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10 Life Lessons From The Archer

Written by: Kamil Shah, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Paolo Coelho has to be one of the authors that have made an impact in my journey to self-discovery. Ever since I came across his works, I have been hooked. Truth be told, I had never heard about Paolo or his writings before until a friend of mine mentioned his bestselling book, The Alchemist. This was many years ago, but it was a moment that has defined my personal growth.

Paolo has also authored countless other books, including The Archer. A conversation between a master archer and an apprentice, the Archery-related teachings contained in this book are actually more universal. In fact, you do not need to know much about archery to be able to relate to them.

There are several key takeaways in the form of life lessons that can be found when you ‘listen’ in on this conversation. Here, I share some of the ones, which resonate with me when it comes to reflecting on personal and professional success.

Lesson 1

The archer cannot always choose the battlefield, so start your training again and be prepared for unfavorable situations.’

The economic landscape is ever fluctuating and changing. What seems to be a ‘favorable wind’ blowing will not always remain so. If you’ve been through several economic cycles, you’ll know what I’m talking about. One key thing that I’ve learned throughout the years is the significance of developing the skill of adaptability. Recent global events have emphasized this even more so. The linear method of thinking and operating just cannot survive the unexpected changes that lie ahead. Developing an adaptable mindset allows us to be open to changes by way of controlling how we respond to them.

The same goes for leadership. The true test of a leader is not when things are easy to manage or ‘plain sailing.’ A true test of leadership comes in times of crises when composure and resolve are challenged. Leaders step up in times of adversity.

Lesson 2

‘We should never judge people without first learning to hear and to respect them.’

When dealing with competition (especially in business), learning from and having respect for your competitors is probably one of the most significant things you can do when starting out. Yes, we do need to focus on our own journey, but we also need to understand what others are doing. Over the years, we’ve seen business giants who once seemed immovable almost disappear overnight when their competitor releases a new product. We later find that the ‘giant’ had ignored what the competition was doing and had a false sense of security all along. Learn from and respect the competition.

Lesson 3

‘Join with all those who experiment, take risks, fall, get hurt, and then take more risks.’

Surround yourself with like-minded people. This is not to say that they necessarily need to have the same interest. It is more about those who share similar values in pursuing personal and professional growth. I’m talking about those who aren’t afraid to take risks, as facing challenges head-on is a means to growth itself. I’m talking about those who understand that the ‘end’ is as important as the ‘journey’ itself.

Lesson 4

‘In order to understand your bow, it must become part of your arm and an extension of your thoughts.’

Become at one with whatever you decide to pursue. Be it your business, a new career, relationship, project, whatever it is that you intend to devote your life to. Unless it becomes part of your life, it will always be an appendage that is secondary to everything else. It will always be something that you just happen to do, not something that you live by. In this sense, it can easily be retired and left behind when things aren’t going so well. However, embrace it wholeheartedly, and it will become a powerful extension of your life.

Lesson 5

‘Each arrow leaves a memory in your heart, and it is the sum of those memories that will make you shoot better and better.’

Fear of failure has to be one of the most common human experiences known. As much as we try to control the desired outcome or result through meticulous planning and execution, sometimes, life gets in the way, and things do go ‘pear-shaped.’ It is this fear of not getting the desired result that stops people from trying. However, understanding that each ‘failure’ is another chance to learn and improve can only make you better at what you do.

Lesson 6

‘The target exists only if the archer exists.’

Whether in business or in personal life, a goal set to achieve a certain ‘something’ in the future can only be fully realized when one thing is present, us. What I mean by being present is not only in physical form but, more importantly, in the mind. All things begin to materialize first in the mind and then in physical form. A mind focused on a specific goal or target to be achieved will, almost magically, begin to anchor in all the necessary tools, skills, and resources needed to achieve that goal.

Lesson 7

‘Elegance is not the most comfortable of postures, but it is the best posture if the shot is to be perfect.’

Most of the time, we look at the success of others and only see the end result, the final destination, the complete picture. However, unless we look back and follow their journey, we may never fully comprehend that the ‘picture perfect’ end product had endured times of discomfort, unnerving moments, and even sacrifices. However, through it all, they have come through. The key here is to understand that the path to the desired goal may be uncomfortable and confused at times. Reminding oneself that growth lies in these moments and that the focus is still fixed on the desired goal will help carry you through those times.

Lesson 8

‘To hold the arrow is to be in touch with your own intention.’

From time to time, it is worth checking in on ‘why we do what we do.’ Re-engage with the initial intention that had set us off on our current journey. Remind ourselves again of where we've come from, where we are now, and more importantly, where we are headed. Being in touch again with our intention helps re-frame our mind and actions such that any action which does not contribute towards our intended goal should be avoided or discarded, whilst those that do should be embraced.

Lesson 9

‘Keep calm and breathe deeply.’

The way we create, use, and conserve our energy can profoundly affect our performance. The journey towards our destination may not always be plain sailing. Life is never linear. In fact, we will be challenged from time to time. We will experience intense moments where we are required to devote large amounts of mental, emotional, and physical energy. Unfortunately, this is part of the process for growth. Be reminded to breathe. Breathe deeply. Especially throughout these intense moments. It will allow us to step back, re-focus, re-energize and bring a degree of calmness amidst the storm.

Lesson 10

‘ any given moment, your hand will have to open and allow your intention to follow its destiny.’

This is one of the most important lessons, and that is to understand that as much as we try to plan and shape things the way we see and intend them to be, life can sometimes take its own course, and we may find that the very thing we were working towards has a ‘life of its own.’ Be it a relationship, career, or even business. That’s why it is useful to be reminded that the journey is as important as (if not more important than) the destination itself. At some point, we will need to let go and allow it to follow its own course and destiny.

In this short article, I have shared 10 key teachings which immediately connected with me. There are many more lessons that can be extracted from The Archer, but these are the ones that connected with me instantaneously when reflecting on the idea of success and my own journey. As with great works of literature, each reader will extract a different meaning from the work and relate to it differently. If you get the chance, grab yourself a copy and as you follow the story, reflect on the significance of each portion and how it can be used to change your life.

I hope it will make an impression on you as it did on me.

For more details, follow me on Facebook or Instagram and visit my website.


Kamil Shah, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Coming from a professional background in design, Kamil previously practiced in both the Education & Corporate Sectors. One life-changing event in his 20s saw Kamil's life plummet from having a progressing career in design to living on $2 a day virtually overnight. This painful experience has taught him valuable lessons in Life, which he has used advantageously in regaining his feet and ultimately achieving Personal and Professional Success. He now shares his experience and knowledge in helping others achieve their own success through bringing on their own Personal Genius.

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