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3 Steps To Integrating Your Spiritual Life Into Business Life

Written by: Ashley Provencher, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I believe that business is a spiritual game, as well as a mental and emotional game. I believe that we need to have a good spiritual foundation when wanting to start a business, and even when we’re seasoned entrepreneurs.

The rollercoaster of emotions will have you running, or celebrating, depending on where you are on it. The only thing that remains constant is the level of faith you have in a higher power. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling to subscribe to any specific faith, but rather, a faith that is founded within you.

Meaning, what you call “It” doesn’t actually matter.

Faith is a funny thing, it’s easy to have faith when things are going right, but what about when they’re going wrong? Not so easy to do. So in this article, I’m to going outline 3 simple steps to hold tight to your faith, especially when business isn’t going your way.

Step 1: Breathe.

Yes, simple I know. Overused, absolutely. There is a reason why this simple statement is overused. When we allow our fears and anxieties to rule over us, we take short, shallow breathes. It robs our body of oxygen that is needed to problem solve. It even leads to more intense feelings of anxiety.

So, when things are not going right, and your feeling anxious and fearful, take a deep breath in, really make sure your belly inflates. As you do this, count to 4, slowly. Feel it start in the belly, then move up towards your lungs. Hold this breathe for 4 counts and then exhale.

You may need to do this step a couple of times. Does it make the situation rectify itself? Of course not, but what it will do, is allow your brain to have enough oxygen to problem solve. It also allows your spirit to be more present in your body.

Step 2: Don’t be afraid to talk to yourself. All the great ones do!

Sometimes, when people are new to the spiritual realm, I ask my clients to just get into the habit of problem-solving out loud. It doesn’t matter if you mutter under your breathe or scream out loud, just know your environment and take it away!

What this does, is create communication with yourself. And who better to get the answers from? Our higher selves know the exact answer we need to be able to see. Keeping our thoughts inside does not allow us to tackle the issue from different perspectives, but rather allows our ego to become involved in making the “best” decisions for us. We all know how that turns out more often than not.

Step 3: Meditation.

Meditation does not have to be sitting cross-legged for hours chanting Om. It can be something as simple as letting your mind clear. The practise of meditation is taking the focus off the mind and thoughts and putting it on the breath. I don’t need to tell anyone that business can cause you to be in your head to much. Entrepreneurs are constantly problem solving, whether that’s how to get your product out, how to acquire new clients or even how to retain your clients.

The mind is a great follower, but a terrible leader, if I can quote Allen Watts. Meditation allows you to take control.

Business requires a balance of mental, emotional, physicals and spiritual health. I hope these tips help you to integrate your spirituality into your business.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Ashley Provencher, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ashley is passionate about helping women realize their true potential by helping them navigate their shadow and learn how to use their voice. She is a business development coach as well, locally, and focuses on Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs.

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