How Ai Can Change Your Social Media Game Plan - Exclusive Interview With Thomas “Ai Nerd” Helfrich
Thomas "Ai Nerd" Helfrich is the CEO and Founder of InstantlyRelevant.com – an AI startup hyper-focused on solving the problem of time, the time to create content, engagement, and strategy. He is also the "Ai Nerd" YouTube channel host and is a B2B Technology Influencer. Thomas brings energy and polished humor to disarm you in the first few moments of meeting him. He is married with three kids and lives in Alpharetta, GA.
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Quote of the week
"Surrendering and letting go is sometimes scarier than any fear imagined as we are most afraid of losing our perceived control. When we give up what we thought we owned, peace comes naturally."

Brainz Expert Panel
Expert Panelists are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within the areas of Business, Mindset, Leadership, Lifestyle, and Sustainability. Members of The Brainz Magazine community of experts will share their best tips, advice, ideas, and hacks within different topics.

Brainz podcast
With Catherine Polet - How to become vibrant, fulfilled and feeling enough
Catherine Polet is a Joy & Fulfillment Coach, yoga instructor, and autogenic training teacher dedicated to promoting mindful living and personal and professional growth. As the architect of the Joy & Fulfillment Trifecta framework, her mission is to assist individuals, particularly women, in navigating their way toward joy and fulfillment. Catherine has also developed the Elite Fulfillment Mastery program. Tailored for entrepreneurs, this program provides coaching, tools, and strategies for building joy, fulfillment, and personal success. Her intuitive insights and coaching methods have been catalysts for significant lifestyle transformations.