Written by: Nina Urman, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

There are 3 toxic lies most high-achieving women and moms believe about pursuing their dreams. Let’s debunk each one of them.
1. I am not enough/I don’t deserve this
Doing this work, I have seen so many amazing global wonder moms (who can lead a conference call with the same ease and grace that they strike an asana and network their way through a charity event ) that have this one belief in common.

I am NOT ENOUGH. Not good enough, smart enough, not confident enough, not pretty enough, not thin enough, not selfless enough,… you fill in the blank.
ENOUGH already!
When you believe you are not worthy and not enough you make decisions from a place of lack, always trying to fill the void of not-enoughness, to seek approval and validation. This belief prevents you from working on your dreams and making them a reality because your brain always finds evidence that there is something “wrong with you”, that you are broken and undeserving.
2. There is no time
It seems like: Everyone seems to want a piece of you. You are taking care of your husband, the kids…the social life, planning the family trips. You are overwhelmed and constantly catering to the needs of others, because you believe there is never enough time and you won’t be able to get it all done.
You start resenting your husband for all of the extra (amazing) social events he drags you to…and at the end you feel exhausted and energy drained.
No wonder you cannot focus on your dreams!
Here is the truth my friend:
Time really can't be managed.
It doesn't need to be managed. It doesn’t need to be mastered.
Time just is. What needs to be managed is us-the human beings.
What needs to be managed is our thinking about it.
There's no such thing as managing something external that we can't control.
So make sure whenever you feel like there's not enough time, or there's too much time, or I can't find the time, I am running out of time…just know that time is always there, and it's always consistent, and it never changes.
There's always enough time because there's always only the amount of time there will ever be.
Can you feel the awareness shit?
3. I am not in charge
By thinking you are not in charge of your life, or the decisions that are being made FOR YOU, you give your power away.
You feel helpless and defeated, small and powerless.
This belief doesn’t serve you in any way. It provides temporary relief but can be detrimental in the long run.
You start hiding rather than really going after your dreams.
And there are so many distractions, so many false pleasures, and false desires to enjoy at the moment that you never really get to the place of FLOW to create the things you want in life.
Maybe you think: “I am taken care of” and “Do I really need to go for it anyway?” And then you give up. On yourself and on your dreams.
Do any of those beliefs ring true for you?
Thought so.
It is time to take charge of your life.
Time for you to bring your gifts out into the world. Time to SHINE.
The good news is that all of these beliefs are just sentences in your brain. Sentences that you have thought over and over again.
All of your growth is in the discomfort. It is outside your comfort zone.
Let me show you how you can rewire your brain and think differently on purpose.
Ready to use this work to finally create a life where you enjoy success without the stress?
Let’s make TIME for YOU and your dreams.

Nina Urman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Nina is an intuitive life coach & keynote speaker supporting high-achieving mom's to make TIME for THEIR dreams.
A Russian-German former professional tennis player & facilitator Nina has over 10 years of experience delivering transformation around the world.
She works with ambitious, driven women leading them to an understanding of how their stories, beliefs and the environments they operate in can trigger self-limiting behavior.
As an expert in Mind-Management, Leadership, Intuition, Mindfulness, and Conscious parenting Nina offers a holistic methodology & laser-like tools to ignite real change that lasts a lifetime.
She thinks in English, feels in Russian, organizes in German, speaks fluent French and coaches in all four languages.