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11 Time Management Tips For Busy Execs

An ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) who empowers stressed, busy women execs, tackling impostor syndrome, self-criticism, and doubt to alleviate their stress so that they can find peace of mind and focus on excelling in their careers.

Executive Contributor Twanna Carter, PhD

Are you constantly running from one task to the next, yet still feeling like you're forever falling behind? As a busy professional, especially a woman in leadership, time management can often feel like an impossible puzzle. Balancing a high-powered career, personal commitments, and carving out time for self-care can leave even the most capable manager feeling completely overwhelmed.

 large clock with smaller clocks floating and fading away from it, symbolizing the passage of time or the concept of time slipping away.

For Black women in leadership roles, the pressure can be even greater. You’re expected to manage teams, hit deadlines, and drive results. All while navigating the complexities of workplace dynamics, often feeling the need to prove yourself in environments where there is so little representation.

On top of this, so many women still shoulder the lion’s share of additional responsibilities at home. Contributing to the persistent struggle to maintain work-life integration. All of this can make effective time management seem elusive, leaving you feeling stressed, overextended, and constantly playing catch-up.

But there's a better way. By incorporating simple yet effective time management strategies, you can regain control of your day, improve productivity, and create more space for personal fulfillment. In this blog, I’ll walk you through 11 proven tips to help you manage your time better, so you can thrive both in your career and personal life.

What is time management, and why does it matter?

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific tasks. Effective time management allows you to accomplish more in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. It helps you prioritize, avoid burnout, and still have energy for things that matter most.

Without proper time management, stress increases, deadlines are missed, and it becomes harder to achieve long-term goals. Let’s dive into 11 practical tips that will actually help you manage your time better.

1. Prioritize tasks with the Eisenhower matrix

Ever feel like you’re constantly busy but not making real progress? The Eisenhower Matrix helps solve that by categorizing tasks into four quadrants based on urgency and importance.

  • Urgent and important: Do these first. These are your critical tasks with deadlines.

  • Important but not urgent: Schedule time for these. They contribute to long-term goals.

  • Urgent but not important: Delegate these tasks if possible.

  • Neither urgent nor important: Eliminate these to free up time.

Action tip: Each morning, spend five minutes sorting your tasks into the Eisenhower Matrix to give your day focus and direction.

2. Set smart goals

Imagine you’re leading a high-performing team. And your calendar is brimming with back-to-back meetings, project deadlines are looming, and emails keep piling up. You have big goals, like increasing team performance or launching a new initiative, but it’s hard to focus on them with so much going on. You start feeling overwhelmed, and no matter how much you work, it seems like you’re spinning in circles.

That’s where SMART goals come in. Instead of having vague aspirations like "improve team performance," you break it down into specific, measurable, and actionable steps. For instance, set a goal to "increase team productivity by 10% in the next three months by implementing a new project management system." With a clear, time-bound target, you can focus your efforts on what matters, track progress, and avoid getting sidetracked by day-to-day chaos.

Action tip: Each week, set one to three SMART goals that will directly support your career or personal growth. You’ll feel less overwhelmed and more in control of your progress.

Action tip: Each week, set one to three SMART goals that will directly support your career or personal growth.

3. Use time blocking

Time blocking is the practice of scheduling blocks of time for specific activities. This method helps you focus on one task at a time, preventing distractions and multitasking.

For example, allocate time in your calendar for deep work, meetings, and even breaks. This structured approach ensures that your most important tasks get done and that you still have time for breaks and personal activities.

Action tip: Start by scheduling blocks for critical tasks in the morning when you’re most focused.

4. Delegate and outsource

Many professionals fall into the trap of believing they must do everything themselves for it to be perfect. However, delegation is a powerful tool. If you can assign tasks to others, do it! It frees up time for you to focus on what only you can do best.

Action tip: Identify one task this week that can be delegated to a colleague, a team member, or even outsourced.

5. Master the art of saying “no”

Saying "yes" to every request can quickly derail your time management efforts. Learning to say “no” to tasks or commitments that don’t align with your priorities is essential for maintaining focus and balance.

Action tip: Before accepting any new task, ask yourself, “Does this align with my top priorities for the week?” If the answer is no, politely decline.

6. Apply the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method where you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes. This technique keeps you energized and focused, avoiding mental fatigue.

Action tip: Use a timer to follow this pattern and see how much more productive you become in short, focused bursts.

7. Limit multitasking

Multitasking might seem like a good idea, but studies show it actually reduces efficiency and increases mistakes. Focus on one task at a time to complete it faster and with better quality.

Action tip: Turn off notifications on your devices and concentrate on completing one task before moving to the next.

8. Use the 2-minute rule

David Allen’s "2-Minute Rule" suggests that if a task will take two minutes or less, do it right away. This prevents small tasks from piling up and cluttering your to-do list.

Action tip: For the next week, if a task comes your way and it takes less than two minutes, handle it immediately.

9. Automate routine tasks

Routine tasks, like scheduling meetings or sending follow-up emails, can often be automated. Take advantage of technology to automate repetitive activities and free up valuable time.

Action tip: Use tools like email schedulers, project management software, or automation apps like Zapier to handle routine tasks for you.

10. Set boundaries for work-life balance

One of the biggest challenges for busy professionals is maintaining a work-life balance. Setting boundaries, such as a designated end to your workday, helps you maintain energy and prevent burnout.

Action tip: Define clear “off-work” hours where you focus on personal activities, self-care, or time with family. Stick to them!

11. Reflect and adjust weekly

Reviewing how you spent your time each week allows you to assess what worked and what didn’t. This reflection is key to refining your time management practices and improving week by week.

Action tip: Spend 15 minutes at the end of each week reviewing your accomplishments and planning for improvements in the next.

Final thoughts

Mastering time management isn’t about doing more. It’s more about focusing on what truly matters to you. So that you can find the right balance that fits your life. As a woman in leadership, you don’t have to feel overwhelmed or stretched thin. By implementing these 11 time management tips, you can reclaim your time, reduce stress, and create the space needed for both personal and professional growth.

Even after trying to implement these 11 tips, you may still feel like you’re spinning your wheels, juggling endless tasks, struggling to maintain balance, or feeling guilty for not doing enough. It’s normal to feel stuck when tackling these challenges on your own, but help is available. Book a V.I.P. Roadmap Session today, and we’ll work together to create a tailored plan that will help you break free from the overwhelm and finally manage your time with confidence and clarity.

Follow me on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Twanna Carter, Ph.D., Career Transition Coach, Hypnotherapist

An ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) who empowers stressed, busy women execs, tackling impostor syndrome, self-criticism, and doubt to alleviate their stress so that they can find peace of mind and focus on excelling in their careers.

Rather than coach symptoms, she leverages her coaching so that women work on the root causes that threaten to sabotage their career and life. Which means clients see immediate change resulting in decreased stress, increased confidence, and shifting from overwhelm to relaxation.

Recognized as an Office of Personnel Management Presidential Management Fellow, Twanna left full-time federal employment to be an entrepreneur. She is currently the CEO of Twanna Carter Professional & Personal Coaching, LLC.



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