Paulina is a World Class Leadership Coach for CEOs who excels at igniting iconic presence and personal power in top-tier leaders. She is also an International Speaker and Bestselling Author. For over 15 years, she held senior roles in Global Corporations serving Fortune 100 companies.

Why am I asking you to wake up? Aren’t you already awake? Perhaps you are, however most of us are still asleep. Deeply asleep and in charge of their automated mechanisms.

I was called to write a book that will explain in practical steps how to actually take charge of your own life, do your own work first and then create a bigger impact, and live a fulfilling life, leaving a worthy legacy behind.
Here are the first 3 keys – Read my book to master all 11
Here is what Neale Donald Walsch said about it in his foreword and praise for the book:
“Our challenge is to awaken ourselves, and nudge the sleepwalkers who make up so many of our companions on this journey, removing ourselves from, and ending, our long global nightmare. We can do this. This is not impossible. All we have to do is reach critical mass in the number of us who are willing to undertake the effort.
Are we willing to be the beings we are capable of being? Are we willing—as Pauline Stankiewicz invites, urges, and encourages on these pages—to wake up, do the work, and save humanity? If your answer is yes, you’ll find keys with which to open that door, right here.”
Neale Donald Walsch, Foreword for “Wake Up – Do the Work – Save Humanity”
Get your copy of the “Wake Up – Do the Work – Save Humanity” book here.
I didn’t always think we could change the world. For years, I was asleep, blaming others for everything bad around me, unaware of my potential impact. In my 15-year corporate career, I held leadership roles, though often felt like just a manager because neither I nor my bosses truly understood leadership. Improvement came through corporate training, learning from others' mistakes, and a handful of good leaders.
Even in my last role, where I built a team I was proud to leave behind, I felt immense pressure and responsibility. Despite external success, I was led by internal saboteurs like the Hyper-Achiever and People-Pleaser. I couldn’t listen, lacked internal leadership, and my big visions were easily crushed by simple doubts. Back then, I didn’t recognize this fully—perhaps only as “impostor syndrome.”
Leaving the corporate world led me on an intensive personal-growth journey. I learned from top leaders and mentors, applying this knowledge in my business and coaching others. I've seen that most leaders act out of fear, controlled by self-sabotage, a concept rooted in our early development. This internal battle between good and evil boils down to a choice between love and fear, sage or saboteur.
Success doesn’t shield you from emptiness. Wealth and accomplishments can coexist with anxiety, overthinking, and a lack of fulfillment. You might be a high achiever but still feel lonely and disconnected. This was my reality—impressing others with my job while feeling empty inside, leading to burnout.
Fear and stress are why many, including myself, endure this. As a hyper-achiever, I constantly delivered more, not realizing life could be different. Years of studying the human psyche revealed that most leaders are similarly pressured. Temporary successes mask the lack of personal power.
One client, Anna, epitomized this. Despite her growing business and seemingly perfect life, she was overwhelmed and avoided her family due to stress. Working together, we used the 11 Keys to unlock her personal leadership, bringing her peace and effective decision-making.
I want you to face the truth and understand your mind's programming. Change must come from within. Many feel lonely at the top, but you’re not alone—most act on autopilot, driven by fear. I believe in your potential for true happiness and fulfillment, which is essential for positively impacting the world.
In my book, I will guide you through my 11 Keys method to help you grow internally and create a significant impact. Below are the top 3 keys to get you started!
Key 1: Be your own person
Are you your own person? Absolutely! You are whole and complete just as you are, fully responsible for yourself and your life. This is the ultimate truth—we create our life experiences. However, most of society doesn’t believe this and falls into the habits of blaming, criticizing, and victimizing, which disempowers them and leads to a feeling of not owning their lives.
Being your own person means taking charge of who you are. It involves looking at your life, mind, body, and spirit, and fully connecting to your wholeness. First, you must become aware of yourself, understand it, and then own it. This book will guide you through this process in depth as you step into your hero’s life journey, celebrating the big changes you get to make.
Our world, despite its wonders, is in bad shape because most leaders are unaware and spiritually asleep. Whether conscious or unconscious, our actions create results. In my book, my intention is to guide you through my 11 golden Keys to unlock your inner leadership, so you can be happy, fulfilled, and drive positive impacts around you.
We start with Key 1: the importance of being your own person and leading yourself first. Trusting and respecting yourself is crucial. Do you celebrate yourself and recognize your ability to define who you are? People often divide into those who take responsibility for their lives and those who do not. This spectrum shows that in some areas you may excel, while in others you may lean on others.
Growing up, my rebellious side showed both positively and negatively. This trait, when guided by the heart, creates positive results, but if led by inner saboteurs, it hides and plays small. Understanding yourself and your heart’s desires is vital before stepping into the world, as external influences will test your certainty in yourself.
Being your own person means acting from your heart, not fear. Stay connected to your heart’s desire, and you will prevail even against external opposition. When I transitioned to coaching and started my own business, I faced fears and doubts from those around me, but I knew my purpose and mission. Overcoming these fears helped me focus on my path.
This book calls you to go within and decide what you want for yourself. Your environment might not always align with your choices, but it’s essential to set boundaries and follow your convictions. True consciousness means making thoughtful, intentional choices rather than just rebelling against the norm.
Reflect on your beliefs and consciously choose your path. Understand that most of our behavior is driven by early programming, which can be upgraded. Choosing new beliefs changes your life automatically, as our thoughts shape our destiny. This process transforms your life and sets an inspiring example for others. Are you ready to take responsibility and change the world for the better?
Key 2: Your big bold vision – What do you really want?
To take responsibility for your life, start by choosing a destination, much like a sailor plotting a course. Ask yourself, "What do I really want?" Surprisingly, many people don’t have a clear vision of their true desires. Often, we let our survival instincts keep us in our comfort zone, prioritizing safety over growth. This is because our brain's main purpose is survival, not happiness. It’s crucial to recognize this to step out of our comfort zone and embrace growth and fulfillment.
Begin by imagining what you’d choose if money and obstacles weren’t an issue. Consider your wildest dreams—if you just won a substantial amount of money, what would you do? Where would you go? Write down everything you’d love to experience, ensuring it includes aspirations that genuinely excite you. Don’t limit yourself with practicalities or fear; instead, let your imagination run free.
Using tools like the Wheel of Life can help you assess your current life satisfaction across various categories. Rate each area from 1 to 10, where 1 signifies deep dissatisfaction and 10 indicates complete happiness. These categories might include Money, Significant Other, Family and Friends, Spirituality, Parenting, Health, Career, Personal Growth, Leadership, Personal Environment, and Play and Relaxation. Once you've rated each area, imagine what a perfect 10 would look like and write down your thoughts. This exercise helps you identify areas needing improvement and visualize a more fulfilling life.
Another effective method to determine your true desires is to look at them through three lenses: Experiences, Growth, and Contribution. This approach, recommended by Vishen Lakhiani, CEO of Mindvalley, ensures a balanced focus on personal enjoyment, self-improvement, and giving back to others—key elements of a fulfilling life. Take a large piece of paper, divide it into three columns, and list what you desire in each area. For Experiences, consider what you’d love to do, see, and feel. For Growth, think about how you wish to develop yourself, whether in your career, education, or personal skills.
For Contribution, ponder how you’d like to give back to the world, whether through charity, mentoring, or community service.
Creating a Dream Map or vision board can help visualize your goals and keep you focused. This can be a physical board with images and words representing your dreams or a digital version you can update regularly. The key is to keep your aspirations in sight, motivating you to work towards them.
Giving back and contributing to others is deeply fulfilling and an essential part of a well-rounded life. Reflect on causes close to your heart and consider how you can support them. Whether it’s donating money, volunteering your time, or using your skills to help others, contribution brings joy and a sense of purpose. Start small if needed, but start somewhere. Giving doesn’t only mean financial contributions; your time, energy, and love are equally valuable.
As you explore your desires and set your sights on meaningful goals, you’re more likely to lead a life of happiness and fulfillment. Remember, taking care of yourself and pursuing your dreams is not selfish—it enables you to support others more effectively. By understanding and pursuing what you truly want, you can break free from the comfort zone, experience personal growth, and contribute positively to the world around you. This journey requires introspection, courage, and a willingness to dream big, but the rewards of a fulfilling life are worth the effort.
Key 3: Your biggest “opponent” is the saboteurs inside you
The reason we often avoid pursuing what we love is fear. Our brain's survival mechanisms are stronger than our frontal lobe, wiring us for negativity and self-preservation. Overcoming this fear requires training our minds to think positively—a challenge, but one that sets you apart from most people.
Even as you read this, your saboteurs might dismiss it as untrue, citing busyness due to work, family, or other responsibilities. Acknowledge your busy life, but remember everyone has the same 24 hours. It's not about time but focus and prioritization. By following the recommended practices, you can transform your life and become its creator instead of a mere reactor.
I often tell clients, including CEOs, "You are the culture." In small companies, employees unconsciously mimic the leader's behavior, just as children mimic their parents. Hence, if you’re a CEO, work on yourself first. It’s vital to be strong and centered, operating from love rather than letting your saboteurs take control.
So, why do we hesitate to focus on our true desires? Fear of change and the unknown is often the culprit, operating subconsciously through our saboteurs, which develop as defense mechanisms in childhood. Traumatic experiences, big or small, shape these saboteurs to protect us. However, as adults, it’s time to let them rest and reclaim our power.
Shirzad Chamine, author of Positive Intelligence, identifies nine saboteurs: Controller, People-Pleaser, Stickler, Avoider, Restless, Victim, Hyper-Achiever, Hyper-Vigilant, and Hyper-Rational, with the Judge being the master saboteur. Each takes your strengths and turns them against you.
The Controller turns organizational skills into tyranny, needing to control everything and everyone. This harms relationships and leadership, driven by a fear of losing safety. The People-Pleaser turns relationship-building into self-neglect, always putting others first, which damages self-respect and relationships.
The Stickler’s perfectionism destroys joy, setting unachievable high standards. It kills dreams by creating insurmountable expectations. Instead of starting small and enjoying the journey, the Stickler insists everything must be perfect from the start.
The Avoider values harmony but at the cost of honesty and progress, avoiding conflict and maintaining the status quo. This leads to missed opportunities and a lack of self-trust. The Restless saboteur thrives on visionary ideas but creates chaos by constantly shifting focus, preventing real progress.
The Victim distorts love and compassion into martyrdom, making every issue personal and overwhelming. It disempowers you by focusing on "Why me?" instead of proactive solutions. The Hyper-Achiever makes ambition relentless, never allowing contentment by always pushing for the next goal.
The Hyper-Vigilant turns vigilance into anxiety, finding potential problems in everything, keeping you from taking risks or resting. Lastly, the Hyper-Rational values logic over emotions, harming personal and professional relationships by disregarding feelings and empathy.
Understanding these saboteurs and their triggers is crucial. By recognizing their influence, you can work towards mitigating their impact. This might involve introspection, therapy, or coaching to uncover and address the root causes. As you dismantle these saboteurs, you regain control, enabling a more balanced, fulfilling life.
In summary, to overcome fear and saboteurs, prioritize self-awareness and mental training. Shift focus from survival to growth and positivity. Embrace your true desires, manage your saboteurs, and transform your life from one of reaction to creation.
Check out my social media for more information on how to tame your saboteurs. Only then can you really be in charge of your life, and business.
And now, are you curious about the next chapters of the book?
Key 4 emphasizes the significance of perseverance and commitment to your vision. While discussions and plans are important, real progress comes from taking concrete actions.
Key 5 explores the role of contrast in transformation, highlighting how experiencing differences and challenges is crucial for growth.
Key 6 focuses on listening to your intuition and aligning with higher intelligence and the universe. Trust that everything is unfolding in your favor and that you are always guided.
Key 7 deals with the final stages of personal change, particularly shaping your new identity and embracing who you are becoming.
Key 8 examines the impact of your social circle. Reflect on the people you want around you and how to select mentors and allies for your journey.
Key 9 highlights the value of a robust support system and effective delegation. Elevate your lifestyle and make strategic choices to support your broader vision and legacy.
Key 10 centers on creating a culture that reflects your values while prioritizing self-care and maintaining your well-being.
Key 11 provides strategies for sustaining your progress by nurturing core values and engaging in practices that support conscious living and leadership for enduring success.
Once you read this book, you will be well equipped to step into your conscious leadership presence, and create more impact in your life. How fulfilling!
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Paulina Stankiewicz, Leadership Coach for CEOs
Paulina is a World Class Leadership Coach for CEOs who excels at igniting iconic presence and personal power in top-tier leaders. She is also an International Speaker and Bestselling Author. For over 15 years, she held senior roles in Global Corporations serving Fortune 100 companies. This experience coupled with her MBA for Executives allows her to bring the business conversations with her clients to the next level. She is focused on improving the culture of organisations — starting with the top. She holds multiple International certifications and has been trained by the best teachers and coaches in the world. Her mission is to change the world, one leader at a time.