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3 Easy Habits That Improve Daily Focus, Efficiency, and Organization

Written by: Amelia Franklin, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Amelia Franklin

As a young mom and business owner I find myself wearing many hats and juggling many tasks at one time. This lifestyle is fast, fun, and a challenge to manage. To deliver excellence and avoid mistakes, I have developed a few habits that contribute greatly to my efficiency, focus, and organization. I believe they will help you too.

Person writing on a planner with coffee and bread on table

1. Keep a running list of ideas, tasks, and follow-ups with you at all times.

2. Establish a well-organized drop zone.

3. Set alarms or timers for everything.


Let me explain.


1. The running list


When navigating a busy day or week, I tend to be forgetful. I often have great ideas or remember important things at the most inopportune times. For me, if I don’t document that thought, idea, or task immediately, it will quickly be lost again.


Having a list that I can add to when something unexpectedly comes to mind allows me to stay present at the moment with the confidence that I can follow up with the thought later


I use a list app on my phone where I document everything. In this app, I have lists of ideas to brainstorm, things to tell my spouse after work, tasks at home, tasks at work, gift ideas, groceries to buy, and more. Because I take my phone with me almost everywhere, my lists also come with me everywhere so I can jot items down at any time.


Thanks to my lists, I can stay organized through busy days, and focus on the present moment.


2. The drop zone


Let’s be honest. We have all experienced the frustration of rushing out the door, only to realize we have misplaced something we need. Wasting time trying to gather your things on the way out the door can be mitigated by a drop zone.


What is a drop zone?


A drop zone is an organized space that has a place for everything you bring or take with you daily. A drop zone can be created in your entryway, on a surface, or mounted on the wall near your entry.


Some common items to put in a designated drop zone include keys, wallets, purses, coats, hats, mail or paperwork, shoes, sunglasses, etc. It seems straightforward, but you’d be surprised how many of us don’t have a well-organized system for coming and going! To establish this system, start by creating your drop zone.

Thanks to our drop zone, I can usually efficiently leave my house without having to search for my keys or wallet!


3. Alarms (or timers)


I set alarms for nearly everything and here is why:


When I set an alarm to complete a task, I am much more focused because I don’t have to keep track of time. I can get in the zone faster, allowing me to be incredibly productive.


I also set alarms or timers for tasks I don’t enjoy. When I am unmotivated, I remind myself that I can do almost anything for 20 minutes. Setting a timer to complete tasks I don’t enjoy gives me a clear goal to work toward.


Using alarms or timers helps me to focus and execute tasks that I might otherwise avoid efficiently

Keeping lists accessible, using a drop zone when coming and going, and setting alarms and timers to help with task management has greatly improved my efficiency, focus, and organization in daily life. I hope these three habits do the same for you!

Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Amelia Franklin Brainz Magazine

Amelia Franklin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Professional Organizer and Business Owner, Amelia Franklin, is passionate about the transforming power of managing clutter and getting organized. She knows our spaces have a direct impact on how we feel and function in daily life. Her mission is to help clients navigate overwhelming spaces by bringing order to the chaos, creating systems to help them thrive, and offering encouragement and support along the way.

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