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10 Tips To Set Your Mind For Success

Written by: Misty Lucas, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Are you ascertaining that no matter how hard you try, you are not accomplishing your goals? Are you ready to enjoy a loving relationship, a successful career, a healthy and trim body, and success? Then close your eyes and imagine that you are in a beautiful air balloon, ready to take off to have what you desire in your life. Now look toward the ground and notice if there are any ropes holding you down, stopping you from being free to fly. In order to go on in your life, it is necessary to cut those ropes – to overcome the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Hand holding missing jigsaw puzzle piece with text Possible, covering impossible.

It seems strange that you’re holding yourself back when you can vision what you truly want. The reality is we are unique, but our problems are not. When you’re wanting to find success, it is important to tell apart any of your fears or your blocks to success so that you can move through them and feel the exhilaration of flying free in your air balloon. Are you ready to give your mind a kick up the backside and put it into 5th gear? These ten tips will help you shift your paradigm into a success mindset. Here goes…

1. View failure as a learning opportunity: Don’t view failure as a crushing defeat but rather as a chance to learn and to come back stronger!

2. View obstacles as challenges: Likewise, try to view problems as challenges to be overcome. This will just make your victory all the sweaters.

3. Don’t choose between two things: When trying to choose between two things that you really want, the best answer is always to find a way you can make them both happen.

4. Don’t let others define your success: Too many of us have one set view of what success looks like and we struggle to see it in any other way. Success is doing whatever it is that makes you happy. Don’t worry if that just so happens to make other people raise their eyebrows!

5. Invest in yourself: Investing in yourself is the most important way to start achieving more. This is the best way to spend money and the best way to spend time. Develop your skills, buy a suit and fix that hair!

6. Act as you’ve already won: Acting as you’ve already won is the best way to empower yourself to be stronger and more successful. When you do this, you give off an aura of success that makes others gravitate to you! Just don’t develop a cocky attitude; there is a difference between confidence and cockiness.

7. Know yourself: Know yourself and be honest about what you want, who you are and what your strengths and weaknesses are.

8. Avoid toxic people: Avoid the people in your life who are constantly telling you what you can’t do, and who are making you feel bad about your dreams.

9. Surround yourself with positive people: Likewise, surround yourself with positive people and surround yourself with people who share your vision and can help it grow!

10. Do what you are most passionate about: The simplest way to be successful in life, is to put more effort into it. That means being willing to get up earlier, to work harder and to work smarter toward that goal.

If any of these resonate with you and you’re ready to start the work to reframe your mind, let’s connect. Maybe you’re just curious about coaching, and it’s for you, then join me for a FREE Consult Call and learn about what it is and how I can support you. Maybe you just want to dip your toe in; then I invite you to join me for my Free 3-day workshop, What is Stress Costing You? Take Your Health Beyond Conventional Medicine. I host this FREE workshop once per month and each day, we explore how to bring you back to your remembered wellness. You can register for my workshop HERE. You can also learn more about tools to Empower, Uplift& Transform your life on my PODCAST. Episodes are available on Spotify, Apple and GooglePodcasts.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more information.


Misty Lucas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Misty Lucas is a Women's Life Coach and Restorative Yoga Educator. After a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis that left her depleted physically, emotionally, and spiritually she had to find a new path. She left her career in law and dedicated her life to supporting women navigating complicated health crises from chronic stress and autoimmune illnesses by blending her coaching skills and restorative yoga techniques. From this knowledge, she has created her signature coaching program to support her clients and work with them, releasing old patterns and holding them back from creating a life they want to live.

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