Trauma & therapy
Healing from trauma is a journey that requires support and guidance. Our contributors explore the impact of trauma and grief, as well as various therapeutic approaches available to aid recovery. Learn about different types of trauma, signs and symptoms, and effective therapy options.
Awaken the Warrior Within and Embrace Life’s Journey with Strength and Peace
Life, in its rawest form, is neither fair nor unfair; it simply is. And yet, despite its unpredictability, life is undeniably beautiful.
Understanding Neck Pain in Hypermobility and How to Manage It for Lasting Relief
Neck pain is a common and often debilitating symptom in individuals with hypermobility, particularly those with Hypermobility Spectrum...
Foot Reflexology and Its Positive Influence on Our Babies’ and Children’s Development
Foot Reflexology is a gentle and relaxing therapy that naturally helps alleviate physical and emotional tension and blockages.
How Quantum Effects Enhance Red Light Therapy for the Gut-Brain Axis
Red light therapy (RLT), particularly in the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum, has gained attention for its ability to enhance cellular...
Natural Remedies Under Fire, While Big Pharma Gets Away with Murder
For centuries, humans have relied on nature’s remedies, herbs, fasting, energy healing, and holistic therapies to restore balance and...
Healing is Not Linear
Most people see healing as a staircase. Small steps and you move forward in a direct, straight line. Nothing could be further from the...
Five Strategies to Cope with the Effects of Future Shock and Manage Fear and Anxiety
Five years ago, we foolishly believed that COVID-19 marked the worst of all times. After nearly two years of constant quarantine, social...
5 Signs of Generational Trauma and How to Break the Cycle
Have you ever found yourself repeating patterns in relationships, struggling with self-worth, or feeling like no matter how much you...
3 Tips for Decolonizing Your Herbal Education Journey
Recently, more people have become aware of the harmful chemicals in different foods, hygiene products, and clothing items due to the..
The Science of Longevity and How to Enhance Lifespan and Vitality
Longevity isn’t just about adding years; it’s about enhancing the quality of every moment. Research confirms that true longevity...
Reiki for Entrepreneurs and the Role of Energy Healing in Success
Is stress, overwhelm, and self-doubt holding you back in business? Reiki for entrepreneurs is a powerful tool to unlock clarity...
10 Powerful Winter Nature Therapy Activities To Beat The Cold Weather Blues
Are you feeling the winter blues? You’re not alone. As temperatures drop and daylight shortens, many people experience a decline in mood...
When Your Body Remembers and The Impact of Trauma on Your Health Journey
Have you experienced your heart racing during a stressful conversation or your stomach tightening in an uncomfortable situation?
Why Do We Freeze Under Pressure? – The Science of Stress and Trauma
Have you ever experienced a moment when time seemed to stand still, and you were paralyzed, unable to act, even though you knew you should?
7 Common Signs of Past Life Trauma and How to Heal It
Have you ever experienced an unexplainable fear, a deep emotional reaction, or a sudden sense of connection to a place or person without...
The Transformative Power of Hypnotherapy for Overthinkers
In the quiet hours of the night, when the world outside is hushed, many of us find ourselves tangled in a web of relentless thoughts.
3 Ways Clinical Hypnotherapy Can Reduce the Effects of Biological Aging
Why do we feel so refreshed and rejuvenated after a holiday? You return home, and suddenly, friends and family tell you how great you look.
Healing Strategies to Navigate Trauma for Black Women
Most people are impacted by trauma at some point in their lives; however, Black communities are continuously faced with trauma that makes...
Healing the Abandonment Wound – A Guide to Self-Love, Healing and Stronger Relationships
This article isn’t for everyone, as many of my clients when they initially come to me, are unaware of the impact of this wound...