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10 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write A Book In 2022

Written by: Karen Mc Dermott, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The past 2 years have taught us a lot as business owners, many of us have restructured and made it through 2020 and 2021 by being creative and savvy which are two main traits for entrepreneurs. Many of us have not been too deeply affected emotionally because let’s face it entrepreneurs easily adapt to new scenarios because we are fuelled by a passion for what we do and so when there is a will, there is always a way! Success is inevitable with this type of mindset.

I am not taking away from the challenges and how the projections we made in 2019 were totally out the window during 2020 but I believe that a lot can be learned from an entrepreneurial mindset in 2022.

1. The world needs our input

We have so many skills and knowledge to share with others that we can almost take for granted because they are in our DNA, yet with some guidance and delivery, we can pass those skills on to others and future generations through a book. We will be studied in years to come and our words are going to leave a legacy for future generations so lets share and be part of a more resilient future.

2. Authority and Credibility

When you become a published author, you gain instant credibility because it takes a lot of hard work and determination for many authors to get published. This is why there is a universal accolade when you become an author.

Books are instantly deemed to be written by experts in their field.

The word authority has the word author in it! You will gain an instant leading edge in your industry when you become an author. It is something every business owner needs to achieve.

A book will show others that you know what you are talking about, to the point that you’re willing to put it out there in the world.

A book is a great marketing tool for your business, products or services.

Also, having written a book, you immediately display that you have a commitment to get things done, planning and working hard.

You are the only person who can write YOUR book or piece!

3. It Raises Your Visibility

Your visibility raises because your vibration is on a whole new level! Becoming an author is something to be proud of and a book increases your visibility locally and globally. There are no limits to the PR you can get if you leverage it well.

Let’s face it, Businesses and entrepreneurs need to stand out in order to sell products and services, and a book is a great way of making that happen.

ENE co-founder, Karen Mc Dermott, often states that books are the new business cards. The problem with this analogy is that everyone already has a business card — not many people have written books. Books are memorable, they increase the connection and attract more attention than business cards!

When you write or contribute to a book you are putting a piece of you out into the world. Every book goes on a journey and you will be part of that. You never know who will pick up your story and read it. One this is for sure when they do, they will connect directly with you and your business. You will become more visable!

4. It Sets You Apart

Everyone has a story to tell but most people never do. There is a block for any people surrounding the magnitude of the task. That is why taking the first step into becoming a published author by contributing to an anthology makes huge sense.

According to the writer Joseph Epstein, “81 percent of Americans feel that they have a book in them — and should write it.” However, most people never do.

Be in the minority who do and set yourself out from the crowd!

You will never tire of being introduced as ‘author of…’ You will always have something to make a talking point.

When someone reads your words, you connect at a deeper level that far outweighs any email or marketing content. You are connecting in a way most people never will. When someone reads your words they connect directly with you, you have their full attention, free from distraction and in a world that is filled with distractions that is a huge advantage.

5. Creation that serves

You will create content that will serve you on many levels. In fact, you might have already penned a piece suitable for submission or compilation in your own book. Many business owners who blog don’t realise that they are in fact writing a potential future best seller.

You can use your book in many ways to produce content that will ultimately generate leads for both your business and your book. Many business owners pull content out of their books to create memes that will act as visual proms not just for book sales but as a representation of their business.

6. Communication

If you are building a personal brand your book is a far more effective tool in establishing your expertise than a blog post and can raise your podcast presence.

Your book will help your audience connect at a deeper level more effectively thus saving time building up the trust bank points that most business owners need to achieve before they make a sale.

7. Launch Your Writing Career

You may not know it now, but writing might be something you wish to incorporate into your future plans. Many business owners discover the potential income boosting opportunities of launching books into their markets regularly. Not only does it increase your audience every time you embark on the journey it also inflates your bank balance.

Writing a book is a powerful learning experience. You will upskill quickly through research and drawing on your own experiences and find YOUR authentic voice in communicating with your audience.

Every prolific author was where you are right now which is at the beginning of their author journey! Some to think on!

8. Helps Develop New Habits

Writing is something that benefits from being done frequently. I often talk about the 21-day writing habit where you dedicate 1 hour a day to writing a book and in turn, your subconscious mind will reward you with being prepared to make the most of your writing time. You will discover a lot about yourself when you embrace this.

Every writer has their own methods and habits, but writing a book means you’ll learn from these habits, which will make writing much easier in the future. And yes I said writer when you begin writing content you are a writer!

9. Another Income Stream

When you build your audience providing them with insights to your strategies or personal life is something that you can really leverage financially. It is also beneficial to your audience and a low-cost way to access your knowledge or insights. A win/win scenario and that’s why it works so well.

Selling directly to your market is something you should consider as you grow and teaming up with distributors like Amazon and Barnes and Noble and Booktopia in Australia has additional benefits of higher exposure and ease of sale.

If you are already selling products, then a book is another product to add to that list.

10. It’s Easier Than You Think

Writing a book doesn’t have to be rocket science! The biggest part is setting the intention. When you commit to the process don’t overthink it. Your first draft is exactly that, your first draft. Something that can be molded into a perfect piece of writing with the help of an editor. Every bestselling author has an editor! And remember your editor can’t edit nothing, you have to provide them with something to work with, hence the importance of a free flowing first draft that will evolve to an insightful, knowledge-filled second draft and there on!

The only block will be you, so try to commit to the process and take the next right step at any given time! Future generations depend on it!

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Karen Mc Dermott, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Karen Mc Dermott is an award-winning publisher, multi-genre author, and TEDx Speaker. Karen realized her passion for the story after an epiphany led her to write her first novel in only 30 days.

Karen has gone on to build a publishing empire and is the publisher for many well-known best-selling authors, celebrities and also aspiring authors alike. She is the CEO of Serenity Press, KMD Books and MMH Press whilst also managing her busy author schedule at KP Weaver, her signature book series being the Alchemy of Life Magic series

She is a regular Forbes contributor and has given 2 TEDx talks to date.

Karen is a passionate teacher and runs her own publishing academy, Everything Publishing Academy, which recently won an award for innovation.

Her motto in life is 'When time and circumstance align, magic happens.'

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