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10 Powerful Goal Setting Coaching Questions

Written by: Nadia Chapman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When we want to get somewhere, we map it out! When we want to renovate a house, we design a plan and come up with a vision of the final results. When we set a goal, big or small, we envision, plan and commit to taking the steps necessary to get there! Without a vision (the goal), a motivational factor (the why), and a map to get there (the actions), you might be wandering off for a while or maybe even getting lost and abandoning the journey all together.

You see, in the coaching world, questions are everything! Asking the correct question at the perfect time can truly be the needle mover in someone’s life and help create long-lasting transformation. The art of goal setting isn’t hard. The problem relies on digging a bit deeper and anchoring the why, so we can move from a place of wishing to one of doing and succeeding.

Once you understand why achieving a specific goal is important to you, you are 90% there! Also, keep in mind that the more your goals align with your values, the easier they will be to achieve. Another important rule of thumb is to be as specific and clear as possible! You’ve heard of SMART goals before, and if you haven’t, well, here it is…

S= Specific (know exactly what you want)

M= Measurable (know when you’ve achieved it)

A= Action-oriented (it’s in YOUR power, and you can do something about it)

R= Realistic (make sure it’s doable)

T= Time-bound (set a deadline)

Write these questions down, or if you are a coach, have your client write these down during the first session together. Writing and journaling are proven to create a deeper connection to self and help exteriorize powerful insights and ideas.

  1. Can you give me your goal in one sentence?

  2. Why is this goal important to you?

  3. If you reach this goal, what would it do for you?

  4. How might your life be better with this new goal? What area of your life or people might be positively impacted?

  5. How might your life be worse with this new goal? What area of your life or people might be negatively impacted?

  6. How will you know when you reach your goal?

  7. Who do you have to be to achieve this goal?

  8. What is the pain for you of not achieving your goal?

  9. What do you need to change in order to reach your goal?

  10. What is an easy way forward from here?

My list of powerful coaching questions can go on and on, but I picked these for you today as a great baseline when it comes to goal setting in any area of someone’s life! When it comes to creating transformation, it’s all about questioning ourselves, processing and understanding what we find, and shining the light on our deepest desires.

Coaching people to achieve lasting success has been life-changing, to say the least. It’s all about learning to ask the right questions at the right time, but there isn’t a perfect script to follow of course. Coaches help clients get excited about the life they want. Together, they focus on open-ended questions that explore different options in life without interfering with their values and are always in a safe, judgment-free zone!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Nadia!


Nadia Chapman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magainze Nadia Chapman is a leader in transformational coaching. She is a certified health and life coach, Law of attraction and success coach, and NLP practitioner. She loves to bring her wisdom, contagious optimism, and life experience to her many projects and with her clients. Nadia is also a professional figure skating coach and lives on an organic farm, she understands firsthand that a healthy body and mind are the foundation to a happy life. She is the host of "The Nadia Chapman Show," a podcast designed to inspire and motivate people with life-changing hacks on habit change, positive mindset, and wellness. Nadia was born in Montreal, Canada, and lived in France for many years before settling in Southern California with her family.

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