Written by: Nicole Davenport, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As your baby’s due date gets closer you may start to feel all sorts of emotions, one of these is a feeling of being overwhelmed for what you need to do to be prepared.

1. Take photos of your beautiful baby bump.
You may want to do a month-by-month journal with photos of your growing bump, or book a professional photographer in the later stage of your pregnancy to capture some lovely memories to show your Bub to be when they are older. If you plan on a professional, make sure you book well in advance so as not to miss out.
2. Remember that self-care is so important when you are pregnant.
Nurture and pamper yourself. This could be a trip to the hairdresser, a manicure/pedicure, a relaxation massage, or a beauty treatment. Anything that makes you feel good.
3. If family life and work commitments allow for it an escape away for a long weekend with your partner is a lovely way to connect before baby comes.
Somewhere that you can both relax equally and escape your daily lives for a short time.
4. If an escape away isn’t possible a date night can be the next best thing.
A movie, dinner, a beach walk there are lots of lovely ways to enjoy each other’s company and relax together.
5. If you are having a hospital birth pack your bag.
Write a list and tick it off as you pack. It may seem overwhelming trying to think of all the things you might need. But realistically all your baby will really need is you! And make sure to pack some luxury items for yourself.
6. Setting up the baby’s room is a fun thing to do when you are nesting and getting ready for the birth.
Filling drawers with beautiful little clothes and decorating the room. But all babies will really need to begin with is you and a safe place to sleep.
7. Sleep!!!
It’s so important in the weeks leading up to baby’s arrival. Even if it’s broken sleep with all those trips to the toilet! The more rested, relaxed and calm you are before labour the better your body and mind will cope when the time comes.
8. Pre-made meals for the freezer.
Spend some time batch cooking or organise a meal train with your family and friends. Don’t underestimate the value of having meals supplied for the first few weeks of your baby’s life. It takes the pressure off both you and your partner and allows you to have lovely home cooked nutritious meals when you need them most.
9. Get the baby’s car seat installed.
This is a must do as you will need this to take your baby home from the hospital. If you are unsure of how to do this, there are plenty of places that have professional installers to help you with this.
10. Think about joining a class or a course centred around pregnancy, birth or postpartum care where you may meet other expectant mums/couples that are expecting around the same time as you.
This is a great way to start building a network of friends that could lead to great support and lifetime friendships. Some hospitals offer courses to their expectant mums.

Nicole Davenport, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
As a mother to four beautiful children, Nikki is so excited and passionate about what she does. She was well supported by amazing midwives and friends when she became a mother herself. With the understanding that not all women receive the same support that was given to her, she wants to use her lived experience and passion to help others. Nikki graduated from the Australian Doula College in August of 2021 and has started her journey in supporting women and families within the Doula space. She is continuing her studies and expanding her knowledge in particular areas she is passionate about, such as supporting at risk women and babies, and educating people in their rights as pregnant and birthing women.