Written by: Lisa Moore, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

It’s no secret that a good education is essential for success in life. But what you may not know is that the key to successful education is not just about acquiring facts and figures. It’s also about developing the right mindset. A growth mindset will help your child to learn and grow no matter what life throws their way. Why does one person succeed and another fail? Why are some people born with more talent than others?

The answer lies in how people view themselves and their ability to learn from mistakes. One of the most important factors in reaching any goal, from building healthy habits to excelling in your career, is the idea of mindset.
When it comes to success and happiness, it doesn’t matter how much talent you were born with – what matters is what you do with what you have.
Carol Dweck and the Origin of Growth Mindset
The term “growth mindset” was coined by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, who is considered to be one of the world’s foremost experts on motivation.
In her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, she discusses the power of a growth mindset and how it can help people of all ages achieve their fullest potential.
Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
According to Dweck, there are two basic types of mindsets; fixed and growth. A person with a fixed mindset believes that their talents and abilities are set in stone and they are not capable of change or growth.
A person with a growth mindset, on the other hand, believes that their talents and abilities can be improved with practice and effort.
The Importance of a Growth Mindset
So why is it so important for children to develop a growth mindset? Well, for one thing, a growth mindset can help them to overcome setbacks and persevere when things get tough. With the right attitude, they will be able to learn and grow from their experiences, no matter what life throws their way. That’s why it’s so important to instill a growth mindset in kids as early as possible—so they can grow into adults who know that nothing is impossible and there are no limits to what they can accomplish.
In addition, a growth mindset can help children to develop a love of learning. When they know that they can always improve and learn new things, they will be more motivated to delve into new subjects and explore different interests.
Finally, a growth mindset can also help children to become more resilient and adaptable. They will be less likely to give up when things don’t go their way.
Below is a list of 25 quotes that will help teach your child about the importance of having a growth mindset. These quotes can be used with children at the times or situations indicated.
They are designed as affirmations to help generate a more positive mindset and way of thinking, especially when things get tough.
5 Growth mindset quotes for starting the day:
"Today, I will use my challenges as an opportunity for growth and success."
"I am grateful for feedback because it helps me to learn and grow."
"Mistakes are a great way to learn and grow, so I will not be afraid of them."
"Success is a choice. I must be willing to work hard for my dreams and goals."
"Today, in order to grow and learn, I will be open-minded about the ideas and experiences that others have today."
5 Growth mindset quotes for ending the day:
"Although some of the challenges in class today were difficult, I did my best to overcome them. Tomorrow will be no different!"
"I am grateful for all of the helpful feedback and positive criticism I've received today. This will help me grow as a person, so thank you!"
"Today I made an effort to invest in my development by listening and learning from other people."
"Today, the mistakes I made will only help me be a better version of myself tomorrow."
"My hard work is paying off. I'm excited for tomorrow's results!"
5 Growth mindset quotes for facing setbacks/failures:
"It's not true that if I fail, I am a worthless person. It just means that the way I was trying to do things before didn't work out, and now I need to try something different with a new perspective."
"Constructive criticism can be a great tool to help you grow, especially if it's delivered with patience and understanding."
"Listening to and watching others is one way that I can learn valuable things."
"This is not the end of my adventure, but it's definitely a step in the right direction. I will continue to search and try new things until I find what works for me!"
"I won't give up easily, but I will work to find a creative solution."
5 Growth mindset quotes for facing challenges:
"With a positive mindset, I am confident that this challenge will not get the best of me. With creativity and innovation on my side there are no limits!"
"I am not afraid of hard work. My motto is always, Let them throw everything they’ve got at me. It will just help me build stronger arms to throw it back at them!"
"Even though I am not sure what the solution to this problem might be, I will continue working on it until something clicks."
"I will not give up on finding a solution! I managed to eliminate one of the options and am one step closer. This is just an opportunity for learning, so keep pushing forward."
"I should not think of things as "I can't" but rather "I can't do this yet, but I am working on it." This way, I will be more positive and have a better outlook on things."
5 General growth mindset quotes:
"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices." ‒ Albus Dumbledore
"The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else ‒ Kobe Bryant
"There is no substitute for hard work." ‒ Thomas Edison
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." ‒ Albert Einstein
"I have failed again and again throughout my life. That’s why I’ve been successful" ‒ Michael Jordan
This article provides you with 25 growth mindset quotes for kids. We hope that these will help your child learn and grow, no matter what life throws their way. From starting the day to ending the day, we have provided affirmation and motivation to keep on going when things get tough. If all of this sounds intimidating and you want help enacting these principles in your home, contact us, and we would be happy to help! Thank you for reading.
Bonus Content:
Click here for short growth mindset videos containing the affirmations listed above to share with your kids or students.

Lisa Moore, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Lisa Moore has been in People Operations and Corporate Training for over 22 years. She’s a firm believer that success is not luck or talent, but is instead the product of hard work, creativity, and lots of learning. Lisa’s educational background includes names such as Auburn University, Cornell, and Harvard University with expertise in the areas of Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, and Cognitive Neuroscience.
In her career she has worked with individuals across diverse cultures on topics such as communication & negotiation skills, conflict management, cultural change, cultural sensitivity training, leadership development programs, organizational change management, remediation programs, performance management systems design – all framed through the lens of growth mindset.
As CEO of Success Tangent Business Consulting (STBC), Lisa helps businesses and individuals on their path to success with training/coaching programs designed to foster a growth mindset, where people are seen as the solution rather than the problem.