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10 Ways To Stay Sane & Productive In Lockdown Or Working From Home

Written by: Mikal Nielsen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The new trend of working from home was well on its way before COVID.

However, COVID has massively sped it up. It is now a reality for many people, even after coming out of lockdowns.

We humans are naturally good at adapting to our environments slowly and over time. That’s the very nature of nature.

What we are not so good at, is adapting quickly without creating all kinds of negative side effects.

Going from working in a physical team environment to working in a secluded home environment requires a whole new skill set.

And without the new skill set, most people who are now fully or partially working from home, are experiencing the pitfalls and new challenges it brings.

Of course, there are also the great benefits as well, and some people are absolutely loving it and managing really well. In my experience, this is a minority of people.

This article is for those who are finding it somewhat challenging or outright frustrating or even


You are not alone and it is absolutely normal - and expected - while you learn to adapt to this new trend.

So whether you are in forced lockdown or you are now fully or partially working from home, here are 10 things you can play with to manage better.

I suggest you give them all a go, and then pick the ones that work best for you and stick with


1. Create and maintain a routine.

You have this at work so it makes sense to have it at home as well - even when no one is


This can be done by having set start/stop and break times. It can be done by creating blocks of time on a daily/weekly basis for specific tasks, i.e. only checking emails at fixed times.

2. Create accountability.

We humans like to feel free and not having to be accountable. However, reality is that most of us are more productive when we are held accountable - I certainly am.

Set these up consciously, whether with your boss, colleagues, customers, associates, partners, mentors, etc.

3. Have a positive morning ritual.

Spend the first 10-15 minutes of every day doing something that makes you feel good and

positive about yourself and your day ahead. Even if it turns to custard later in the day, at least you started on a positive note and the net result will be positive.

This can be physical exercise, meditation, affirmations, yoga, etc.

As with everything else here, find what works for you and don’t be afraid to experiment, to try

different things.

As I’m changing and growing as a human being, I keep adjusting my morning ritual to get the best results.

4. Pause frequently.

Yes, frequent short pauses makes you more productive.

Pause and take 3 deep, slow breaths. It releases physical and mental tension and re-focuses your mind.

The hardest part to this one is to remember doing it, so find ways of reminding yourself. Sticky

notes, pop-ups, reminders and so on.

I have my clients use straws, they are both great reminders and amazing practical tools for good deep and slow breathing while strengthening and expanding your breath at the same time.

5. Have proper breaks.

Eating lunch while checking emails or doing other work is counterproductive. You may think you are saving time, but in the bigger picture, you are not.

A break is called a break for a reason.

At work you may be socialising during your lunch break, go sit on a park bench and watch life go by, or go to a cafe. You get away from your desk and your work, and yes, you have a break.

Find ways of doing this at home and then, stick to it!

6. Communicate.

We, humans, have a strong need to belong, to connect.

Don't bury yourself behind a screen of work all day. Talk to colleagues, customers, the boss,

board of directors, advisors, coaches, the dog, the plants, or the universe at large.

7. Pat yourself on the back.

If there is no one there to acknowledge the good work you are doing, do it yourself. Reach your hand up and over and pat yourself on the back.

Even better, get up, go to the mirror and say "thank you" or “good job” to the person in the mirror.

This may feel strange or awkward, to begin with, but it doesn’t need to take long to get used to it.

It is extremely powerful, so worth the effort.

8. Fresh air.

Going to work at least gets you outside, even if only for a brief moment. Working from home takes that away.

Open the door and go outside a few times during the day, even if it is only for a minute or two. It breaks the monotony and recalibrates your mind. Whatever you do next, you will be more clear and focused, make less mistakes and therefore be more productive and efficient.

9. Learn something.

We all have an inherent need to learn and grow, and it always feels good when we do. Make an effort every day to learn something new or get better at something.

10. Give something.

We also have an inherent need to contribute and that too feels good. Reach out to a colleague, staff, customer, friend, or family and acknowledge something they have done or a way they have been that you appreciate.

Offer a compliment or ask someone how you can support/help them.

11. Share this list/article with others.

I know, I can't count, nor do I like following rules. Be a rebel - in a nice way! And of course, add your own tricks to this list before passing it on to others.

If you have any questions or feedback on this, use any of the contact options below to reach me, or use my unique BRAINZ reader offer of a complimentary 30-minute discovery call to dive deeper into any of this.

Just click here to find a time and book it in.

Warm Regards,


Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or visit my website for more info!


Mikal Nielsen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Mikal's mission is to help high achievers awaken their natural wisdom to create profound fulfillment, deep peace of mind, and a perfect balance between everything truly important to them. With a corporate background and starting and running 3 businesses, Mikal has spent the last 14 years coaching business founders, owners, and leaders to get more life out of life and more business out of business. He is a mind mechanic with 35 years of experience in mindfulness, personal and spiritual growth, and 30 years of experience coaching others in these fields. Mikal is an international speaker, certified firewalking coach, author of 5 books, and creator of Modern Meditation for busy people. In addition to coaching entrepreneurs and business leaders, Mikal and his wife Kathy offer relationship coaching. With 30 years of living together and growing up with 3 children, they have learned and experienced a lot and have co-authored a book about their journey together. Seeing how many relationships are struggling or have gone stagnant, they have decided to offer couples coaching.

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