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3 Ways To Nourish Your Fear

Written by: Dolores Andrew, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


A definition of nourish is “to cause us to live in a healthy state”. When you nourish something, you support it’s growth.

Fear on the other hand, in its unhealthy expression, causes stagnation, it brings contraction and a heightened sense around your safety.

By leaning in and investigating your fear from a higher perspective, you nourish it and allow it to loosen its grip.

Antonio Damasio, psychologist defines emotions as “Energy in motion, e-motion”.

Energy at its essence wants to flow and while on the one hand you want to be able to feel all your emotions, you also want them to come up but then flow.

When you develop fearful stories around past events in your life and hold onto them for dear life you stop their natural flow. You bury the stories deep in your subconscious along with the associated energy of fear.

These are then triggered by stories that can come up anytime and which have a vibrational match. In other words, something that has the same theme as your fear story.

That is why it limits you, because you get constant reminders, as if to say, “I told you so”.

Fear can cause you to lack direction and to stop you re-experiencing your past story, regardless of how irrational it may appear to others.

But–- It is your story and your truth while maybe not the ultimate truth.

How to Nourish Your fear – You Find it’s Root.

1. Look for the patterns around your fear.

When does fear arise? Is it when you read articles on a particular topic or something else?

What belief does it uncover? Lack of safety, lack of self-worth or something else?

Where do you feel it in your body? Your stomach, your heart or somewhere else?

What can you learn from this?

Your beliefs form at a young age and are based on the way you perceived life and your surroundings.

Your belief might sound like this; “It doesn’t matter what I say no one listens to me, everyone takes advantage of me, and I never get a minute to myself”.

This belief is telling a story about a fundamental part of yourself.

It can then manifest as a fear of speaking up, whether that is in relation to work or on a personal level. It also stops you asking for your needs to be met!

2. How attached you are to your fear story indicates the intensity of the fear and how much of a hold it has over you.

When fear is so big that it consumes you, then it’s limiting you. This level of fear will control everything and may compromise you moving forward with your life. It becomes your inner authority with no regard for your own intuitive gut instinct which gets bypassed. So too will the logical part of your brain that would reason with it.

You can examine your attachment by going deep with its truth. Perhaps you realise that a belief you took on when you were 8 or 9 is still running the show and perhaps you realise that you are still acting out like that 8 or 9-year old.

3. You nourish your fear when you take positive action to change its energy.

You take back your power and you face it.

Although your fear can limit you from expressing yourself, even when you have something important to say, you can begin by making small changes.

Start with yourself. Monitor your self-talk for 7 days. Notice the times when fear stops you from expressing what you need, what you want to say or how you react when someone says something to you.

Ask yourself if this self-talk is true? Is it bringing you experiences that you want for your life?

Looking for something or someone on the outside to change your circumstance rather than leaning into your fear will leave you disappointed.

Change is an inside job and when you take the time to nourish your fears, they will respond by flowing into their healthy states; you feel the fear and you bring up courage.

You take back control of your power and are back in the driver’s seat of your life.

Want to learn more from Dolores? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website.


Dolores Andrew, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dolores Andrew is an All-Star Accredited Lifestyle Leader in Holistic Life Coaching. Her personal coaching sessions and Corporate Training programmes are tailored to her client’s unique requirements. Dolores’ supports people to break through their personal barriers and reach their full potential, whatever that means to them. She supports them to reassess their values, effectively navigate their emotions and live their lives aligned with their authentic selves.

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