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3 Ways To Connect To Your Intuition Today

Written by: Rylee June, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Oftentimes in the new age spiritual communities and within many spiritual practices meditation, journaling, silence, and energy healing is recommended to be able to better connect with your intuition. The truth is that though those methods may welcome some form of temporary clarity they are not a long-term solution for you to be able to understand the difference between an intuitive download and a thought of fear that may trigger anxiety unless you can understand these 3 things we are about to talk about.

Before all else you have to understand what your intuition even is.

Your intuition is the language of your soul, the language of your energy and the energy that surrounds you through relationships, your body, desires, money, experiences, global connections and everything in between.

When working with clients their number one desire to connect to their intuition is to overcome their past wounds, challenges and limiting beliefs to be able to find their purpose.

Your purpose can only be found from within you, which requires these 3 understandings, and a deeply rooted connection to faith. Because even in understanding these 3 things for yourself will only ever get you so far, you will always be subjected to some level of self-limitation based on your beliefs, current environment and what information you subject yourself to.

1. Awareness Of Thoughts

The first thing you need to understand to be able to connect more clearly to your intuition is the awareness of your thoughts. Humans have between 30,000-60,000 thoughts per day, it is impossible to focus on all of them, but the ones we tend to think about and focus on are the ones that are based on a specific energetic pattern our bodies are used to being in. A state of being your brain expects to experience without hesitation. Your thoughts are what fuel your experiences, perception and reality in life. Scientifically there are patterns that take place within and beyond any energetic experience you are having at every given moment of time.

Becoming conscious of the thoughts you are focusing on will grant you access to WHY you are experiencing your life in the way that you are and begin the process of allowing you to more deeply understand to differentiate between the voice of fear and the voice of intuition guiding you to better experiences, changes and deeper healing in your life today.

Study on thought awareness - particularly scroll to the section of Open Monitoring Receptive Practice

2. Emotional Intelligence

When it comes to your intuition your emotions play a big role in helping to guide into experiences and memories that have disconnected you from trusting in the guidance that is coming through for you. Emotions are energy in motion, they show up to guide you like a GPS to what is really going on behind the thoughts you are thinking.

Take a person who is afraid of ghosts for example and a person who is not. If both enter a haunted house one will have thoughts of fear and a reaction emotionally to anxiety, where the other one will likely be affected very little and not experience an emotional reaction other than maybe a sense of curiosity or neutrality.

However, intuitively regardless of the fear or lack of fear, from either person intuitively both will be able to feel something energetically that each one will process slightly differently. The person who is more anxious and in fear will be more hyper vigilant than the other person, making them more susceptible to feeling the energy of the room at a higher rate than the other person.

Especially since there has been a stigma placed on this haunted house, even if no one has seen ghosts in this house or not. Assuming there have been other people who have enforced energetically that there is a reason to fear this space, and the person more hyper vigilant will equally feel that on a more inclined rate.

HOWEVER, regardless of the fear or not, the emotions being expressed and experienced are both guiding each person inward to understand something more deeper about their emotional experience. For the anxious person it may be a sense of self mastery to overcome fear for the other person is may be a deeper sense of empowerment to know they conquer irrational fears and this may be something they can apply to themselves in another area of their life that is like a “ghost” but they are seeing it as a bigger challenge than it is.

Our emotions are always trying to show us something deeper within, a consciousness, understanding or story that is dictating our lives in some way, what triggers those emotions may be rational or irrational to the very circumstance you face, or may actually just be the trigger for something else happening in your life. That is why awareness of your thoughts are so powerful to help you explore and navigate this on a deeper level. In part helping you to be able to identify and understand what your intuition is picking up on and reading in terms of energy in any given situation.

View Study On Emotional Regulation (Scroll to this section

3. Faith

Believe it or not this is the most important one. In new age spirituality teachings there is often a heavy emphasis on faith but from a place of “just choose one” (universe, guides, angels.. etc) and ultimately what one is left to do is then settle with the one that brings the most comfort or validates them in that moment. In order to trust you must have faith, and without faith you are left to your own demise at every turn because a person can only see what they want to see, or are willing to see in a given experience. Through studying the results of my clients and the transformations that have happened in myself the one common theme to my clients having greater success in their desired changes, their ability to trust, their ability to forgive, let go, heal and move forward with a deeper sense of purpose was vastly different between those who chose the God of the Bible and those who closed their mind to only connections that were more universal.

Faith is something that has to be disciplined, it is not something we come by honestly, as there are tons of reasons throughout life that present us with the opportunity to not have faith

in better outcomes or results. Faith is fundamental to life, especially when you turn yourself to one source that holds you accountable to your thoughts, actions, display of person and the way that you live your life. It doesn’t always make that truth and guidance comfortable, which it shouldn’t anyways, but is always guaranteed to challenge you in a way that helps you to see greater than where you are or who you are in that moment.

Your intuition will come through to guide you in directions, thoughts and experiences that oftentimes can not guarantee the desired outcome, but what it can do with faith is help you to move through and beyond no matter what the outcome is.

3 things to start doing today:

  1. When your emotions are triggered in anyway less than neutral

  2. Begin observing your thoughts of what could be perpetuating that emotional experience

  3. Practice devotional time with God through his word (not the ideas of who you think he is, there is an actual book to reference) and let the voice of your creator be your guide for trusting in the direction your intuition is taking you today, and equally each day for the rest of your life.

It gets clearer and clearer every time you tune in, practice and keep moving forward.

To learn more about my work and how you can become more intuitively connected check out my podcast ‒ Intuitively Connected.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Rylee June, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Rylee June is an international Intuition Master Coach and spiritual activator. Supporting thousands across the world in healing their trauma and limiting beliefs, as well mentoring and coaching those who offer energy services in curating ethical and deep transformative experiences for their clients. Podcast Host, Self Published Author & a pioneer in her industry, Rylee June is here to take a stand in the spiritual industry and create ethical practices for those seeking energy and life transformation support.

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