Written by: Mei Flynn, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The digital nomad lifestyle is now becoming popular with people choosing the location free lifestyle whether you work in your home country or travel to other places. It’s hard to know where to start to create this kind of lifestyle so here are some tips I would like to share as I often learnt the hard way on my travels. These are common questions I get asked when I coach clients to become digital nomads.

How can I afford to travel?
This is usually a big concern, with fears of running out of money and being stranded in a strange country can be scary. I know I have been living close to the edge too many times!! Going travelling needs some planning and research to look at the cost of living in the country you’re planning on going to. In my experience even in the cheapest countries like Thailand it is still easy to go through your money quite quickly!! Take time to research where you’re going and see what other travellers say about the cost of living and how much they spend in a day so it can give you an idea.
Tip – When you have worked out your budget add 20% so you have enough to buy a return ticket if you need to. It’s also good to have a credit card as a back-up in case of emergency or your regular bank card get retained by the ATM machine…it happens believe me!! It’s also good to talk to your relatives or a responsible friend before you go and see if they can wire you some money in case of emergency if you get stuck, e.g. Western Union or Moneygram.
Will I Feel Lonely If I Travel Alone?
Yes of course you will feel lonely at times and it is hard to leave family and friends and you will miss them especially at special times such as Christmas and birthdays. Travelling is an amazing experience and a great opportunity to get to know yourself better as well as making lots of new friends from around the world. It is easy to think you’re the only one on your own but you will meet lots of other people in the same boat and then you’ll be planning lots of amazing adventures together. Friends you meet along the way become your second family abroad and hopefully will help you feel less lonely. I have travelled with friends and alone and personally I like to meet new people and I think it is easier on your own. If you travel with a friend it is easy not to make an effort with other people and even the best friendships can be tested especially when you are both tired and hungry after a 12-hour bus journey!!
Tip – You can keep in touch with family and friends via Zoom, WhatsApp etc and talk to them regularly and you can share with them all the amazing experiences you are having……they will be jealous!! It is also good to stay in hostels if you are travelling alone as they’re very sociable and usually have a communal area which is a great way to meet other travellers.
What If I Decide to Come Home After A Few Months?
Some people go home after a few months and decided it wasn’t for them, didn’t like the climate or unable to find work. Moving abroad is an experience in every way and you need to treat it that way and learn from every part of your trip. Whatever the reason you move abroad you might be afraid that you have failed if you decide to return home. Anything you do in life carries a risk of failure and no one wants to leave everything and go home after a few months with people saying, ‘I told you so.’ Try and focus on the positive experiences you gain while travelling and people you meet.
No matter what happens to you there will be lessons to learn and other opportunities will emerge. Try and enjoy the experience in a different country and make as many friends as possible, learn the local language and explore different places. Going home is not a failure but maybe a sign that the time and place was not right for you at that time.
Tip – Do not make a rash decision when you are feeling homesick or having a rough day. I’ve done this so many times to then later regret the decision as the bad day didn’t last and the following day I would feel a lot more optimistic. There will be ups and downs while you’re travelling just like when you are back in your home country. Give yourself a few days to look at what is going on and be sure of your decision so you do not have any regrets. It also helps to talk to someone else who is travelling or you may want to seek the advice of a professional coach with travel experience. If you do go home do not let it stop you taking off again at another time in the future.
I hope this article helps you to look at where to start if you are considering the digital nomad lifestyle and check out my other articles sharing tips on my travels such as staying productive while travelling and where to stay. I would love to hear your travel stories and experiences if you are a digital nomad travelling the world.

Mei Flynn, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Mei Flynn is a Holistic Confidence Coach who inspires and empowers women 40+ to tap into their inner confidence to live the life they really want. She's suffered from low self-esteem most of her life and using a range of different psycho-spiritual techniques she has transformed her life and is now passionate about helping clients to do the same. The key is to help others to let go of limiting beliefs and blocks that's stopping them from living a happy and fulfilled life. Her mission is to help women thrive and not just survive.