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3 Parts Of Your Identity

Louise Taylor Lopez, is a Spiritual Alignment Coach who works with those who are spiritually sensitive and want a deeper understanding of the supernatural for greater levels of power and freedom in their lives. Louise is a retired army wife and mother of 5 children.

Executive Contributor Louise Taylor Lopez

When it comes to knowing your identity there are several things that make up your identity. In this article we will touch on 3 important factors that affect who you are and contribute to your identity. These 3 are usually not what people think about when you mention identity.

Woman covering half of face with white mask

These factors get overlooked but play an important part to the whole. Let's look at how your identity is tied into these 3 components shall we?


First identity

Let's look at what were your past choices. The choices that you have made in your past have brought you to this point in your life. How did you make your choices? Have your choices been made out of fear, tradition, out of environmental constraints, or out of desperation? Why did you make these choices? Have they brought you closer to your dreams and passions? Were your choices made out of love or something else? Knowing how to make good choices is very important to your destiny and future self. Making emotional choices can make you rollercoaster through life. Making wise intentional decisions for your life makes your identity and vision clear and attainable. Instead of blaming life for all of your problems. 9 ways to find your true identity and discover who you are. - Third Bliss


Second identity

What stage of life are you in? Are you a college student, a new parent, single, married,or divorce? Parents of little children, teenagers, college students, or young adults? Where you are in life is important. The level of responsibility that you have and time available to you is very important. Prioritizing what you do with your free time is very important. If you are a college student your goal is to finish your assignments and pass your class. High achievers want to make the highest grade in that course. You will have to prioritize time to study over wasting time with entertainment. Work hard now and play hard later. A new mom prioritizes the health and well-being of the newborn over her appearance. Having a plan for your life and recognizing the different stages of it. What you can do during that time will shape your identity. Circumcision of the Heart – LifeSpring International Ministries (


Third identity

What is your position? Your position gives you authority and access to greater things. You gain position by gaining knowledge.

How much knowledge do you have about a particular topic? What skills have you acquired throughout your life? Have you implemented the knowledge and skills you have gained? Are you doing what you truly enjoy doing? You can only elevate by gaining more knowledge. Making sure your stage of life allows for your expansion at a rate you are comfortable with. And positioning yourself to be known for your knowledge, skills and a history of competence.

In conclusion, when it comes to your identity you can sacrifice enjoyment to gain knowledge and experience. Bringing you to an identity and vision that you have for your life. You can steer your life towards passion or complacency by doing what is required of you to see it through. Visit here.

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Louise Taylor Lopez, Taylor Lopez Coaching

Louise Taylor Lopez, is a Spiritual Alignment Coach who works with those who are spiritually sensitive and want a deeper understanding of the supernatural for greater levels of power and freedom in their lives. Louise is a retired army wife and mother of 5 children. She focuses on empowering you to be whole in mind, body, soul, and spirit. She has programs to train and equip you to have control over your life. Her mission is to see people have dominion in the earth.

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