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4 Characteristics Of An Effective Fertility Coach

Written by: Louise Siwicki, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Being supported along your fertility journey by the right Fertility Coach can be an essential part of helping move you forward along your journey towards your dreams of becoming a parent.

Shot of a very happy woman with trees background. .

With such low barriers to entry and no real industry regulation, it is easy to fall into the grasp of someone who is not qualified or possesses the right experience to help support you. You must know what to look for and what makes a Fertility Coach the right support for you.

What is a fertility Coach?

Fertility coaching is a form of support designed to help you manage stress, set the best foundations for conception and healthy pregnancy or alternative routes to parenthood, and find clarity for the hard questions. A fertility coach can help round out the medical treatment from your doctors with extra physical, mental, and emotional support while navigating fertility struggles.

Trying to conceive, or trying to enhance future fertility, can feel like a hard journey emotionally and physically, and the situation can easily become isolating and overwhelming. While you turn to doctors and other medical staff for clinical care, a fertility coach's purpose is to be by your side as a partner for everything else.

Coaching support during the process of pre-conception planning or fertility treatment can help you deal with the emotional effects of treatment and make beneficial lifestyle changes so you become healthier and feel emotionally stronger whilst trying to conceive or build your family in another way.

It goes without saying that you must contact your medical specialist for any medical-related fertility issues. Fertility Coaches are not qualified to provide medical advice.

4 signs of effective Fertility Coaches

1. Qualifications and experience

Fertility Coaches are most beneficial when they possess a combination of qualifications, professional experience, and personal understanding. When they have completed a certain level of study, you have to be assured they have the professional knowledge to support you.

Are they certified and registered with an accredited body or reputable organisation? It is essential to make sure your coach is certified and registered with an accredited organisation and governing body. What other experience and knowledge does the coach have? Does the coach have a proven track record of success with their clients? Have they had personal experience with infertility? While this is not an essential requirement, it does help as they have also been in the trenches, so they can bring their personal understanding to your sessions.

2. They customize their services/packages/ sessions to each client

This is a big one. As we all know, everyone’s journey through infertility, miscarriage, secondary infertility and while trying to conceive is different. So even though the basic ideas around support are the same, each program should be tailored to the individual client's circumstances.

A successful Fertility Coach has the ability to understand each client’s individual needs and tailor their support accordingly. Your coach should get to know you and your situation in very good detail before putting together a plan for you.

3. They have a valuable network

A professional Fertility Coach should have a strong network of other trusted professionals whom they can rely on. There are many instances when even the best coach will come across a client situation that can only be supported through expertise they don’t possess. If they have a strong network of support people, medical professionals, other coaches, etc., the best solution to the problem can be found for the client.

4. They get to know who you are and ask the right questions

Do they provide the option of a complimentary chat beforehand? This is essential as not all coaches are going to be the right fit for you. Ask as many questions as you can, and be prepared. You need to understand if this person can really support you along your journey. Fertility Coaches are there to help answer the questions that feel impossible for you to answer alone.

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Louise Siwicki, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Louise Siwicki is a specialist in the fields of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy, and Fertility Coaching, expert. She offers specialized programs for both women and men suffering infertility issues through pregnancy and early parenthood.

She uses different practical processes and techniques to rewire the brain of her clients and build new neural pathways. This eliminates and heals the root cause of stress and anxiety, the negative emotions and limiting beliefs holding them back from achieving the success and happiness they desire in life.

After suffering through 6 years of infertility issues herself, she has since dedicated her life to supporting women and men through this very challenging time in their lives. She is the founder and CEO of “Louise Siwicki Coaching,” author of "The Secret to Getting Pregnant is not Just in Your Body but in Your Mind" and a public speaker.

Her mission: To help everyone understand the importance of the mind and body connection. If you don’t master your mind, your mind will master you.

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