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3 Ways to Shift From Pain to Power

Written by: Renate Prandl, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you ever been in pain, any kind of pain: physical, emotional, financial? I guess the answer is yes.

Would you like to get out of pain and step into your power? Probably the answer is yes, too.

Before we go any further, let me clarify what kind of power we are talking about. It’s not the power to control someone or something. I’m talking about the power to make informed decisions and live a Life by Design, a life on your own terms.

Making those informed decisions and taking action isn't always easy, especially when we are hurting, doubting ourselves, and fearing. Yet it is possible, and the most successful people know how to deal with these challenges and how to rise above them. The top 3% of the world’s most successful high achievers - CEOs, entrepreneurs, athletes, thought leaders - are incredibly disciplined and committed to step into their power as a leader and good human being. This is not taught in school nor university, so let me draw back the curtain and reveal 3 ways to make this shift possible in a doable, holistic, and sustainable way.

See, there are mainly 2 types of clients who come to seek help from me:

  1. They are in physical pain, have “tried everything” to deal with back pain, neck pain, limitations after a stroke, not an optimal movement in sports, not the highest level of performance as singers or musicians, and they want to experience change and improvement using concepts of the Feldenkrais(R) Method.

  2. They are not performing as their very best self in business and life in general, and they want to experience High Performance(™) Coaching. They need more Clarity, Energy, Courage, Productivity, or Influence to step into their power as leaders.

The interesting thing is that no matter where you are, at what level you are, whether you are male or female, young or old, my system using the “Power of 3” works all the time. It helps you get from Pain2Power in your business, relationships, health, and fitness. If you make all the moves. There are 3 ways, 3 keys, to get out of pain, turn those obstacles into stepping stones, step into your power and potentially live a more integrated, balanced, vibrant life. You need all 3 for lasting change.

Are you ready for the reveal of what is required?

  • Shift your mindset,

  • Clarify your mission,

  • Design and do the moves.

Let me share some doable and highly effective tools on how you can get started today.

  1. Language. Whenever you catch yourself saying or thinking, “I can’t do it,” “I don’t want to have this pain,” stop. All your brain hears is negative words with negative vibrations, making sure to attract more of it. What is it you actually want to have? Clarify and Re-Frame

  2. Belief System. When you feel that you “have tried everything,” “that works for him/her, but not for me,” “you don’t understand my situation,” or “easier said than done,” stop. Ask yourself questions going deeper and deeper, layer by layer, looking at some underlying doubts, fears, past experiences, trauma. If you want lasting change, change needs to come from within. If you want to be received and perceived as a powerful leader, you need to do the inner work. Can you do it on your own? Yes, of course, you can. However, having an experienced coach or mentor in your corner helps shorten the 10, 15, or even 20-year learning curve, potentially. High-Performance Power questions to ask yourself: a. What else is there I haven’t tried or have given up after say, 1 week? b. What would it take to change? What would I need to stop doing and start doing right now so that it would work for me? c. What could I do to make it easier, and where could I start? Make sure you give yourself sufficient time and space and write down what comes to mind (high-performance power secret - wink wink.

  3. Deep Dive. If you implement what I shared above, consistently, you will see changes in your Mindset (from closed to a more open mindset), your Mission (why it’s important to step up as the powerful leader you are), and the Moves will be easier and become second nature. However, if you want more, more successful habits, more powerful behavior, more impact, more growth, more freedom, you may appreciate the following concepts based on high performance. To focus on your Strengths and not your limitations, you may ask yourself: a. What are my strengths in my career, business, family, and other relationships? b. Which ones should I develop right now? If all of them are important, pick one and proceed. c. What would happen or change if I lived more from these strengths? d. Why is this change important?

Write down what comes to mind. Have a journal and track your progress if you wish. You have to understand that these are powerful questions and my students invest a lot going through this hardcore level of coaching. We go really deep in the sessions as High-Performance Coaching is like “life coaching on steroids” (without the drugs), and we hone in on where to make the shift to move forward to a more useful future outcome. All this may sound simple and doable, right? Why? Because I have chunked it down for easy consumption. I hope you appreciate this. You are welcome.

I want you to know that you have a superpower, the Power of Choice. You can focus so much on the pain that it will be your constant companion, or you can focus on possibilities and a different outcome. The more importance you give a thought, and the longer you focus on it with importance, the more “real” it becomes in your mind. Which one will you choose? You can choose to stay in pain, or you can step into your power to make informed decisions, to shift your Mindset from closed to open, to have a strong Mission to stay on track when it gets difficult, and to have someone in your corner supporting you make all the Moves. Moves to have more freedom, more money, joy, meaningful relationships, more of everything that matters to you, potentially, and live a Life by Design.

Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit (He who wants everything loses everything) Seneca

For more information, follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or DM for fast track.


Renate Prandl, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Renate Prandl is Asia's Premier Sustainable Life Mastery Strategist, Certified Feldenkrais® Expert, sports coach, mentor, and Certified High Performance™ Coach. With over 40 years of combined experience as a Professor in a business school and entrepreneur, Renate uses a variety of proven techniques and applications to help you reach your highest potential, get to the Next Level, and potentially live your Life by Design - in a holistic, doable and sustainable way. Her "Power of 3" systems help you turn obstacles into stepping stones and build Physical, Emotional, Financial Resilience. Renate is the CEO of Body & Brain, Founder of Body And Brain Mastery, International Bestselling Author of 3 books, and has lived on 3 continents. Her mission states, "Anything is possible."



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