Written by: Eva Medilek, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Some of you are going through life right now feeling stressed out, burnt out, and overwhelmed and it’s affecting your mood, your health, and your interactions with other people. You are always busy, you are doing a lot, and you are exhausted. In fact, you are doing so much to keep up with the demands of your work life and your personal life, that it’s taking a toll on both.
You’ve been sold on the idea that you can have it all. And, that you can have work/life balance while having it all. The problem is that you are also doing it all to have it all and it’s costing you your health, well-being, and relationships.

It’s time to give yourself permission to stop doing everything!
Why is it so hard to make yourself do the things that you know will improve your life, career, your health, and your relationships?
It’s because you are trying to do everything others want you to do and still have balance. You can’t find balance by trying to keep everyone happy. Balance is personal and different for everyone. There is no perfect balance so stop looking for it and feeling guilty about not having it.
When you look at a scale that is perfectly balanced, the number on the scale is zero. When you try to achieve the perfect balance between your work life and your personal life, you’ve actually zeroed out your results.
If you are trying to balance it all and do it all perfectly, you’ll soon realize that you can’t and the price you pay is that you feel like a failure. And, when you feel like you are failing, you and everyone around you suffers.
So, how can you balance it all without doing it all? Let’s jumpstart your work-life balance with a little CPR – Clarity, Priorities, and Responsibility.
Clarity – Be clear on what you want and what makes you happy. Where are you unhappy in your life or business? Do you feel clear about who you are and what’s important and are you living in alignment to that? These are important questions to ask yourself when seeking clarity.
Priorities – Establish clear priorities. When you don’t have clear priorities, studies show that you are actually up to 30 times more likely to miss out on success. How you spend your time, money, and energy is a direct reflection of your values and priorities. When you base your decision making on your values or priorities, you are willing to let go of what doesn’t move forward or support your priorities.
Responsibility – Own the responsibility of creating and setting boundaries. You make poor choices by saying yes to everything to please everyone and you end up overcommitted because of it. Part of the structure and process is creating clear boundaries. Without boundaries, we don’t know safety. Your job is to support the structure by setting it, and communicating it.
This will help you create the balance you need for your priorities, goals, and values. This will give you the power to stop spending time you don’t have on things you don’t really want to do. Your performance and your success come down to the ability to be clear, prioritize, and take responsibility for creating boundaries that support your goals and values.
Once you implement these 3 things, you’ll find your balance.

Eva Medilek, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Eva Medilek is a Certified High-Performance Coach, International Speaker, Author and Inclusivity Coach. She has coached both men and women in the areas of personal development, leadership and mastering habits for success in their personal and professional lives.
She specializes in helping busy professionals have more money, time, and success without sacrificing health, well-being and relationships in the process.
She uses her personal experiences along with her leadership, relationship and high-performance training to teach you how to have it all without sacrificing it all.