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3 Areas You Need To Be Clear On To Grow Your Business

Written by: Briana Ross, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When it comes to starting or growing your business, there are three key areas you need to be clear on, no matter what level you’re at. These areas are your brand purpose, brand vision, and brand mission. These three areas give direction and meaning to the brand you are building, and they actually create a blueprint that allows you to do all things in your business intentionally.

lamp shade, plant on white table and a wall clock.

I’ve noticed that many times we’ll define these three areas as we are starting our businesses, but we don’t revisit them often enough. Because of this, we lose direction, end up on the hamster wheel of never-ending busyness, and find ourselves ready to throw in the towel when things get rough. Before we dive into each area specifically, I want to share something with you. Your brand values help build a solid foundation for your business. When the going gets tough, it’s your values that will give you the fuel to keep going even if you want to quit. When you start building your team, it’s your values that will help mold your company culture. When determining which direction you’d like to go in, it’s your brand values that will help paint the picture of where you’d like things to go. Don’t skip defining and revisiting your brand values because they help recenter us with the meaning of our business, allowing us to be intentional and maximize impact.

Now, let’s dive into what makes each area unique.

1. A Magnetic Brand Purpose

Your brand purpose is, just like it sounds, the purpose of your brand. Your brand purpose is all about the why of your business. Why did you start your business? Why is this important to you? What impact do you hope it will have? What problem did you see in the market? What gap are you trying to fill? Your brand purpose helps create meaningful messaging that speaks from your core, and it allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level. I’ve also noticed that when the going gets tough, it’s my why, my brand purpose, that reminds me of every reason I can’t give up.

2. A Clear Brand Vision

Brand vision amplifies your brand purpose by highlighting where you want that purpose to take you. Your brand vision is about where you want your brand to go. Whether it’s in the next five years or the next 10 years. Don’t be afraid to dream big, and really think about where you want your business to go. What type of impact do you want to have? How do you see your company servicing your audience throughout the years? Understanding where you’d like your business to be will allow you to be intentional about the outreach you do and collaborations you take on and even give direction on the types of opportunities that will best suite your brand.

3. An Impactful Brand Mission

Your brand mission clarifies how you plan to achieve your brand vision. How do you want to impact your audience’s lives? How will you start embodying that right now? How can you serve them and set your brand apart from others? Answering these questions will give you immense clarity around creating a brand mission statement that allows you to communicate your messaging the right way. In simple terms, think of your brand purpose as the why, your brand vision as the what, and your brand mission as the how. Why are you in business? What do you hope to accomplish? How will you reach those accomplishments? Once you have defined these three areas be sure to revisit them at least every three to six months as your planning for business, doing outreach, securing partnerships, connect with potential clients, and build your team. Allow your brand values to give direction to what you’re doing and allow you to move forward intentionally, so you have maximum impact.

Briana Ross helps business owners, like you, realign with their business after ditching the hamster wheel of hustle. She is a Business Coach specializing in Branding & Marketing, Speaker, Author, Wife, and Mom. You don't need all the techy funnels to grow your business. You also can start where you are, and see results sooner than you think. What you need are simple systems, structure, and support to see things through.


Briana Ross, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Briana Ross is a Business Coach specializing in branding and marketing. She teaches entrepreneurs how to grow their businesses online by sharing intentional content that converts, building systems that save time and creating a unique brand experience. As a wife, mom of two, full-time business owner, among many other roles, Briana has made it her mission to help women obtain the financial and time freedom they dream of regardless of the many roles they juggle. With almost ten years of experience in customer service, sales, and tech, Briana learned very early how important it is to create a unique experience for your customers and clients.

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