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10 Steps To Finding Your Happiness

Written by: Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It is impossible to be happy all the time 100 % of the time. To truly relate to ourselves we need to be in tune with the way that we feel; what makes us tick, what makes us feel sadness, madness, ecstasy, excitement, joy, bliss, love, fear, hate, anger, frustration, desire, passion, and so much more when we breathe into our hearts. Every emotion is perfect now. What determines your happiness is your approach and attachment to the emotion you are experiencing. If you wish to create happiness in your life, and do more things that welcome that state, you must allow yourself to feel every emotion that wishes to come through you, without judgment. How can you know what you like and don't like if you ignore what you feel? How else can you have better awareness of yourself? If you are not honest with your emotions, then how can you perceive your present life and circumstances? Reflecting on our emotions and being aware of them, allows us to take control of our life and make choices that better support a state of happiness and overall fulfillment.

Here are 10 steps to finding your happiness that has personally worked for me. I am aware that what works for me may not work for another. Though, I am confident that these steps should help at least one person find their personal happiness.

1. Be inspired.

It doesn't matter what it is..., choose something to be inspired about. Whether it is a passion or a hobby, or a personal interest full of curiosity. It is the fire and the drive that keeps you motivated to move and create life. Perhaps, you choose to be inspired by your own self-development, choosing to make yourself better. Or being inspired by growth, dreaming big and falling in love with yourself. You could find others to be inspired about, their example may inspire you. This motivating force of exchange will give you the energy to be better and forgive yourself even on those days when you may not be 100% to your standards; you make mistakes, and you fail. Choose those days to be inspired even more... It is your awareness to how you feel and who you see yourself to be as your best self, that will help you make choices, and changes to be exactly who you know to be within. Chances are if you are inspired, then you will live your life through that desire to be excited with what is now and to come, the development of your creation. Also, there is a massive chance that there will be others that are inspired by you to act and be confident in their true selves. Example for self and for others.

2. Movement

Movement is probably one of the most underrated yet most important choices you can make for your body, mind and soul. Movement in form of exercise releases endorphins that create healthy dopamine receptors, responsible for serotonin production (the good mood brain chemical). If you want to be happy, the movement needs to be a part of your everyday routine. It is recommended to workout about 3 to 4 times a week, and it is encouraged to create movement daily. Exercise is not just good for the body, but it makes you feel good about yourself. It creates confidence and boosts self-esteem. It can build you up and create strength or increase your stamina and carry out more. It regenerates you and gives you that motivation you need to feel like you can do anything. If you hold tension, rigidity, lack of motion anywhere in your body, movement will expose those limitations for you, creating awareness. Movement heals, it empowers, and brings awareness back into your body, allowing control of your mind and spirit. Movement is power, if you can create discipline to exercise, to move, to act, happiness will be just around the corner.

3. Eat Natural Plant Based Foods.

You cannot expect to have a healthy mind and be happy, if your diet is compromised with processed foods, saturated fats, processed sugars, alcohol, drugs, sodas and fast foods. These foods not only lead to many ailments and diseases, but they lack the necessary nutrients to feed the body's cells, and support a healthy mind and spirit, promoting a good mood. Natural Plant-based foods are live with enzymes and nutrients that are bio actively available for the body to absorb. Live enzymes help the body digest and assimilate vitamins and minerals important for all bodily functions, including the brain. They clean the blood and keep things moving so that all biochemical processes function in harmony and create a healthy environment for your mind and soul to live in. Natural Live Plant-based foods contain vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, amino acids, immunoglobulins and probably other properties yet to be discovered that prove time and again, that it is the best powerhouse for repairing, healing and thriving. Plant-based foods most often then not create a feeling of awareness, flavor, freshness, lightness and excitement in how you feel about yourself. Eating healthy strays, the person away from addictions, and temptations and boosts energy, motivation, drive to create a successful and beautiful life for themselves. Processed foods that are filled with preservatives, chemicals, saturated fats, and trans fats are empty calories that not only make the body feel sluggish, but the mind feels foggy, confused, moody, anxious and depressed. If you wish to be happy, eat your greens. :)

4. Be Creative

You do not need to be an artist per se, though choosing to have a little bit of personal creativity in your day will go a long way to reach your happiness. Whether you choose to paint, draw, design, write, create music, dance, compose, act, model, photography, fashion and the list goes on. Being creative will open channels in your mind that may have otherwise been dormant. On days when you are not feeling particularly good, or you just went through a breakup, or someone betrayed you, or you simply feel defeated, tired and exhausted. Picking up that paintbrush or writing out your feelings through poetry may be just what you need to release and find your balance again. Creating art and expressing your emotions in a healthy way, can do wonders for your mood and your mind. It opens channels to your higher self and brings more awareness into your body and how you may be particularly feeling at that moment. It allows you to connect with your soul... In knowing yourself, even the parts that bring out emotions that are out of your control, will free your mind and allow you to be the observer of your thoughts and emotions then being trapped in them. Introduce little ways to be creative in your day, even if your work or your job is not so interesting. Challenge yourself to find little ways to be creative to open your imagination to reach that personal fulfillment and happiness.

5. Read and Meditate

It is easy to become stuck in a pattern. Day to day routine, doing the same things, communicating the same linguistics, moving and acting, programmed by your circumstances and environment to be a certain way. We lose touch of what else is out there, as we become limited by our own behavioral patterns, environment, comfort and responses. Reading takes you out of your regular way of thinking and puts you in a new place where you have not yet been. It challenges your belief systems, what you once thought to know, or not know. It teaches, it heals, it inspires, it opens your mind, and stimulates your imagination. It separates you from the Ego, by changing a fixed perspective, and presence you another possibility, or source of knowing. Reading leaves room for reflection, which later takes us to being present, visualizing, processing, analyzing and meditating. Ironically enough, reading takes us outside of ourselves, only to bring us back within ourselves to meditate. Meditation in its many forms, allows us to be present and aware. It connects us with our body's sensations and triggers, as well us our thoughts and what is in between. We can truly hear our soul, when we are still and present, allowing our spirits to teach us and connect with all that universally resides. Reading brings knowledge then meditation brings peace. Both bring contentment, a state of fulfillment, true happiness.

6. Practice Giving and Receiving

You give and then you take, there is no gain without pain. If you think you have not given enough, you reach within and give a little more. With that you can be open to receiving and welcoming the natural laws of nature to circulate and flow energetic abundance. There is no question, that we should be sure to fill our own cup before we let others drink from it. To keep in mind our personal health, worth and value, to not neglect ourselves and our needs. Though, it is important to note that there is no current without circulation, and if we wish to stay supported and secure emotionally, giving back will free ourselves from any harboring attachments to superficiality and need for having more. This is not to say that we should not have goals to improve, build and strive, but it is recognizing that happiness comes from sharing our abundance, trusting that there is more than enough for all. What a gift it is to spread joy, love and light.

7. Cut a piece of humble pie.

Occasionally, I reach back and open the blinds to what has passed and look at how far I have come as a person. The things that I have lost, the things I have gained. The mistakes I've done, the places I've been, how I was made, and becoming brought up. I look at the people I was near, and are still to this day, and those that I share significant memories, God knows I should never forget. Humility is appreciation for time given, recognizing equality soul to soul. You, yourself, everything and everyone learns to love as they are. Forgiveness and grace, remembering the core of who you are. Even explaining humility, loses its taste, as it is your soul speaking the language of innocent curiosity, fresh eyes, to see good in all. It is not to say that we should live in our past but remembering that the past exists within us in alignment with our present and future. Without it, you could not grow, thrive, transform or go through an evolution. Without the past, there is no future, there is no you.

8. Gratitude

"I am free, completely free.

Free to feel how I want to feel.

Free to feel the sun on my back,

The wind in my hair.

Free to drink fresh water,

Have a roof on my head.

Emotionally secure, blessed to be myself.

Living larger than life,

how could I need possibly anymore?

I work hard, I play hard.

I breathe trees and sing with the birds.

Privileged to live with nature,

In flow within my self.

I can see, I can taste

I can move, I can be still.

True freedom, In creation of my life.

Grateful to be Free, on air.

Bouncing on Love,

Free to be enough."

Gratitude is knowing that everything you have and are enough. That you do not need anything more than this moment right now. Here, in this present time and space. At anytime you feel low, or discontent with yourself, you can take a minute to be still as you are here in this present moment and start listing off everything that you have and that you are. Giving thanks to all the tools, resources and skills that the universe has blessed you with. To all the love you have around you and all that you create outside and within.

9. Trust and Faith

"I let go into the cosmos, and let the Universe carry me home. I have trust in all that resides within and around me, protected by all that is now. I am safe to be as I am and with all that now exists. This Fire burns slow, grounded and secure. I fall into these cooling flames, having faith that all is as it should be. Nothing gives me more peace than this. God, I let go; all that is spiritual. Peace not War, we are all equal and Divine."

We all have our personal affirmations that keep us in connection with all that is. At some point no matter where you are in your journey, recognizing that there is no meaning without trust that you are supported and protected. Working hard and having faith to pursue the life of your dreams and being the best version of yourself, trusting in patience that resilience can and will reward you. By holding on to faith, even the hardest aspect of our life teaches us to endure, face fear and be in the grace that this too shall pass. The sunsets only to rise again.

10. Love

Whatever you choose to do, choose to do it with love. Love is patient. It will take you higher or bring you down to your knees. Love is free, and boundless. It creates beauty in the eyes of the beholder, and lifts all spirits, magnifying all magic and inexplainable things. It brings out miracles and transcends the soul unconditionally. It holds a mirror to our deepest secrets and insecurities. It can bring out our purest vulnerability. Raw and everlasting, love heals, separates us from fear, and connects us with our deepest pain. Without love, we could not connect. And without connection, humanity would truly cease to exist, and nature would be fully neglected. Love is what saves us and leads us towards enlightenment. And with that, I could say that to love, to be loved, and being loved, can and will bring states of fulfillment and happiness.

On my Way to Happiness

Not every day will be sunshine and rainbows, though you can carry out these steps into your daily routine. Little by little, you will start to see a change in your state, and find yourself to have a better mood, sleep and energy. We are souls living in a body, and we are bound to feel all types of emotions, with everything that goes around within and around us. What is important is how and what we choose to do after these emotions have come into our awareness. Either we create change and put small steps in every day to see improvement in our moods and state of mind, or we can allow ourselves to become engulfed in the same routine and pattern that makes us miserable. The choice is yours.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz is an entrepreneur educated in the various healing arts. Her goal is to help others create change within by healing and connecting with their Body Mind and Soul. By experiencing her own healing and spiritual journey. She shares the knowledge that she has learned, with others through practices such as Tarot Divination, Astrology, Psychology, Nutrition and Fitness. She is one of the co-founder of Leinko; a free space platform dedicated to entrepreneurs that wish to work in freedom to teach, coach, heal and be of service to humanity. Her Mission: Heal Within, Heal the World.

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