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3 Ways To Process Disappointment Healthily

Luke Whelan – Psychic Medium, Transformation Mentor. Utilising conscious living with universal understandings to bring and maintain sustainable growth in life. Providing accurate, valuable transformative readings and mentoring sessions via

Executive Contributor Luke Whelan

Many times often we encounter the reaction of disappointment. It could be when something goes wrong that you were working towards, quite often factors out of your control. Other times you are disappointed with yourself when stumbling you had vowed to achieve. Disappointment can be quite frequent in our lives in particular phases due to ourselves and externals like people and situations.

Frustrated stressed young Asian business man feeling strain or tried or disappointed at staircase

Whatever the case, disappointment is an emotion many of us struggle to handle, especially in healthy ways. For many, it creates a snowball effect or ripple of the same feeling into areas and situations it didn't need to be.

For old Luke? he was self-destructive.

Disappointment would have been a catalyst for other feelings like unworthiness, self-hatred, anger, confusion, withdrawal, and self-destruction. To me, I would shut down and lock down to avoid any other sense of failure and disappointment.

A deep-rooted cycle that took many years to step aside from while I worked out the base cause for it. Anything linked with vulnerability, rejection, criticism, and setbacks would trigger a comfort zone of drugs and drinking. A very detrimental comfort zone to have. I would avoid putting myself forward because I couldn't handle the feeling of things not working. So, the weight of disappointment is one that people sometimes avoid encountering.

Wrapped in a comfort blanket of distraction, avoidance and defensiveness not realizing we seal our own failure when we avoid the experience of disappointment, a natural occurrence within and throughout our lives.

(now of course, this isn't to say expect disappointment whenever you try anything but it is also a factor we can possibly experience when we do attempt to manifest or achieve something to enhance our lives).

So, how do we handle it healthily?

1. Validating and accepting your emotions and the situation the way it is!

So often we struggle to accept something the way it is. Not usually the thing we want, but the journey to get it; possibly due to the expectations in our mind. Struggling to move past our resistance and bringing in openness to adaptability and willingness to learn what is needed to make something a success.

Nurturing your own emotional reactions, especially to disappointment (which quite frequently link up to childhood experiences or let-down or rejection) brings out our inner-child reaction of sulking and paddy-ing becomes a crucial skill.

The ability to own how you feel (emotions are passing in nature, a signpost if anything) as well as accepting the result and/or situation for the way it is, is the first step to conjuring a path through, over, or around it to success.

Acceptance will lead to facing with clarity what you need to without scattering or resisting the inevitable.

Constructing a self-care plan as well as a physical plan is what works with this.

2. Journaling your thoughts and feelings

When you grow accustomed to the process of journaling to declutter your inner-self, you will begin to notice you get a bigger-picture view of yourself and your reactions. But, you also get to look at your predicaments in a different manner than you would if it was kept within.

This is a powerful healing technique, the main reason being you can discover then something is deeper routed as you link other times you reacted the same. Meaning it is a good cycle noticing practice that you can in a way, use as a therapy to uncover yourself. Making and healing links within the subconscious mind.

Some prompts you could ask yourself:

  • What has happened (without emotion)

  • What has happened in terms of your emotions?

  • How did you feel before, during, and after?

  • What did/do you expect to happen?

  • What could/can you of done differently?

  • What was/is in your control?

  • What was/is out of your control?

  • What can you do (self-care-wise) to bring you peace/stability?

  • What is your plan to deal with your situation?

  • Is your plan in your scope of control?

3. Someone trustworthy to speak with

Having a healthy, empathic as well as wise, and constructive support system that you can release and relax is important during times of disappointment, supporting you in finding balance.

When you have that space to talk you have half your situation and feeling, like the world is taken off your shoulders as it helps give a healthy scope on life and self. Others really help you see from a different perspective, and provide constructive steps you wouldn't have when emotionally impacted/close to something., blinding you from solution.

Some friends are great for comfort, some are great for emotional intelligence and others are good for plans. Meaning it pays to know who you're talking to about what.

The advice don't take the advice of someone whose life you wouldn't want to live.

If you find disappointment is a deep rooted cycle that you face time and time again. Dictating your actions and results in life be it personal, career, love.

Hypnotherapy would be a great source of support in overcoming that cycle with much ease and assistance. Over the course of 8 sessions you will find yourself free, able to uncover and overcome anything through your powerful subconscious mind.

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Luke Whelan, Psychic Medium, Transformation Mentor

Luke Whelan is an amazing, accurate transformative worker. The owner of Luke Whelan Psychic. Due to his childhood obstacles and mental health challenges and addictions through his teens and early adult years. Luke started to learn manifestation during his depression episodes at 17/18 years old, which led him on a path of empowerment and alignment with his purpose.

His readings focus on personal empowerment and have taken him around the UK working with many establishments. It's all about energy with Luke, universal consciousness, the soul, and growth is his forte.

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