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2 Tips On How To Properly End A Personal Relationship

Aaron Douglas is one of the newest and most energetic innovative visionaries taking on the leadership and coaching world dynamically. He is well known for being the founder of The LeRock Academy, a soon-to-be charter school with global franchise aspirations focusing on interpersonal skill training and communication techniques.

Executive Contributor Aaron Douglas

Each and every one of us goes through pain, and we go through a lot of it. If you are like most of us who wake up daily looking to provide for our families and live the good life, pain is still inevitable. That goes for whether you are breaking up with your first girlfriend or boyfriend or having a family argument, pain is painful. My client Jeffrey said this last week, and I quote, “In my entire life, one of the most painful things I have had to endure is ending a personal relationship, no matter the length.” That is why today, you all will walk away with the two most important tips on how to properly end a personal relationship so that going forward, you can have more peace in your personal life and wipe away the anxiety. If you find this article helpful at all reach out to me via my social channels and tell me your perspective, that is what makes this fun!

Photo of Aaron at conference room

Strategically deflect threats to safeguard and redirect

Former Friend: I will get even with you for this! Believe me you will regret the day you stabbed me in the back. You hear me?

“You”: Let us not end this with fire hoses pointed at one another and end this like civil adults, shall we? But one thing I will say is this, do not you ever speak to me that way again. In the event that you do I guarantee you, I will not be the one regretting anything, it will be you. Bye now! (Walk Away)


When ending a personal relationship, the first emotion many of us can think of is anger. We know deep down we do not want the other person to get mad at us and cause a big uproar. That is s why I introduce this tip. This solves the fear/problem of a lot of anger being spewed at one another. It saves you time from arguing and money from going to an attorney. Thank me later!

Handle anger gracefully: Confirm end of relationship

Former Friend: “How could you do this to me? After all I’ve done for you. I was there when you needed me and now you are dumping me?”

“You”: I can understand you are angry as you have a right to be. Although, we have been through a lot together and you have been the upmost supportive which I am grateful for at this time this relationship is no longer healthy for me and I wish you the best!

The focus here is very simply being as clear as we can with regaining the focus and reiterating the goal of the conversation. This tip here does take a bit of emotional intelligence, so yes, do be aware. Well, guys, there you have it. Two of the best two tips on how to properly end a personal relationship. The amazing thing about both tips are you can practice this right now. Go give it a try and after you do send me a message on my social media channels on how it went, as always stay safe and talk soon!



Aaron Douglas, Public Speaker, Leadership Development, Community Engagement

Aaron Douglas is a leader in the interpersonal skill training, personal development, and empathetic communication arena. A humbling beginning left him speechless having to practice his speeches to enhance his communication abilities and pass his teachings to others. Although challenges arose like they often do, Aaron created mental strategies using word pattern recognition to be able to sell and negotiate business offerings in a plethora of industries some would say it is a majestic art of his communication style which leaves many wondering, how can I lead the exact same way you do. He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash and unlock their ultimate potential.

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