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3 Unconventional Key Strategies To Combat Work Burnout 

Amy Yee Chong is a Transformational Mentor & Author, who struggled with Self Identity and lack of direction. It's through integrating innovative systems of Human Design & Gene Keys that she experienced massive transformation.

Executive Contributor Amy Yee Chong

Work burnout. We've all heard the term ‘Burnout’, but what exactly is it? It's that feeling of being completely drained—mentally, emotionally, and physically. It’s when you lack the motivation, energy, direction or desire to keep going, and everything feels like a struggle. Burnout often stems from boredom, dissatisfaction, doing something that you dislike, or being pushed beyond your energetic limits. In this article, I’m going to explore some unexpected and not commonly known causes of burnout and share life-changing strategies that can help you rediscover your drive, and motivation, alleviate stress, better manage your energies and bring back fulfilment and balance within your everyday Working Life. So, let’s dive in!

There are too little hours in this day. Shot of a young businesswoman looking stressed out in a demanding work environment.

How energy management shapes our experience with burnout

When we think of Burnout and possible ways to better manage or recover from burnout, the most common solutions that come up on Google Search are to prioritise Self Care habits such as: Sleep, nutrition, exercise, and socialising combined with well-being practices, like meditation, journaling, and enjoying nature.

I’m going to take this a step further and add that the above should not be a remedy, this needs to be a way of life, if not doing all of the above all at once, we need to at least prioritise some of these practices in our everyday lives.

Work takes up a huge part of our lives, and when burnout hits, it doesn’t just stay at the office or work placement. It spills over into our relationships, health, and overall well-being.

After over four years of self-study, which is still ongoing, I’ve awakened to my unique energetic makeup and design, thanks to Human Design. This system has completely transformed my perspective on work. It helped me see why I felt so drained and unfulfilled after a typical 8.5 hour workday in the office. 

If more people understood their unique dynamics and respected their energetic boundaries, there would be fewer burnt-out Workers. Let me use myself as an example. I’m what's known as a "Projector" in traditional Human Design, or an Advisor in Human Design for Business which means my energy works differently than, say, a "Generator" also known as a “Builder” in Human Design for Business. Knowing these differences and honouring each individual's Human Design type, is a game-changer.

Projectors, like me, don’t have that consistent go-go-go energy. We thrive with shorter bursts of work followed by rest. Meanwhile, Generators have a steady supply of energy (a bit like a rechargeable battery), but only if they’re doing work that excites them and lights them up. If they’re in their zone of Genius, they can keep going without burning out! 

The 3 unconventional strategies to combat burnout

Through my journey of self-discovery, I found my path to prosperity with meaning and purpose, that energises and fulfils me. My mission and role is to Guide Impact-driven and Influential Individuals to lead and share their Knowledge and Expertise within their Community or Network so they not only honour their unique way of working but also support and serve the right people within their community/network leveraging their decades of Work experience.

With the life-changing epiphanies of unlocking my natural gifts and talents, honouring my energetic boundaries and knowing what Work Structure and Environment works best for me, burnout is now a thing of the past.

Now, I want to share three unconventional but highly effective strategies that have the power to transform how we approach work.

These are:

  1. Discovering Your Ideal Work Structure

  2. Creating Your Ideal Work Environment

  3. Aligning with Meaning, Motivation & Purpose

Let’s explore each one.

1. Discovering your ideal work structure

We are all wired differently, and that includes how we work best. Understanding our unique energetic design allows us to structure our workdays in ways that honour our natural work-flow rhythms.

Human Design offers valuable insights into whether we process information more left-brained (logical, focused, strategic) or right-brained (creative, free-flowing, open-minded). Some people thrive on a structured to-do list, while others prefer a more spontaneous, go-with-the-flow approach. When we align with our natural way of working, burnout becomes a thing of the past and we’ll find that our energy levels stay consistent the more we work with our energies rather than go against them.

The epiphany for me occurred when I discovered that my way of taking in information, how I learn, how I see things, through my Perspective and how I conceptualise, which is the thought process from what I see, are all right-brained, yet I was working in an environment that was very strategic, organised and focused. So you can already get a picture that I was going against the tide rather than riding the wave that I’m naturally built to operate in.

When we experience being aligned with the Structure of how we naturally Work, process and take in Information brings forth a naturalness and ease in our Work and manages our Energies efficiently to maintain Optimal Output and consistency in Workflow.

2. Creating your ideal work environment

For years, I believed burnout was all about the job itself—the tasks, the hours. But it’s more than that. The environment in which we work, including the team dynamics, can make or break our energy.

For example, the Gene Keys (derived from Human Design, with a deeper understanding of energetic Frequency levels) highlight our ideal work culture. Some of us work best alone, others thrive in partnerships or groups, some excel as part of a larger network and others work best at Societal Corporate level. Discovering my ideal environment was a game-changer. I realized I function best in small, familiar groups of between 3 to 15 people, where I feel safe and connected. Therefore working in an open-plan office, where people who I’ve never met before came and went, no wonder I always felt drained at the end of the day. Another reason for energy depletion also comes from whether you have Open Energy Centres (based on the chakras), which are where you take in other people’s energy and emotions rather than coming from yourself.

If we’re consistently feeling drained in an open-plan office, it might not be just the work—it could be the environment that’s sapping our energy. When we’re in the right environment, everything flows, and burnout turns into fulfilment and direction rather than dissatisfaction & lack of drive.

This strategy can also provide answers to why some people work better remotely whilst others feel they get more done in a busy office environment. It all relates to how our Ideal Work Environment shows up for each of us!

3. Aligning with meaning, motivation & purpose

We’re living in a time where people are no longer satisfied with just having a job—they want to feel fulfilled and purposeful so they can create an impact in their own lives, in the lives of others and maybe leave a legacy for the future generations to learn from and be proud of. I believe that’s an excellent mindset to shift into which is to not just settle for less and resign to the fact that that’s just how life is. It’s a positive next step closer to experiencing a joyful Working Life that is fulfilling and authentic as people are open to work in a way that leverages their natural gifts and talents, by supporting and helping others with their decades of Work experience, expertise and knowledge.

Gone are the days when we worked just for the paycheck. Now, it’s about finding meaning in what we do and contributing to the world in a way that lights us up. When we’re aligned with our true values & follow our correct motivation, we’ll naturally attract the right people, opportunities, relationships and projects into our lives. For example, my motivation, which is how my thoughts are motivated and how I conceptualise what I see in thoughts, is the energy to be an influential guide, empowering people to tap into their potential and leverage their leadership qualities to self-lead as well as lead others. These have the flavour of Leadership, Influence, Authenticity, and Being Natural. When I tap into that I feel energised, inspired, and ready to support those who are ready to adopt their Unique Way of Working by leveraging their Influence and Leadership qualities.

The indication that we’re on the right track is that feeling that keeps us fulfilled and happy. When we’re feeling fulfilled, this feeling of bliss shows up in our aura, which can be felt by others. People will know straight away whether we are living in our purpose or not because we’re shining an inner light (radiance or glow) that emanates health and vitality. This can also show up in the face of that person.

In conclusion: Craft your own unique way of working

Achieving fulfilment in work goes beyond just the tasks on our to-do list. It’s about understanding ourselves—our energy, our environment, and what truly motivates us. When we blend these elements, we create our own authentic and unique Way of Working by Design that not only prevents burnout but also brings us joy, satisfaction, and a deep sense of purpose and meaning. Armed with all these helpful insights about ourselves, we begin the process of not trying to be like somebody we’re not and accept the fact that that’s just how we naturally operate! These empowering insights validate and provide a sense of freedom to naturally just “Be” who we truly are and who we’re here to be.

Ready to discover the foundation of your ideal Work by Design? Click here to receive an Instant downloadable personalized Work By Design Blueprint, tailored to your unique Energetics and Personality designed to help you thrive in both work, relationships and life in general! These insights are extracted from your Human Design Bodygraph and summarized in a way that is easy to understand and digest. Using this Blueprint you can choose to dive even deeper into your self-awareness and self-discovery journey.

Other resources include

The Potent Potential Social Platform which is my FREE private version of Facebook & Linkedin but without the annoying distractions, with a focus specifically on your Personal Growth and Self-Discovery Journey! A space where subscribers access insider posts, Resources, Chart Mini-Interpretations and opportunities for Q & A.

The Potent Potential Membership. Is a paid membership paid monthly. With exclusive access to myself for Support and Guidance, which you won’t get anywhere else, together with access to a Digital Resources Library and 1 x Personalised Human Design Blueprint per month of your choice, you can take on your own Self-Discovery journey of self-empowerment and enlightenment, from whatever stage you’re at. As a monthly paying member, you get access to ask me any of your questions on an all-in-one private platform, so it’s a great investment, not only to access a Digital Resources Library but also to receive your personalised answers to questions you have. Mentoring Services can get very expensive, but within this membership (6 months minimum duration ) it’s a more affordable alternative.

As a Projector type in Human Design guiding is how I naturally operate.

My mission is to change people’s perspectives and challenge their beliefs about how they Work. To break the cycles of ancestors or what previous family members have done in the past, to adapt to more future Way of Working, which is moving towards being more personalised and individualised. By the way, Human Design also provides insights into your Future Direction from 40 onwards. This is something that can be unearthed for yourself within the Membership.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Amy Yee Chong


Amy Yee Chong, Transformational Mentor to Talent & Potential Guide

Amy Yee Chong is a Transformational Mentor & Author, who struggled with Self Identity and lack of direction. It's through integrating innovative systems of Human Design & Gene Keys that she experienced massive transformation. Breaking free from the inner blockages and challenges that prevented her from feeling confident to show up as her true authentic self. Evolve and Elevate is where she provides resources and mentorship support to Women experiencing the same struggles. Her mission is to shake up the way Women in their late 30's & above perceive themselves & recognise their unique potential. Life becomes simple when women feel free to embody and embrace their Authentic truth to naturally self express.

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