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13 Strategies That Can Help You Keep A Sane Mind Whilst Your Kids Are Losing Theirs

Written by: Sue Lewington-Bide, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It’s easy to go slightly mad during the school summer holidays and COVID hasn’t helped this situation either.

No one can blame you for wanting a bit of time out.

I, for one, although I love my daughter to pieces, have been going mad with the mess caused during the holidays. Charlotte comes back from college and everything that she owns seems to make its way into every nook and cranny.

The article I posted in my group recently was on this very subject of understanding that your surroundings reflect what’s going on in your mind. Even though they may not be directly your fault it’s easy to let outside circumstances take over and an untidy house is part and parcel with an untidy mind.

Routine goes out of the window at this time, which is why I decided to share some points that can go a long way towards creating more confidence and peace of mind.


1. Smile the minute you wake up. You wouldn’t believe how this simple act can change your whole outlook on the day. Even if you’re tired and grumpy when you wake up. Just try it and see what happens.

2. Drink at least ½ pint of water the minute you get out of bed. This helps start your metabolism and wakes up your body in a refreshing way.

3. Think of 3 things you’re grateful for – it doesn’t matter how small, it could just be that the weather is nice today, or something made you smile yesterday – anything

4. Think of 3 things you’re looking forward to today – again it doesn’t matter how small, it could just be speaking to someone on the phone, or going through this daily routine! Something that’s just for you.

5. Think of 3 things you’re going to do today, to make your life better – again, it doesn’t matter how small

6. Shake your body from top to bottom for a couple of minutes. This sets your adrenalin going and releases endorphins (your very own happy pill), to your brain. (If possible, try and write down points 3 - 5. This exercise alone will make you feel better as you start your day).


7. Carry on drinking water, at least 6 cups per day

8. Listen to your thoughts. Hear what you're thinking, especially noticing when something negative crops up.

9. Take at least ½ hour for yourself – meditate if possible. Taking time out for yourself every day is exceedingly important. Scheduling it in means you’ll make an extra special effort to make it happen.

10. Do something nice for someone else. Even if it’s just paying someone a compliment or smiling at someone in the street. The effect this will have on you is well worth the effort.

11. Shake your body through again, to keep yourself energised. Your energy depletes as you go through the day, so just doing this exercise a couple of times a day restores your body’s sense of wellbeing.


12. Remember all the good things that happened to you during the day, even if it’s just 1 thing. Dwell on it before you go to sleep

13. Take deep breaths and relax your body as you lie down. As you inhale, breathe in the good things that have come to your attention during the day. As you exhale, expel those negative thoughts that you noticed earlier.

Breathe in the good and breathe out the bad. That way you should get a good night’s sleep.

As you can see, none of these take long to do, but the ripple effect that it has on your mental wellbeing and peace of mind is unbounded.

All the way from smiling first thing in the morning, being grateful for the smallest of things, doing something nice for someone else, stepping back and listening to your thoughts and just shaking out your body in order to re-energise.

These small acts will change your attitude on a subconscious level which if done consistently will enhance your wellbeing and change ingrained habits for the better.

If you would like to take these quick strategies to another level, you can access my free video series here.

Here’s to making our world a better place.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Sue Lewington-Bide, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sue Lewington-Bide became a Mental Fitness Coach after her daughter became anorexic. This was not a situation that she was prepared for and it took its toll on her own mentality. As a result she studied hypnotherapy, psychology, NLP, and EFT in order to better understand her daughter’s challenges and be in a position to help others facing similar issues. In 2020 Sue formed Suelb Ltd so that she could bring her knowledge online and help even more people who need the support in these trying times.

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