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Kimberly King

Simply Safe Kids: The Right Way to Teach Body Boundaries and Safety

Elizabeth Prather

3 Mindful Strategies to Improve Performance and Well-being

Rachel Tindall

Organize Your Book in 10 Days

Linda Evans

Personal Branding: Consciously Enhancing What You Already Have

Everyone has a personal brand, whether they consciously manage it or not. Among its many definitions, Linda Evans (M.A. ’16) defines personal branding as a compelling and concise way to communicate who you are and what you have to offer to your target audience. "Personal Branding: Consciously Enhancing What You Already Have," an interactive webinar, will walk you through self-reflection and self-assessment exercises to intentionally design how you want to be perceived in the 4 fronts of personal branding: in person, online, on paper, and in memory.

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