Written by: Justine Beauregard, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

There are countless ways to measure your marketing effectiveness. More common success benchmarks include conversion, engagement, and open rates, depending on the platforms you are using to market your offers. The digital landscape is evolving in 2022 to be more qualitative as well as quantitative. Your goals may be more served by leveraging both, and since data is a well-known method already, let’s explore some less conventional techniques.

Customer Feedback
If you’re not measuring the quality of customer experiences yet, now is a great time to start. The relationships you have with customers – and even potential customers – are a great indicator of future growth. Happy customers are the lifeblood of successful businesses.
Your best customers will buy more and more often, create better brand awareness, lower your costs to market, and so much more. They will also share honest and constructive feedback more freely and contribute ideas for consistent improvement. Finally, they will become brand champions and inevitably be a cog in your sales engine to make growth easier over time.
Content Funnels
It takes an average of 7-10 unique impressions to move someone from unaware of what you sell to aware of your offers and, finally, to a paying customer. When you measure simple analytics, you do not always have a clear picture of why or when someone did buy. Perhaps a specific flow of engagement or content funnel performs better than others. Perhaps timing plays more of a role than you think. Perhaps you have a source that produces higher conversions than others.
Getting more intentional with your content funnels makes measuring marketing effectiveness simpler and more consistent. This also allows you to learn how to sell through content, which is a skill you develop as your value and messaging become clearer. Knowing if a certain topic, format, platform, or other element of your content funnel trends higher in terms of performance can make your marketing strategy work smoother overall.
Personal Confidence
How you feel about your own marketing is a great indicator of success. The more confident you are when you share who you are and what you sell, the better your results. This works in reverse as well, as in, the more you show up and share your offers the more confident you become. When you make it a goal to grow in confidence as a marketer, you will see inevitable changes to your marketing effectiveness.
When your confidence is high, you’re happier. When you’re happier, you’re more likely to see your value and the value of what you sell. You will also value others more, which impacts your attitude, the words you use, the way you communicate, and so much more. This is something you can define, measure, and improve over time that is well worth the effort.
The Bottom Line
There are many ways to measure your effectiveness with marketing. Find your top measurements for success, both qualitative and quantitative, and consistently track them. If you keep them top of mind, you will be more likely to see improvement faster. You will also notice the changes you make sooner to build in compound growth.

Justine Beauregard, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Justine Beauregard is a Marketing Coach for compassionate entrepreneurs worldwide. She uses the skills she's learned as a marketing and sales training expert since 2008 to empower her clients to thrive in their zones of genius + joy to maximize their net impact and income. Since 2015, she has launched two 6-figure businesses of her own and developed a unique marketing process that allows you to be yourself, do what you love, make an impact + still feel like a human who cares. It has been used by hundreds of entrepreneurs worldwide to grow up to 6x revenue in as little as 30 days. Her work and expert opinions have been featured in major online publications such as Brainz Magazine, CIO.com, FitSmallBusiness.com, and Business2Community.com.