Written by: Jean Fleming, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
What even is work-life balance?
Interestingly a Wikipedia definition states, “It is the state of equilibrium in which demands of personal life, professional life, and family life are equal.”
But are they ever really equal? Do they need to be? The responses to these questions will vary from person to person.
It seems we have all got into a habit of busyness. Our ‘to do lists’ continuously growing. The demands on us ever-increasing. Do you sometimes feel that your diary is in control of you, rather than you being in control of your diary?
How do you know if your work and life are out of balance?
When you start to cancel one in favour of the other e.g. cancel dinner to work later into the evening.
You feel you are never giving either the right level of focus. Guilt sets in.
You never seem to clear your ‘to do’ list.
You can never switch off; work is always on your mind.
You are always on the go, but never feel that you have achieved anything.
You are always tired, feeling that you are burning out.
You never have time to focus on your health or fitness.
You feel like your calendar controls your life with no space to just be.
It is impacting your family life.
Does any of this sound familiar?
So, what can you do to regain balance?
Firstly, the only person who can define the right work-life balance for you is you!
Set the parameters that are acceptable to you. Define your boundaries and stand your ground when demands become too much on you. This works both ways i.e. at work and at home!
Manage your time. Make sure the things you are getting involved in are appropriate and add value to you. Accept that you may not have time to be involved in everything you would like.
Learn to say No! Never give an immediate response to a request, take time to think about and evaluate how much time it will take and whether you have that time to give – or what else will have to go?
Don’t take on others’ work or problems. Provide support but know your own limitations.
If you do work from home, ensure you can step away from your workspace and switch off in the evenings and weekends.
Stick to your commitments with family and friends. Don’t cancel arrangements to work more hours.
There are only 24 hours in a day. You must choose how you spend your time and what you prioritise it on. Some days/weeks work may take priority, at other times family may take priority. Ensure you have balance across a period of time and it is not always one-sided.
Plan in ‘me time’ and stick to it. Consider it your resilience shot – an essential part of your own physical, mental health, and wellbeing needs. Without maintaining your wellbeing, both your work and home life may ultimately suffer.
Spend time with people who energise you.
Know your why! If you understand your purpose in life then choosing how you spend your time will be so much easier.
Jean Fleming, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jean Fleming is an Empowerment and Leadership Coach helping women to create the life they want. With over 30 years of business experience, Jean was the first woman to join the Board of a global company – a role she still fulfills 12 years later.
Jean is an experienced ICF accredited Coach, a DiSC Profiler, an Emotional Intelligence EQi-2.0 Assessor, and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Jean uses her extensive range of skills and experience to bring a dynamic and supportive service to her clients to help them identify and create the life they want.