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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Vivien Hudson

Executive Contributor

Coach, Trainer and Speaker

Vivien Hudson

Coach, Trainer and Speaker

Vivien Hudson is a reformed pharmacist who went through her own journey of discovery when she trained as a life coach, moved hemispheres, and achieved her Masters in Business Adversity. This training enlightened her to how much change we can affect in our lives by understanding stress, the stories we tell ourselves, and how we show up in our bodies. Self-awareness, finding purpose, and living authentically are at the heart of effective change and leadership. Vivien combines her experience in health and wellbeing, business ownership, and the challenges she has faced in her own life to bring depth and diversity to her work She is trained as a life and performance ontological coach, brain fitness practitioner, on purpose presenter, speaker, and corporate trainer. Her purpose is instilling courage to help those she touches live a life well-lived.

All articles

Stress Is A Good Thing

How long have we been talking about how bad stress is for us? I don’t know about you, but I am kind of over it.

Elevating Workplace Wellness – The Power Of App-Based Fitness Challenges

In the fast-paced world of today, where work-related stress and sedentary lifestyles are on the rise...

From Sitting To Active – Transforming Workplace Fitness In The Digital Age

Savvy workplaces recognize the importance of workplace well-being.

Confessions Of A Workaholic And Finding Balance

We all have our addictions. Some obvious addictions are drugs, alcohol, gambling, or sex. Others may be less obvious, like working too much.

Nurturing Connections – A Guide For Employers To Combat Loneliness In The Workplace

In the fast-paced world of business, where deadlines loom large and competition is fierce, the impact of loneliness is often overlooked.

What Went Well This Year – And What Next?

Many of us look to the end of the year as the end of a chapter and to the New Year as the start of a new one.

Choosing Well-Being Is Good For Business

If companies aren’t choosing well-being they are missing out. Workplace well-being is more than a buzz word

4 Tips To Getting Started With One-On-One Meetings

As a manager, the prospect of one-on-one conversations with employees can be daunting

Leaders ‒ How Self-Aware Are You? Really

One of the most important leadership traits is high self-awareness.

Why We Don’t Get What We Want ‒ 3 Common Mistakes

Have you ever wanted to ask for a promotion, ask your partner for support, or ask for that sale and found yourself not doing it?

4 Questions To Communicate More Effectively In Your Personal And Professional Life

Communication is something all of us do every day. Once you reach a certain age, you might assume you’re pretty good at it right?

An Epidemic Of Workplace Loneliness

In today’s age, when we refer to connection difficulties, we could be easily confused with internet connectivity.

3 Reasons That Keep Leaders Lonely

I had finished my day at work filled with the overwhelm of being spat out of a tornado. I sat in my car with my head still spinning.

Looking For A Friend?

Written by: Vivien Hudson, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute...

5 Reasons Professionals Could Be Burning Out And Why They Don't Ask For Help

Written by: Vivien Hudson, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute...

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CREA Global Awards presented to

Vivien Hudson

Coach, Trainer and Speaker

The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

Vivien Hudson

Coach, Trainer and Speaker

Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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