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2 Ways To Create Calm And Rejuvenate Your Energy

Written by: Anna Letitia Cook, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What do you do to create calm and rejuvenate your energy and creativity during each day? Having started my career in a relatively balanced way full of good intentions where I went to the gym every day, stopped for lunch and left work at a reasonable time, I then progressed in my career with higher levels of pressure and increasingly tight deadlines so spent years working overly long hours, eating a sandwich or salad at my desk, taking no breaks.

Woman breathing and heating under sun in a park

Thank goodness I realised feeling drained, grumpy and irritable all the time was NOT part of my dream! I saw the light!

What do you do each day to bring some fresh air (both literally and figuratively) into your life?

Mindset is everything! It is essential to have a good balance of mental, physical and emotional wellbeing to feel and perform at our best – I am not talking about work-life balance here, just simple changes that are done regularly can completely change your mindset…

Whether you like it or not, exercise is essential to all aspects of our wellbeing, be it a 10-minute walk in the local park a couple of times a day or something more strenuous.

As important is loving and caring for your mind. If you don’t like meditation, just set aside a quiet time where you can be completely undisturbed – let your thoughts drift, don’t focus on anything, just give your mind some peace – and smile while you are doing it. Think of a beautiful river, with sun twinkling off the water, birds singing.

Quick Wednesday Wisdom Tips:

  1. Whatever you do in your day, take a COMPLETE break every 2 or 3 hours (more often if possible) and go outside to walk for 10 minutes, or if the weather is appalling find a quiet corner in a different part of the building and do some stretching, focusing on your back, shoulders and neck… It clears your head, restores your energy and boosts both creativity and productivity

  2. Likewise, at least once during the day take 10 minutes (preferably longer) to meditate or have a quiet time with your thoughts drifting.

Mindset is everything!

I now schedule breaks into my diary to make sure I stop whatever I am doing and go out. These scheduled breaks are ‘carved in stone’ for me. They are as, or more, important than any meetings as they help keep me positive, energetic, creative and smiling!

So please drop me a line and tell me what do you do each day? Or, what could you bring into your day now to rejuvenate both your body and mind? I would love to hear your ideas... (email me on


P.S. You can even bring walking into to your meetings and improve results!

Follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and my website for more info, and listen to my podcasts on Youtube and Spotify.


Anna Letitia Cook, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Anna Letitia Cook is an international career development and wellness coach, author, speaker, radio/tv presenter, passionate about helping clients find clarity, energy and fulfilment in their life choices ‒ their holistic success.

She created her first company in the entertainment industry at age 32 before switching industry and moving into international real estate. Midlife approaching, hungry for a dynamic change, she refocused her experience, founding her current business to help professionals shape and energise their own future.

Creator of the 'SCOPE' and '4Fs' processes for career, fulfilment and holistic success and author of ‘Unstoppable Goddess: Every Women’s Guide to Freedom, Fulfilment and Success’, Anna was awarded United Nations Women's 2016-2017 Global Champion for Change @ Empower Women.

Anna is the presenter of the radio tv shows WomenUP 'Inspired Women' and 'Beyond the Bottomline.

Her motto: Living life holistically – Career and wellness together!

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