondering how you’re going to pay for this new person on your payroll? Once you’ve delegated (Yay! Congrats! Crack the champagne!), it’s time to focus your energy on supporting the “cost” of the help you’ve just hired. Focus your attention on those IPAs, and make sure you have a plan in place to ensure ROI on your new teammate. Start a podcast, get published, keynote at a conference…get OUT there, with your new-found time. 4. Run a smooth delegation ship All good relationships require time, communication, commitment, and some trial and error. Allow your team members time to learn the ropes of whatever procedures you’ve put together, and don’t force or rush the process – we’re talking at least 3 months, with clear onboarding and regular mini-meetings to check-in. Once things get rolling, you can loosen any micro-managing that you feel you’re doing. And let this person JAM OUT in style.

Feel ready to give this a go?!? Excellent! Happy delegating!

Wondering how to delegate your marketing, in particular? Reach out to me! – CEO of Done For You Marketing – and let’s chat about how you can hire us to take over all your marketing, copywriting, and business promotion! (that, after all, is our zone of genius!)

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Hanna Hermanson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Hanna Hermanson is the founder and CEO of Done for You Copywriting for Coaches. As a life and business coach for years, Hanna gained deep insights and intuitive knowledge about what motivates people to take action. Hanna and her team of expert copywriters combine these insights with creative copy strategies to scale coaching businesses, and help transformational leaders get back into their zone of genius. Hanna's work can be found in Forbes, Thrive Global, and her book “Dream Life is Real Life” on Amazon.

When she’s not writing or strategizing, she can be found carbo-loading for half marathons, or frolicking the beaches of Mexico with her husband and labradoodle.

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