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11 Tips on How to Stay Healthy During The Covid-19 Crisis

Written by: Katrina Valente, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Hello May! Can you believe it's May already? More than a third into the year and what have we really done? 2020 held such promise. We were definitely not prepared for what has transpired. But I like to see the silver lining in every challenge so let's see what we can do. It can't be all doom and gloom!

A virus like no other

COVID-19 has definitely taken over our lives. For most of us it has come as such a shock. The old way of life has gone forever I'm afraid and it's time for us to adapt to the new normal. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and we were definitely not made to stay indoors without sunlight or exercise. Being around our loved ones 24/7 might have presented some challenges for us. It has given us time to stop, re-evaluate our lives and go within.

Time For Change

As I said in every challenge there is a silver lining so what has been the upshot of this unique time, unprecedented actually. Here are some things you may like to contemplate;

  • It has given us time for self-reflection

  • We now have more time with our family's.

  • It has allowed more time for meditation and stillness.

  • It has allowed time for us to really think about what is important to us. Total re-evaluation on all levels.

  • It has certainly made us appreciate the simple things in life, like walking in the park, going out for our groceries, walking outside without a mask on.

  • It has given us more time to read that book we never get around to reading, or that research we wanted to follow up on but never had the time.

The list might go on...One thing I do believe is this...We all had an 'Ask' for this to happen...What was yours?

Miracles Abound

My ASK was that I wanted to work from home, online. That's exactly what happened to me. There are many people now who are confused, don't know what to do, worried about money (of course). So my Miracle Method helps to re-align your energy field in order to find the answers to move ahead with ease and grace. I don't even need to see you OR be on a zoom call with you. All I need to know is what you want to clear and I go ahead and work my magic. Even in one session you can feel 100% better, no joke. I do a specific chart for Finances and for the COVID 19 to strengthen your immune system. I have had tremendous feedback especially when I have treated the older generation.

I also offer a life assessment reading through Tarot and Angel cards to help you define your next move to a brighter future. It helps clear your head and align you with the task at hand. Also online.

Staying Healthy Now

Some things you can do to ensure you and your family's safety and optimum health:

  1. Take Extra Vitamin supplements.

  2. Vit C, Vit D, Zinc and Magnesium are essential at this time. (Boost Immune system).

  3. Meditate, keep a high vibe.

  4. Keep a journal, write in it daily about the life you wish to create, write it in the NOW ie. I am, I have.

  5. Exercise is a must to keep the body strong and the immune system intact. Run up and down the stairs if you have to!

  6. Get into a 'new' routine it really helps you fight the boredom (if you are still home).

  7. Clean out your cupboards, re-vamp your home. It is such a fantastic way to shift energy. It makes you feel happy and instantly lighter. (I changed around my living room, I loved it!).

  8. Use sage, sandalwood, frankincense or Oud to clean out your home of negative energies, just smoke it through every area of the house and open doors and windows as you go allowing the energy to leave the space.

  9. Have a salt bath, or scrub. Salt gets rid of negative energy and makes you feel instantly better. 1-3x week.

  10. Pray for guidance, they always answer your requests ALWAYS.

  11. This is an excellent time to go on a detox, juice fast or water fast. We are at home not moving around too much so the body will have time to detoxify easily. (Seek Doctors advice first if you have any medical conditions).

Moving Forward

We are most certainly moving into a new way of being and doing, no question. It will help if we don't fight the changes but just accept and go with the flow. I believe we are stepping into a better world of peace, love and abundance, once the dust has settled. All we can do is remain as positive as possible and keep the light in our hearts. The worst thing we can do is buy into the fear-mongering. Don't watch so much media and don't believe everything you read or hear about this pandemic, go into your heart and feel what is right for you. Fear stops us from seeing the light and there is light at the end of this tunnel - that much I do know.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram or visit my website and join my newsletter for the latest updates and offers.

I am here to serve in love and light for a better world.

Blessings to you, the best is yet to come.

Read more from Katrina:


Katrina Valente, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Katrina Valente has been in the Beauty Industry for the past 25 years as a Holistic Anti-aging Expert as well as a Celebrity Facialist.  She has traveled the world treating the rich and famous as a Visiting Practitioner with resorts like Six Senses, Anantara and Aman worldwide She is now more interested in educating people with her wealth of knowledge in Beauty and Wellness on how to look good from the inside out...Inner Peace Outer Beauty is her motto. She has now evolved to be a Trusted Holistic Transformational & Wellness Expert.

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