Written by: Heidi Jennings, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

It’s well known that poor physical health has powerful flow-on effects to our mental state, but what about when it’s the other way around? What happens when our thoughts mess with our ability to experience great health?It’s far more common than you may think.
Working with many clients over the years, we have seen it all. 95% of the time, our coaching programmes deliver incredible life-changing results, but occasionally, there will be those who stumble. They start out with a hiss and a roar, are incredibly focused and determined, then…something goes haywire. It has nothing to do with the programme itself, or ratbag genes that won’t cooperate.

Rather, that ugly beast called self-sabotage will knock on the door, charm its way in, then ruthlessly run away with one’s hopes and dreams.
Many people have no understanding of why they reach a certain point with their goals, then fall off the wagon. They beat themselves up for being lazy or unmotivated, yet the truth is that deep down, they don’t believe they deserve to be happy, and self-sabotage kicks in. The fear of success can be very real, because it can be uncomfortable to move away from what you’ve always known into a new and exciting way of being. It can be confronting to think about what other people will say or think of you if you change for the better, or how you will feel in your new skin. If you want to be healthy, this beast must be locked out and banished for good.
Secondly, great health will remain elusive if you are not clear on your ‘why’, or the driving force behind your reasons for change. When you get really clear on why you want to take charge of your health, you are more likely to follow through and are more easily able to get back on track when your commitment wavers. Your ‘why’ will be unique to you and could be anything from wanting to travel the world in your 60s, to watching your grandchildren grow up, or being able to tick off every item on your bucket list before you leave this earth. Your ‘why’ doesn’t need to be out-of-this-world crazy, but it does need to be something that sets your soul on fire. If you get excited about your ‘why’ for becoming healthy, you will be driven to get moving and make it happen.
Finally, you will never be healthy if you fail to plan. Your plan doesn’t need to be crystal clear, but you do have a better chance of success if you figure out how you’re going to get to where you want to be. Write down your goals, then break each one down into easy-to-do chunks. Think about your current habits and routines that need to change, then write down what you will replace those with. Think about any hurdles or obstacles that might derail you and how you will overcome them. Get clear on who you can call when you need help or support, and don’t be afraid to reach out to a professional who can walk beside you on the journey. Any goal requiring focus and commitment will generate a much higher success rate with a support network firmly in place.
Striving for and achieving optimal health will completely change your life and allow you to become the best version of you.
Ready to change your destiny?
Believe you deserve it, ignite the fire, plan the process and GO!

Heidi Jennings, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Heidi Jennings is a Holistic Health Coach specializing in Plant-Based Nutrition. After a health crisis left her bedridden and disillusioned with conventional medicine, she embraced a holistic approach to help her heal. She now runs her business alongside her husband Steve, and together they deliver holistic coaching programs to their clients. They specialize in chronic pain, anxiety and depression, stubborn body fat, menopause symptoms, autoimmune dysfunction, and sleep issues by focusing on the five pillars of health; nutrition, exercise, gut health, sleep, and managing stress. Heidi is also a guest speaker and is currently authoring her first book. Her mission is to change the lives of 500,000 people around the world by empowering them to take control of their health and happiness.