Written by Louise Taylor Lopez, Spiritual Alignment Coach
Louise Taylor Lopez, is a Spiritual Alignment Coach who works with those who are spiritually sensitive and want a deeper understanding of the supernatural for greater levels of power and freedom in their lives. Louise is a retired army wife and mother of 5 children.

When it comes to emotional healing, we must realize that there are many layers to someone's healing. It is a process that can be long or short. In this article, you will be given 3 steps to take to get you started on your healing journey.

The first area to heal emotionally
You must confront it. When I say confront, what I mean by that is to acknowledge what the issue is and confront the conflict within and then without. If you are angry about something, ask yourself why am I so angry about this. Then, if someone else is involved with this emotional state that you are in, confront them by going to them and letting them know calmly and respectfully how you feel about the situation. Don’t do this until you are ready. Most people don’t know that they have upset someone, so they are not aware they caused you any grief. You can not assume they did it intentionally. Sometimes, we deal with old wounds that have been reopened by a person who has triggered something from our past. It has nothing to do with that person. That is why we look at why we are emotional first and then we let them know how it made us feel.
The second area to heal emotionally
Forgiveness is a skill. Forgiveness is not an easy thing. Some may be able to forgive but not forget. Holding on to what others do to you takes up space emotionally, causing anger, bitterness, resentment, etc. It takes a lot of energy from us to hold on to that emotional pain that plagues us. While the person who hurt you is walking around living their life, you are stuck in a dark place, repeating that situation in your head over and over again. I am not talking about major trauma such as PTSD. But those every week or day occurrences where a colleague or relative or associate may say or do something shady or lie on their behalf. Remember you can have the choice to remove yourself from their environment or not associate yourself with them if they cause constant grief in your life. Forgiveness is good for us. Why is it so difficult? — Harvard Gazette
The third area to heal emotionally
You must let go of any situation that has caused conflict in your life and is associated with a person. The emotional stresses will hinder your progress because it occupies so much of your time. Dwelling on the issue does you no good. Dealing with it and then letting go allows you to be free in your mind and emotions. You can move on in your life. By holding on, you are holding on to negative energy that can make you sick physically and emotionally. To move forward, you must let go of all the negativity and emotions that occupy space in your mind. It makes you turn into a person that you no longer recognize. Don’t let what others do to you consume you and cause deeper wounds and pain because you want to hold on to it.
In conclusion the act of confronting, forgiving, and letting go can help you to heal your emotional pain. These three can get you unstuck, out of grief, and out of depression. Your emotional health is vital to your well-being. Learn to incorporate these three actions in your life and see how much freer you will be.
Louise Taylor Lopez, Spiritual Alignment Coach
Louise Taylor Lopez, is a Spiritual Alignment Coach who works with those who are spiritually sensitive and want a deeper understanding of the supernatural for greater levels of power and freedom in their lives. Louise is a retired army wife and mother of 5 children. She focuses on empowering you to be whole in mind, body, soul, and spirit. She has programs to train and equip you to have control over your life. Her mission is to see people have dominion in the earth.