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10 Steps To Get The Success You Desire

Written by: Jean Fleming, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Success means different things to different people.

Some deem success to be living a healthy and balanced life. Some believe it is about how much you earn or how senior in the hierarchy you climb. Some believe it is about saving the planet and some simply believe it is about being kind.

1. Define success

The first step to being successful is being clear on what your own definition of success is.

People spend their lifetime trying to achieve others’ versions of success. Becoming a lawyer or doctor because it is what your parents expected but all you want to do is make music. Living to other people’s expectations will never make you feel successful. You may feel like you have achieved but it will feel inauthentic and unfulfilling.

To feel truly successful, you need to fulfil your own version of success.

2. Be clear about your purpose.

What are you here to do? What do you want your legacy to be? At the end of your life what would you like to be able to reflect on and smile about? What would a good life look like to you?

3. Know your core values.

Being clear about what is important to you will help to guide you in your decisions, your career and your relationships.

4. Know your strengths.

Once you know your strengths you can optimise them to your advantage. Playing to your strengths will help you achieve your success so much easier. How can you tap into your strengths more than you are right now?

5. Have a vision.

A person with a clear vision is more likely to achieve their version of success. Do a vision board. Write your vision. Whatever works for you but have it visible as a reminder of what you are aiming for.

6. Set some Goals

Think about how you will achieve that vision. What are the steps that will get you there? Break it down into small, manageable steps so you can track and monitor your progress.

7. Consider the Obstacles

What is likely to get in your way? What can you do about that? If you can pre-empt any obstacles and put in place actions, a plan, a strategy to overcome them then when they present themselves you are already able to work through them.

8. Self-care

What can you do along the way to keep yourself strong, energised, resilient? What nutrition do you want to fuel you? What exercise to build your physical strength? What activities to build your mental strength? What will you need to overcome any setbacks?

9. Ask for help

Who can help you achieve this? Don’t feel that you must do it alone. Who is in your support team? Friends, family or maybe a coach.

10. Celebrate

Celebrate small wins along the way. Remind yourself of the progress you have made. Celebrate your brilliance, your determination, and your achievements. Each win is a success!

If you would like some support or guidance through this process, I coach professional women to be their version of success. You can contact me at

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Jean Fleming, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jean Fleming is an Empowerment and Leadership Coach helping women to create the life they want. With over 30 years of business experience, Jean was the first woman to join the Board of a global company – a role she still fulfills 12 years later.

Jean is an experienced ICF accredited Coach, a DiSC Profiler, an Emotional Intelligence EQi-2.0 Assessor, and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Jean uses her extensive range of skills and experience to bring a dynamic and supportive service to her clients to help them identify and create the life they want.

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