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3 Steps To Ditch The Go-Go-Go Mindset

Written by: Alejandra Beatriz Marqués Méndez, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How many times have you found yourself in a rush, living on autopilot, without slowing down for a minute?

I sure have in the past.

We’ve been conditioned to think that if we stop, we are lazy and that if we are crazy busy, we are doing it right.

As a productivity & balance mentor, I always advocate for getting rid of the go-go-go mindset. If you want to be more productive, you need to understand that breaks are needed.

Today I’m bringing you 3 steps to ditch the go-go-go mindset:

1. Unplug

Unplugging = disconnecting

Sometimes we feel forced to answer an email right away, check our phones every single minute, and do many other things, but the truth is that we can also control this habit and don't lose ourselves in the process.

Technology is a great ally, but it is also one of our biggest distractions, so I want to invite you to put your phone on airplane mode for an hour and go outside and have some fun, connect with real people, and then journal about how you felt about it.

Trust me, the more you unplug, the more you'll enjoy it ;)

2. Redefine what success means to you

If saying you’re always busy is a badge of honor for you, maybe you need to redefine what matters the most to you and how you want success to look like.

By changing your definition of it, it will become easier to identify what you truly want, and it will allow you to slow down to achieve more.

3. Prioritize yourself

Stop putting yourself at the bottom of the list. Yes, that endless to-do list I know you have.

One of the first things you need to understand is that you cannot achieve your goals if you’re not feeling good if you’re not making time to yourself, and if you keep prioritizing everyone else but you.

Which of these 3 are you committed to starting applying more into your life?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more tips!


Alejandra Beatriz Marqués Méndez, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Alejandra Marqués Méndez is a former criminal law professor at university and project manager turned founder of Your Plan A. She is known for being entrepreneurs and businesses owner’s Productivity & Balance Mentor and is currently an Executive Contributor for a digital global magazine as a Time Management & Goal Achievement Mentor.

Since becoming a coach, she has been a frequent speaker on guiding women, especially female entrepreneurs, to leverage their time, be more productive, and have work-life balance with her signature T.I.M.E. method. She has also been featured in a large number of publications such as Medium, Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, Brainz Magazine, Morning Lazziness & more. Alejandra is a 2021 honoree of the CREA Global Awards for top entrepreneurs, influential leads, and innovators who have been recognized for their accomplishments in the areas of adaptability in business and mental health.

With over 8 years of experience as a professor at university, working in one of the biggest Law firms in Spain, in notaries, research centers, and more, having achieved 2 bachelor’s degrees (Business Management and Law), 2 masters, and several certifications, still have time to learn six languages, and have time for her loved ones, she has been fortunate to help women worldwide to create the life they desire by using their time as their most precious resource, creating more balance and achieving their goals with ease.

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