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3 Techniques To Boost Your Fertility Naturally

Written by: Vicki Renz, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Vicki Renz

Womb healing is becoming more popular with women who are trying to conceive and looking for natural, holistic support. It may at first seem like a far-out concept because from the outside it is something intangible and may seem like a leap of faith for many. Let's look into how womb healing works and explore three techniques to boost fertility naturally. 

Checkup uterus, female reproductive system, women's health.

Our womb is like our second heart

Your womb is so much more than an organ. Your womb is like your second heart. She holds emotions, trauma, pain, ancestral patterns, patriarchal and matriarchal wounds, creating energetic blueprints which could be blocking your optimal fertility.

The holistic side of boosting your fertility

I am grateful for my Gyno yet they never recommended any kind of holistic therapies to support me. They were only concerned about physical checks, blood work, stats and data. Your fertility doctor or Gyno can support you with the physical side of getting pregnant, which is so important. However, remember that the holistic side is absolutely vital for your optimal fertility as well:

  • Your emotions

  • Your inner vibration

  • Your cellular memory

You are your body, mind and your spirit. You vibrate with energy which we can’t measure.

Start by acknowledging your womb

As part of your morning routine; upon waking, place one hand over your heart and your other hand over your womb. Be sure to do this first, before getting distracted with thoughts of the day ahead and definitely before turning on your phone.

Tune into your inner energy by connecting with your body, breathing into your heart and your womb. Whilst this may seem like a very simple exercise, it is in fact deeply powerful because you are acknowledging your womb as a part of you that is loved.

Recognise your womb as a place of love

Did you ever notice that your womb is shaped like a heart? That’s why I love to call her your “second heart”. Your womb feels emotions and contains memories. You can feel this so easily in your heart, yet we forget that our womb is so similar to our heart.

Modern society has distanced women away from their intuition and being at one with nature. Instead we are constantly on the go, distracted by energies external to our body and forgetting to listen to our inner vibration and guidance. Our wombs have become a space that is more associated with pain during our menstruation or from other blockages such as endometriosis.

Tuning into your womb brings you back into your feminine flow. As part of your morning routine, send love from your heart to your womb. Sense your womb receiving love, notice how good it feels. Many women experience wonderful shifts in the natural balance of their cycles from adding this to their routine.

The more you connect with your womb, the more you can shift heavier energies that could be blocking you from being your most fertile self.

Your womb holds cellular memory

Did you know that the cells in your womb could be holding on to heavy energies of trauma, pain and repetitive patterns that could be blocking you from optimally flowing? Just a quick side note here you have heard about people who have received a donor organ, especially after a heart transplant, feeling the memories of the donor?

Scientists have proven that our bodily organs contain memories. Very often, during Womb Healing Sessions, ladies discover and understand the heaviness that they are holding onto within their womb space and are able to heal and release the energy.

They go on to experience massive shifts in their fertility shortly after.

Your Gynecologist may not discuss Womb Healing techniques with you because it is something that cannot be rationalised. Our inner vibration and energies cannot be seen or measured underneath a microscope. Yet you can begin to feel these energies, the more you practice and the more you connect with your womb.

Womb healing: A leap of faith worth taking

Stepping into the unknown is something that we, as human beings, are always cautious about. Our inner voice actively discussed all of the contra arguments rather than getting excited about the positive possibilities.

You don’t have to start womb healing on your own when there is a tribe of like-minded women ready to hold and support you. Take a deep breath and then have a look. It’s like dipping your toe in to test the water. Womb healing turned my own fertility struggles into the joy of becoming a mother, which is why I know it’s worth that leap of faith.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and visit my website for more info!

Vicki Renz Brainz Magazine

Vicki Renz, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Oh My Mama Body supports women to understand their body through fertility and beyond. Over the past 20 years, Vicki has developed her energy healing techniques, shaping them specifically into supporting women to reconnect with their womb, to rediscover their incredible inner feminine creativity and to reclaim their most fertile, flowing and confident self.

Vicki Renz is a shamanic womb healer, channeller and popular YouTuber. She channels powerful healings and guides women to deeply connect with their womb to release the energetic root cause behind their fertility blockages, awakening them to their natural flow and creative core.

Struggling with recurrent miscarriage and unexplained fertility in her 30's, she used her own healing techniques to heal and become a mother of two.

Vicki felt an urgent calling to awaken others to the energies within their womb and assist them with unlocking and rediscovering their feminine intuition and guidance so that they can abundantly flow.

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