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3 Tips To Transform Perfectionism Into Creative Flow

Written by: Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Ilaria Storch

Have you ever thought if you are a recovering perfectionist? I know I am… Each day more I have found that you can organize and plan many things in your life – and usually good enough and manageable is much better than perfect, for most things. We are talking here of our everyday lives, tasks, chores, creativity and dreams.

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Generally, the smaller things, like a closet in order, maybe with different colors, or by nightwear and daywear – you have your personality and your preferences here – tend to be easier tasks – unless you never make time for that or are just too overwhelmed to do it. What is very useful and is a strategy I frequently use – and has grown to be a broader life vision by now – is to emotionally decide, inside yourself, what is truly relevant in that specific moment.

In a challenging and very speed fast world, sometimes simple things like returning emails can use up more energy than we want. Keeping your office, or home office, tidy, is important – it contributes to flow and results – after all, one must know where the cables, laptop and other devices are, right? – just a little joke here, to keep it light.

So, then you find yourself on the weekend and you feel like sitting a couple of hours with your grandparent, and listen to her play the piano, chat with her and have some cookies – your priority shifted to something very important. Deep In your heart, you know closet can wait. And you can even make that a lovely subject to talk to her about – like: “granny, how did you keep your house/closet so lovely and tidy, was it simpler then?”

Here you will discover that talking to different generations is always important – it builds bridges of understanding and connection – it helps you think beyond yourself, and you have a lot to share as well. It can take time, because being open takes practice and patience. Check the link below on the generational article.

Every now and then, I ask my mother, very active even when retired – she was an alpha multitasker then – before Apps and, of course, with much less traffic in the streets – how did she cope with it all? To most things she said, “I asked for help, paid attention to what brought me joy, and was fun to other people working with me as well, and I knew you girls were always my priority.”

Many years have passed since our kids were small, and nowadays we find ourselves with three dogs, two small cuties and a big Dobie. And I notice how much more relaxed I have become, learning to let go of – like my kids say “micromanaging” – these dogs came to teach an important lesson – focus more on the now, be organized with play and good food, sleep well, and relax more. And always find time for love and joy. You can create time!

And the good thing about finishing up smaller goals and tasks is that they make you feel happy and energized to go on to bigger life goals and plans.

Here a few tips to use when you are overwhelmed with commitments and responsibilities.

Compartmentalize the tasks and subjects

Choose an office issue and a home issue to fix during this week. At home, it can be focusing, for example, on a floor repair, or a dripping sink, start researching the professionals and prices, before you hire. And you can also choose a specific talk that you need to have with family. Put it on the calendar. Do it and move on.

In relation to the office issue, what needs immediate addressing? Talking to your boss, finishing a report, calling in team for feedback and update on the goals ahead? Pick one, calendar it, give it your best and off you go. You may even find that by the time you managed these first two home and office challenges, time will surprisingly open for you to do more.

Become friends with some degree of chaos

This is a classic make it up as you go along. When our kids were growing up, it seemed that I had to have all in order, plus all the extracurricular activities met, plus fit in creativity and work, plus time off, plus everything else. As I say, Life is Nomadic by Essence, things change – and also your objects and things are not static – dishes are used, clothes must be washed, a work deadline moved closer, a garden needs tending, the car needs to be running smoothly.

Celebrate a day that goes according to plan and welcome and be grateful as well when things get off track – sometimes cancelling a night out and sleeping in can be the best thing you can do.

Change environment and go to a creative atmosphere

When all else fails and you start to falter and become unproductive, anxious, and just a bit blue – grab your laptop and find another place to work – it can be just the other office room that is empty, a coffee shop, a park with Wi-Fi connection and lovely juices.

Get yourself out of the place that is not helping you create and smile, find a venue with a different atmosphere and people, and relax into your tasks – renewed and revigorated.

This works with kids too – maybe skipping a specific extracurricular class one time, to unexpectedly visit a museum, a friend, granny, go for a walk, or movies, will motivate them to be more focused and present next time in class. Use common sense and wisdom, with a touch of joy.

Read more about sharing ideas with different generations and collaborating, click here.

Helping you find your talents and live creatively the way you want to, wherever you are!

Remember to get your 7 Free Tips to Feel at Home Anywhere, with new inspiring pictures, here.

You can connect with me also on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!

Ilaria Storch Brainz Magazine

Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ilaria Storch, a Life Coach Nomad, is the creator of Life Coach Nomads, where she shares her passion for travel and for inspiring people everywhere to access their true center and find more connection and energy on the way to more joy, fun, and fulfillment. She practices that following your emotions, wrapped up in a personal structure that can connect your goals, desires, and love, is the path to all real and true growth. Wherever you are, change is nomadic by essence, and it takes time, support and starts inside you when you absolutely desire to develop yourself and move on. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Advertising, speaks many languages, won a Fashion Illustration Award during College, and loves coaching her clients towards their expressive life journey.

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