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3 Steps To Write A Better Story For Yourself And For Humanity

Written by: Silvana Avram, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Faster Higher Stronger – Together

If you have been, like me, following the unbelievably inspiring stories unfolding at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, you are also probably aware that on 20 July 2021, the International Olympic Committee approved a change in the Olympic motto that recognizes the unifying power of sport and the importance of solidarity: the word “together” was added, and the new Olympic motto now reads: “Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together.” The Latin version has also been updated to “Citius, Altius, Fortius - Communiter,” and the French motto is now: “Plus vite, Plus haut, Plus fort - Ensemble.”

IOC President Thomas Bach explained the decision in his remarks before the unanimous vote:

“Solidarity fuels our mission to make the world a better place through sport. We can only go faster, we can only aim higher, we can only become stronger by standing together — in solidarity.”

Whilst this may seem like a small step, I believe it is, in fact, a reflection of the shift in consciousness we are starting to see in the world and that it has the potential to be “a giant leap for mankind,” a turning point for humanity.

We are currently at a time in history when it is becoming more and more apparent that the updated Olympic motto must be applied not only to sporting prowess – but to every aspect of life in our society.

The Earth is suffering. Our systems have shown their limitations. We seem more divided than ever, socially, politically, economically, and the current pandemic has further exposed and exacerbated these divisions.

Yet, if we keep the faith, if we look deeper, we start to see a different picture: the countless gestures of kindness and support, the selfless sacrifice and courage of so many, the strength and resilience that keeps all of us going - and a new paradigm emerging: the paradigm of solidarity.

It is up to us to turn the current crisis into an opportunity.

Let us rise to the challenge. Let us seize this opportunity and decide, together, to write a more positive, uplifting story for each one of us and for humanity – a story based on the power of solidarity and the strength in unity.

The Paradigm Of Division

The truth is there for all to see: the narrative we have embraced so far has not made us happy. We have hurt our planet. Our world is plagued by violence, mistrust, injustice, discrimination, poverty.

And everywhere we look, there is division. Division is at the heart of our geography, our history, our social and political systems, our models of the economy.

Despite regular reminders, throughout the ages, from inspired leaders in all fields of knowledge, about the power of compassion and the strength found in unity, we have created a world in which most of our efforts are directed towards reinforcing division, not solidarity.

Division breeds competition, judgment, and discrimination.

It brings about feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, injustice, helplessness, and despair.

On a metaphysical level, the division has led us to believe that we are separate from the universe, in conflict with nature – vulnerable and lonely.

We have lost trust in life.

We have lost trust in ourselves.

We have lost trust in our capacity to be generous and happy.

We have lost trust in humanity.

From Competition To Shared Joy And Solidarity

But there is hope. There are signs that we are starting to see the limits – the absurdity - of our old story.

We know, deep inside, that all forms of discrimination are absurd.

We know that selfishness does not bring happiness.

We know that “being first” at any cost is meaningless.

We know that hiding from the truth will only add to our misery.

What we need now is courage, honesty, humanity.

And that is why this year’s Olympic Games and their inspired updated motto could well turn out to be the turning point in our story.

We saw resilience and humanity when the refugee Olympic team reminded us that “We all share the same story.”

We saw courage when Simone Biles decided to put her well-being ahead of success and image and be truthful.

We saw countless examples of honesty and respect summed up beautifully when the French judoka Clarisse Agbégnénou, gold medalist, warmly hugged and thanked her opponent, Slovenian Tina Trstenjak.

And we saw the best of friendship and solidarity when Qatar's Mutaz Essa Barshim and Italy’s Gianmarco Tamberi decided to share the men’s high jump gold medal rather than continue to fight for “supremacy.”

These and so many other beautiful stories seem now more poignant – and more potent than ever.

They duly remind us that individual success is only meaningful when shared, when in service to a common good, when contributing to a larger story.

“Faster Higher Stronger – Together” – Remember?

That word, “together” – makes all the difference.

We can only succeed together.

We can only be truly happy together.

Only by being kind to ourselves and each other, recognizing greatness in others, and sharing our achievements will we get to be the best we can be and write a better story for humanity.

A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity

The past two years have been challenging.

The COVID pandemic has affected every corner of our planet, every aspect of our lives.

We had to stop, adapt, and change our ways.

The crisis has forced us to face our vulnerability and confront our deepest fears, but it has also reminded us of our resilience and humanity.

As crises often do, it has brought us a huge opportunity.

Rather than allowing things to further deteriorate or trying to go back to a “normality” that wasn’t really working, we must act now.

Much like the athletes who have to rise to the challenge – we must seize this chance and write a better story.


We can go Faster.

We must aim Higher.

We will feel Stronger – Together.

Are you ready?

The old model of ruthless competition and division, of selfishness and greed, of “everyone for themselves,” is clearly outdated.

Sure, we will not be able to change it overnight. But we can make a start. Today. With courage, honesty, clear vision…and solidarity.

3 Steps To Write A Better Story For Yourself And For Humanity:

1. Go Faster

Take the initiative. Replace the old narrative of division with the paradigm of solidarity in every context, with every opportunity.

There have been many voices throughout history, encouraging us to treat everyone with compassion, to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

We haven’t been listening, obviously.

Let’s make a start today.

Let’s lead the way.

It will not be easy, but if each one of us commits to doing it, we will succeed. And it will be worth it.

Here is what you can do:

Every time a situation arises where there is conflict, opposition, division, acknowledge it and make a conscious decision to choose inclusiveness, peace, harmony, solidarity.

Be kind and patient with yourself. The “me against you” “us against them” narrative has permeated our world. You will inevitably fall into its trap again and again. Notice it and smile. Turn every such situation into an opportunity to practice kindness, test your new philosophy, and apply your firm decision to remain compassionate. Do it when you notice your reaction to people and events. Do it with situations arising in your family and in society.

Don’t be discouraged if you fail, if you forget. This will take time. But you have made a start, and you are showing the way.

When you feel tired or disheartened, remind yourself that you are doing this for all of us.

Remind yourself that there are no enemies. We are all brothers and sisters. Really. Unquestionably.

Our individual stories merge into a bigger story – the story of humanity. We have a common destiny.

Do you believe that we are all in this together?

That together we can do so much better?

That solidarity makes us stronger?

Do you agree that we have a common destiny, as humanity?

Then use this belief as your constant reminder and motivation.

And trust that the rest will follow, naturally.

2. Aim Higher

Embody the new paradigm of solidarity. Be an example of inclusiveness, kindness, and compassion with every opportunity – daily.

Make it a point to do random acts of kindness daily. Make it a routine – do it deliberately. It can be as simple as a kind remark, positive feedback, or a small favor you do a friend or a stranger. Just praise or encourage someone, honestly, lovingly – as many times as you can – daily.

Do it consciously, do it joyfully.

Shifting the focus from yourself to others is liberating and reinforces solidarity. Imagine that your gesture sends ripples of light and positivity to the world, to our common story.

Ask yourself every morning: How can I help? How can I be of service today?

You are doing it for all of us –for humanity - but also for yourself.

Helping others makes us happy.

3. Stronger Together! Spread Positivity!

Share your joy, your trust. Pay attention to - and share - all the great stories you encounter.

Stories of courage and humanity, of love and sacrifice, of resilience and generosity. Stories that inspire, stories that uplift. As often as possible, share positivity.

The more of us doing so, the better. It will take effort to change the prevalent negativity we see everywhere around us. Be patient and keep faith in our vision for humanity.

Together, we can make solidarity trendy.

Don’t let yourself be discouraged. This should not be hard work. Instead, it should feel like play. You know this is the future. You know you are already writing a better story.

Spread the word. Tell someone – tell everyone that you have decided to see the world, your life, our life – in a different light.

We are not talking about a new religion, another “woke” movement…or an attempt to get attention. We are simply waking up to the truth we have known all along.

That we are all in this together. That we are part of a common story.

Together, we can make this awareness the new trend…the new paradigm…the new reality…and thus, we will have really changed the story of humanity…from a story of war and self-destruction to a story of togetherness, of courage and beauty.

The symbolic gesture of updating the Olympic motto can truly become a turning point for each one of us and for humanity.

“Faster Higher Stronger – Together”

Let’s do it. Let us change paradigms. Let us upgrade our vision of the world. Let’s take responsibility.

Let us replace division with solidarity.

Lets’ do it for us, let’s do it for all of those who dreamt it before us…let’s do it for the future generation. Let’s do it for humanity.

“Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one”.

It is time…it is time…it is time…

To move Faster

To aim Higher

To choose to be Stronger – Together.

Are you in?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Silvana Avram, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Silvana Avram is a successful, Inspirational Life Coach, philosopher, author, teacher, and founder of Life Coaching with Silvana - whose mission is to empower us to embrace our uniqueness, fall in love with life, fulfill our potential and create a beautiful legacy.

Fascinated from a young age by the mystery of life and our place in the universe, Silvana has been on a quest to find her own answers to the big existential questions facing humanity. Now an acclaimed Coach and Author, she draws on her extensive study of Philosophy, Psychology, Meditation, Holistic Healing, and Spirituality to create a uniquely inspirational and empowering style of Coaching - also reflected in her Book “Being You and Loving You” in which she guides us through an unforgettable, transformative journey of self-discovery and self-love.

Convinced that we can overcome the prevalent paradigms of fear and division, Silvana has recently focussed her attention on developing a radically innovative approach, outlined in her upcoming book, “Living in Eternity” – and which has earned her an unexpected nickname: “Miss Eternity”! She argues passionately that, rather than chasing goal after goal and living for tomorrow, we should, instead, live every day, every moment, with the joy, awe, and serenity we experience when we see our lives from the perspective of Eternity. When we choose to live in Eternity, everything falls into place, everything we do takes on a different meaning, and we become aware that, as humanity, we are, in fact, constantly creating our common legacy.

Silvana’s ambition: to inspire us to write a better story for ourselves – and for humanity – in Eternity!

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