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10 Signs You’re Burnt Out, Not Lazy

Written by: Jacqueline Neuwirth, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Jacqueline Neuwirth

Are you wrestling with a constant lack of motivation that feels like more than just laziness? Laziness and exhaustion share many characteristics, making it tricky to distinguish between the two. It’s important to recognize that burnout and exhaustion often masquerade as a lack of drive, camouflaging the real issue beneath. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. But there’s hope! Once you recognize the signs you can take action to begin your journey of healing and recovery.

Shot of a young businesswoman using a laptop and looking stressed out in a modern office.

10 Critical signs you may be experiencing burnout: Are you burnt out?

1. You were previously motivated

If you were previously self-motivated and high achieving, succeeding in areas of your life, and have only lately become fatigued, apathetic, and uninspired, you are most likely experiencing burnout vs laziness. It’s not about recapturing that old spark—it’s about rejuvenating and creating a new way of moving through life.

This previous state of inner drive is not a lost cause. Recognize that your past enthusiasm and success are proof of your ability to overcome adversity and get your mojo back.

2. You feel irritable and moody

Lately, everything seems to set you off. You’re snapping at the smallest things; those minor irritations now feel like major annoyances. If you’re feeling more irritable or your mood swings are like a pendulum on overdrive, it’s a red flag. Burnout often shows up as a short fuse—it’s not just a bad day; it’s a sign your emotional reserves are spent. It’s important to acknowledge this change without judgment and understand it’s a common side effect of prolonged stress.

3. You often feel disconnected

It’s like you’re there, but not really. Conversations, meetings, even your favourite TV shows—they just don’t hit the same anymore. This disconnection you’re feeling is burnout’s way of saying, “Hey, I need a break.” It’s not that you don’t care, but your mind is putting up a ‘Closed for Maintenance’ sign. Maybe you feel like you are on autopilot. Depersonalization is one of the symptoms of burnout that many people don’t recognize nothing piques your interest and you can never seem to shake the nagging feeling that you don’t know how or don’t have the power to change things. There are many paths to recovery… Recognizing you are burnt out and not lazy is the first step.

4. You were previously passionate about things 

If your spark has gone dim and everything feels like a gray blur, it’s not that your passions have faded—they’re just buried under the weight of your burnout. It’s time to excavate that buried treasure of enthusiasm. Burnout can make it challenging for you to engage in the activities you once took pleasure in, whether it be a skill, an activity, connections with friends and family or work performance. Because of how much you overworked yourself and drove yourself to the limit as a result, you might even come to despise or detest it. Yikes!

5. You are disregarding self-care 

You used to hit the gym, eat right, and sleep well. Now, it’s takeout for dinner again, and what even is an ‘exercise routine’? When self-care slides off your priority list, it’s a tell-tale sign that burnout is taking the wheel. It’s a nudge to start putting yourself back on that list. One of the most upsetting warning signs that someone may be mentally and physically exhausted is when they stop taking care of themselves and socialize less. Changes in your dietary and/or sleeping habits are cause for worry. Because you’re so easily fatigued by even the smallest of chores, you stop trying to look good or groom yourself, and you spend most of your time alone doing nothing. The truth that you weren’t always this way distinguishes burnout from laziness.

6. You are beginning to feel dissatisfied with work 

When you start dreading heading to work every day, that’s a big warning sign that you’re getting burned out. Your job used to feel fulfilling, now it’s just a daily grind. If the satisfaction from a job well done has been replaced with a constant sense of discontent, it may not be the job that’s changed—it’s your burnout colouring your view. It’s crucial to recognize this shift as a symptom, not a sentence.

Burnout is a real thing, even if you’re doing a fulfilling job. On some days, it can be difficult to muster the motivation to get out of bed and head to the office. As soon as these emotions don’t go away, trouble starts to arise you may be asking yourself ‘What’s the point?’ “Is what I’m doing making a meaningful contribution?”, “Do I still take pleasure in this?”, “Am I merely going through the motions, or am I actually doing something?” These questions may not be a that you are unhappy with your current position but maybe you are experiencing burnout.

7. You are having creative blocks

If creative ideas are now as elusive as a peaceful night’s sleep, burnout might be clogging your creative pipes. It’s not a loss of talent, just a signal that your creative spirit needs some TLC. If you’re feeling burned out, it may seem like you’ve lost all your inspiration, and nothing will spark your creativity again. When you know you should be working on creative stuff but can’t, it may not be laziness on your part but rather exhaustion.

8. You are always tired

You could sleep for a decade and still wake up tired. This constant exhaustion isn’t from a lack of rest—it’s your body’s SOS signal. Burnout can sap your energy like a leak you can’t seem to find. It’s a stark reminder that rest isn’t just about sleep; it’s about replenishment. The fatigue that comes with burnout is one of its most prominent symptoms. You may constantly feel tired or discover that even the simplest of chores take much longer than usual. 

9. You are starting to have cognitive problems

Misplacing your keys is one thing, but when your brain feels like it’s wrapped in fog and you can’t seem to hold onto thoughts, it’s more than just forgetfulness. It’s a hallmark of burnout. Your brain isn’t broken; it’s just overdrawn and in desperate need of some cognitive care. The inability to focus or attend to tasks at hand may be a symptom of burnout or persistent stress. 

Because of the narrow focus required for “fight or flight,” one’s ability to think clearly and make sound choices may suffer. It’s possible that you’ll experience increased forgetfulness and a decline in memory.

10. You are a perfectionist

Perfectionism, when it spirals out of control, can indeed be both a cause and a symptom of burnout. Being a perfectionist can exacerbate this condition, leading to a harmful cycle where the drive to perform perfectly increases stress, which in turn fuels burnout. This relentless pursuit of flawless performance or outcomes can exacerbate the condition. For more about perfectionism, read my article “How to Overcome Perfectionism”.

Let’s chat

Feeling the weight of these signs? You’re not alone. The sooner you recognize burnout’s symptoms, the sooner you can get the assistance you need to overcome them. This isn’t just a funk; it’s burnout’s isolation creeping in and more importantly, you don’t have to navigate this burnout alone. As a life coach, I’m here to support you on the path to recovery. Let’s work to rediscover the balance and satisfaction in your work, unlock your creative potential, and restore the energy and clarity you’ve been missing. 

Click on the Book a free chat button.

Jacqueline Neuwirth Brainz Magazine

Jacqueline Neuwirth, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jacqueline Neuwirth is an experienced Certified Life and Relationship Coach, CPP and Master Certified Neurolinguistic Programming Expert, MNLP. She supports clients in the full spectrum of love and relationship coaching including dating and finding love, healing from a breakup or heartache, navigating an existing relationship or deciding to stay or leave. Jacqueline is helps her clients foster confidence, self-esteem, and build communication skills which assist clients in all aspects of life, including family, career and friendships. Combining a holistic and strategic approach, Jacqueline helps people transform fear, confusion and anxiety into love, freedom, and success.

Her coaching incorporates a lifelong study of both Eastern and Western philosophy plus her ten year journey of working one-on-one with a Zen monk. To assist her clients, she incorporates Attachment Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Non-Violent Communication, Shamanic Studies and the Law of Attraction Principles. In addition, she brings in knowledge from a host of amazing teachers including Eckhart Tolle, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Thich Nhat Hahn, Brené Brown, Esther Perel, Michael Singer, John Gottman, Helen Fisher and many more.

Jacqueline draws on her history as an award-winning entrepreneur, and previous owner of a 25-year career as a designer and art director working for Fortune 500 companies, along with a successful career as an exhibiting fine art oil painter with gallery representation across the US. She is also a mom, friend, sister, and inspired by all things related to personal development and finding joy, easy and flow in life!

If you are ready to make lasting change, visit her website and sign up for a free consultation at



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