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3 Effective And Simple Anxiety Treatments For Lasting Change ‒ Anxiety Is Trending Right Now

Written by: Stacey Brake, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The only good news here is that people are talking about it. One problem with treatment is that many have thought of anxiety as a mental disorder… a mind problem. Much of the approved treatments focus specifically on the mind. One of the most widely accepted treatments of anxiety is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Another common treatment is prescribed medications.

woman at the beach spreading her arms on a beautiful sunset.

There are two primary problems with these common approaches. First, medication is intended to temporarily relieve anxiety symptoms so that a person can address the root cause. This isn’t how medication is currently being used. Most people I have known are taking the medication with the belief that something is inherently wrong with them, they are broken. The medication is seen as the fix or the cure. They believe that living with the side effects is just part of life for them. Many of the medications lose their effectiveness over time so patients must continue to take higher and higher doses. Let me be really clear here. I’m not saying medication has no place. I’m saying, it shouldn’t be the only treatment solution that clients are given. Cognitive Therapy can be used effectively for multiple problems/disorders. However, there is a problem when using this for anxiety treatment. The problem is that we think of anxiety as a problem in our minds. Often, one of the symptoms of anxiety is worried or anxious thoughts. So, it’s natural to believe that anxiety comes exclusively from the mind. What the latest research has found, is that trauma is often stored in the body, which triggers anxiety and then anxious thoughts. So, anxious thoughts can cause anxious feelings. But, we can’t overlook the fact that

trauma stored in the body can actually cause anxious thoughts. So CT only addresses one piece of this issue…your mind. So, if it’s not a mental problem, how do we treat it? If the anxiety is caused by trauma stored in the body. Then the best way to treat the anxiety is to treat the trauma through the body. There are multiple ways to do this and research is continuing to grow in this area. But, let me share a few of my favorites. Somatic Therapy is body-oriented therapy. The goal is to treat the trauma, anxiety, or PTSD by focusing on the body while revisiting the trauma. As you bring it to mind, you may notice the experience in your body. Then, seek to address the pain in the body through breath work, massage, dance, visualization or meditation. Emotional Freedom Technique, also referred to as EFT or tapping, is a beautiful way to soothe anxiety. To practice EFT, you tap on meridian (or acupressure) points on your body while talking out the feelings and thoughts that you are having. Through this process, you can soothe anxious feelings by sending soothing signals to your brain. What’s really great about EFT is that it’s easy to learn and do on your own. Since you can access this treatment outside of a therapist's office, you can practice anytime. Practicing more often can lead to quicker and longer-lasting results. EMDR is another type of therapy with a growing body of successful research in treating trauma. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This technique uses alternating bilateral stimulation to help reorient our experience and reintegrate traumatic events. Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk is a leading trauma treatment expert, possibly best known for his book, “The Body Keeps the Score”. He says “if the body feels safe, the mind feels safe.” EMDR is a type of therapy that is practiced which supports patients in to process of severe trauma to heal and live a happier and more fulfilled life.

Somatic Therapy, EFT, and EMDR are all proven effective treatments for anxiety. None of these have been found to have harmful side effects. As we talk more openly about anxiety and our struggles with mental health. I hope that we can also talk more about some of the amazing treatments that can be both life-changing and uncomplicated.

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Stacey Brake, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Stacey Brake is leading the charge in mental health education. Anxiety Detox is the solution for those who suffer from anxiety but don't want to go to therapy. This online program is designed to help you reduce your anxiety and reconnect with your joy. With Stacey Brake's 18 years of experience in mental health, she has created a program that is simple, easy to follow, and most importantly, effective.


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