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3 Ways to Make the Most of Your PR Exposure

Written by: Mags Thomson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


PR is a great way to get your business noticed by new audiences and potential customers. Where advertisements usually only highlight a specific product or service, sharing your opinions, expertise, and stories through media outlets is a great way to create a human connection with your potential clients.

The more you get your name and business out there, the more this effect will compound. It is a longer-term strategy within your arsenal of marketing strategies. Because, although media attention can create a sudden and massive burst in your visibility, it is often more about building a foundation of authority in your field.

You can pitch directly to a publication and respond to source requests from journalists (try or join a publication like BRAINZ or FEM to regularly contribute and build the authority of your voice.

Of course, just getting your name and contact details listed in a publication is a good start, but there are ways to make the most of such a mention. I’ve listed some ideas below on how to leverage your PR mentions.

1. List the article on your website, linking to the article.

A simple way to add authority to your brand and improve the SEO for your website is by listing and linking to articles, podcasts or shows you were featured in.

As a visitor to your website, seeing your media features gives me a sense of your authority. It shows me that you have something to say and that people are listening. From an SEO perspective, it is essentially the same thing. explains that “the search engines consider [external links] as third-party votes.”

In other words, both human and search engine visitors to your site will see the listing and linking of your PR exposure as confirmation that other people appreciate your expertise, so they should too.

2. Tag the publication when you share on social media.

Sharing the article you were featured in on your socials is another great way to show the world that you have things to say, and people are letting you say it!

When sharing the article to your socials, make sure to tag the publication so they can engage and possibly reshare your post. This will give you more exposure for this post (and possibly some new followers), but, perhaps even more importantly, it makes the algorithms happy, so your other posts will also gain more traction. When you see the publication share about your article, engage with the post too. Interacting with other accounts is another way to make the algorithms happy.

So, adding the social to your social media by tagging, liking, and commenting means that you don’t just generate more exposure for your article. It also means that posts about your products and services will get some extra juice.

3. Create more content around the article.

Use the article as the basis for a live video, podcast episode, or blog post.

“I was recently featured in So-And-So Magazine, and it made me think about. So, I decided to share some more about ….

You catch my drift! You can elaborate on your own contributions or respond to the journalist or other contributors (please be kind and constructive, this is about relationship building too). You can also give more in-depth ideas or practical tips to take the content of the article further.

Again, link to the original article, tag the publication when you share your new blog or video. It will all add to the traction you can get out of your PR efforts.

Your story is your greatest and most unique selling point.

Have you ever lend a book or magazine to a friend because you thought a story or piece of information in it was just SO insightful? Well, now is the time for you to be the author of that book or magazine article!

Harness the power of storytelling and collaboration to propel your business forward with the help of House of Hives. By joining a collaborative publication and getting your story out in a way that invites people to share about it. Find out more about our services here.

Follow Mags on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit her website for more information!


Mags Thomson, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine

Mags is a story coach, impact co-creator, and the founder of House of Hives. She helps female entrepreneurs and change-makers use their personal stories in their business, bridging the gap between emotive storytelling and strategic marketing. Together with developmental editor Karina Asti and event strategist Ana Gallo, she helps women co-create books and collaborative online summits to empower themselves and their brands.



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