Written by: Anna Frummerin, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Coaching is becoming increasingly popular and companies worldwide are investing in either having an in-house coach or outsourcing one to help their employees perform better. One of the common misunderstandings about coaching is that it is only for those people who are broken and need to be fixed. Well, that is not the case at all.

Coaching is about helping you discover and become aware of your hidden potential so that you know exactly what you need to do in order to move to a new level not just in your career/business but also in other areas of life such as wealth, health and relationship. Here are 3 proven coaching tips which help you do just that.
1. Generate Clarity:
CHUNKING is a powerful Coaching Technique that helps you achieve Clarity. Clarity is Power. The clearer you are with your communication, planning and delegation, the better your colleagues understand the connection of their individual roles with the higher purpose of the organization. Having Clarity also drastically reduces the number of problems that could occur.
2. Replicate Excellence In Any Field:
MODELING is a powerful Coaching technique which allows you to replicate the thinking, behavior and strategies of the people who have already achieved the results you want to produce in your field. This super-charges your employees’ productivity and dramatically shortens the time required to produce results as you are following a proven path.
3. Understanding How People Communicate Differently:
Did you know that every single person has a different way of communicating and understanding things? The topic of MODEL OF COMMUNICATION explains how our inner thoughts, focus and behaviors result from not what goes around us but how we interpret it inside our own minds. This means each of your employees sees the world differently and interprets it differently.
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Anna Frummerin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Anna Frummerin is a Leadership & Mindset Coach with a core focus on helping her clients achieve results by enhancing their mindset and improving their communication. As a 4-time cancer survivor, she has discovered through her own life experience what it takes to win in life no matter what the challenges are. She is a Certified NLP Leadership Coach, ICF Certified Executive, Life Coach, and Action Learning Team Coach and has dedicated her life to helping others become the best version of them. She is the founder of A New Approach (ANA) – An online coaching and training company serving clients across the globe. Her mission: Discover the "Hidden Champion" inside and win big at The Game of Life.