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3 Reasons Mom Guilt is Hindering Your Business

Written by: Corina Taylor, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Imagine this: You're in the zone, working on your business, reaching out to that dream client, setting your schedule for your training and zoom calls when it hits—mom guilt. You look at all you have to do and start thinking you should be spending more time with your kids. You’re always thinking of what else I have to do with my business when you're with them. You want to really be with your kids to be really present and give your clients your full attention as they paid for. Sound familiar, then keep reading.

  1. ​Set your kids up for success as you do with your clients; create a routine, so your kids know how the day will flow, when they have 100% access to you and when they don’t. Before your 1:1 with your client, get the kids outside to play to blow off that endless kid energy, then set them up with a snack and a quiet activity. Your kids will be much more relaxed and far more likely not to interrupt while you’re working, and you get the bonus of having some time just with your kids.

  2. Note when you’re feeling Mom Guilt, is it when you are working with a client or staring at a mountain of laundry that has to get done? Get your kids involved. You’ll get the benefit of connecting with them, getting the laundry done, and teaching your kids valuable life skills. Being present with your kids doesn't always mean playing.

  3. Stop comparing yourself to the 100% fake pictures of the “perfect family” that we’re deluged with. It’s not real! When you start hearing yourself start chirping at you in your head with Mom Guilt chatter, use your sternest, firmest voice and say to yourself, stop it! You may not speak to me that way. If you can’t say anything nice, then be quiet! Remember, if you wouldn’t say it to your best friend, then you shouldn’t be saying it to yourself either.

With a little bit of awareness, a dash of reframing your perceptions, and a smattering of confidence in yourself, you can ditch the Mom Guilt for good. You'll be able to give your clients the experience, the attention, and focus they've hired you for and give your kids the gift of your attention and focus they need and crave. It’s not a one or the other and isn’t some demented contest for who gets the most attention wins. Give yourself the permission to reach your goals, serve your clients all while being the present parent you want to be for your kids. You started your business to provide your kids with the life you want to give them now, do it.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Corina Taylor, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Corina is a natural-born kid whisperer whose superpower is being able to connect with children on a deep and intuitive level. Having spent most of her life working with children in one form or another, operating an in-home daycare for over 15 years, and running numerous successful small businesses, all while raising her two amazing sons. From these experiences, she had gained the unique ability to see both the parenting and business side of things and combine them successfully and easily. She uses her college education as a Special Education Assistant and the numerous classes and courses she attended on child development, behavior, and psychology to maintain her license for her daycare, to provide her clients with the necessary tools to become the present parent they want while running their business successfully. She's highly sought out as a speaker to share and teach her 3 Pillars of her Parenting Philosophy in summits, conventions, and classes worldwide. She’s a published writer for Elephant Journal and and is currently working on her first book published in the fall of 2021.

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