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3 Techniques To Shift Your Mindset – The Number One Reason Why You're Not Succeeding

Written by: Ciara Clark, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What’s the one thing that's getting in the way of you achieving your ultimate success?

What's the first step to achieving just about anything in your life?

It's your MINDSET.

So much of what needs to change about our mindset to be successful is the way that we view ourselves, our capabilities, and the world around us. Our mindset involves our daily thoughts, and our conscious mind, driving our emotions towards happiness, sadness, anger, restlessness, anxiety, and self-doubt.

But then there’s our subconscious programming.

  • The thoughts that create our feelings.

  • The feelings that provoke our actions.

  • The actions and behaviors that create our reality.

Changing our mindset begins with the awareness of our daily thought patterns. Once we become more aware of our mental roadblocks, we can consciously bring forth the effort to move forward in a different direction by creating our new life through thoughtful awareness and execution.

In this article, I will share with you 3 powerful techniques to shift your mindset to set you up for daily success and to create that thoughtful awareness from within.

1. Connect to Your Breath

One of the most solid foundations that I received from my yoga teacher training is that the one thing that remains within us when we are born, to the moment that we pass away, is our breath.

Take notice of how your breath changes during certain situations.

  • How does your body react when you are stressed?

  • Do you find yourself breathing from your belly or from your chest?

  • Does your breath become shallower?

In parallel to the changes in your breath, take notice of the narratives and thought patterns that are often created during these situations, and influencing your mindset. We often create stories that are not in alignment with our reality. By bringing your awareness to your breath, you're able to channel your energy back into the present moment and create a more positive environment for your mindset.

Being in the present moment allows space for more clarity, thoughtful execution, and mental release.

2. Release What's Bringing You Down, Including Negative Thought Patterns

Notice how you're feeling when you spend time with certain people.

  • Are you consistently feeling a low vibe?

  • Are your thought patterns navigated in a negative direction?

  • Is their energy positively supporting your overall wellbeing?

Be honest with yourself.

Start examining the steps that you’ll need to take that will provide you with a more positive and supportive output. Maybe you'll need to change your circle while shifting your mindset into a more positive environment for growth and achieving your desired goals. Positive thinking is associated with greater happiness and a healthier well-being.

One study published in the Psychological Bulletin demonstrated how having a positive mindset can influence your overall success. The theory is that positive people are more likable, which helps them to connect, build rapport, and solidify their relationships.

Release and dive deep into some solid thought work and watch your life transform.

This leads nicely into my third technique …

3. Start Evaluating the Meaning You Take from Things

When we think about the essence of thinking and what really influences our mindset, it's the simple process of asking and answering questions related to the world around us. The thoughts that we have are created by the series of questions that we ask ourselves daily. Notice if there is a general theme to the questions that you're asking yourself. If so, think about how you can start changing these questions.

Remember, it's not the events of our lives that define us. It's the meaning that we take from our circumstances.

That meaning creates an emotion and that emotion channels a behavior that causes us to have a certain reaction.

When something happens in your life, start asking yourself what would you need to believe for this event to serve you? For example, my father passed away 21 years ago, and it took me 10+ years to come to peace with his passing. I credit my exposure to yoga to help me process my feelings as they arose, but I had to shift my mindset to find the light in his passing. I learned to reframe my thought patterns and change my mindset from thinking "I'm so sad and angry that he's no longer here ..." to "… his soul is at peace now and he's no longer suffering. How can I continue to live out his legacy in a positive way?"

Start asking yourself the powerful questions.

  • What do you need to believe for an event to best serve you?

  • What is one simple mindset shift that you could make today to change how you are living out your experiences?

When we have a negative thought, our awareness of the thought makes it lose its power over us. This is a major tactic for training our minds to get ahead of our negative thought patterns.

When it comes to our relationships, our trials, and our businesses, we don't need to believe everything that we think. We have the power to control our thoughts. Most of the thoughts that we think are inherited from a flawed question that we keep asking ourselves.

So, ask yourself today, what do I need to believe for my thoughts to serve me best?

Start asking yourself different questions. You'll receive a more positive answer, which will define a healthier environment for your mindset.

If you enjoyed this article, please visit my website to learn more about how supporting your wellness can help you to achieve your business goals in 2022!

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Ciara Clark, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ciara Jones is a Level 2 Integrative Health Practitioner, Holistic Health Coach, Certified Yoga Instructor, and Plant-Based Expert. As a former Scientist by trade, she suffered from years of debilitating digestive distress, which led her on a personal journey to achieving optimal wellness. Through the power of mindset, movement, plant-based nutrition, and functional medicine, Ciara blends her scientific and holistic expertise to create customized wellness approaches, empowering her clients to find strength in healing their own bodies. She utilizes an individualistic approach to focusing on their unique biochemical needs to restore the body on a cellular level.

Ciara is the founder of Ciara Clark Wellness, where she helps high-achieving leaders to amplify their gut health and achieve their goals to bring vitality back into their bodies again. Her intention is to support busy professionals with developing a deeper understanding of their biological footprint, and the food and lifestyle choices that work best for them, while improving their overall energy, balance, health, and well-being.

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