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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Tara Antler & King Gabriel

Executive Contributor

Soul Coaches & Spiritual Mentors

Tara Antler & King Gabriel

Soul Coaches & Spiritual Mentors

Tara Antler & King Gabriel specialize in Intuitive Healing, Soul Coaching & Spiritual Life Mentoring. They both discovered yoga and meditation, and were guided to walk an awakened path when they were very young. They have dedicated their lives to helping others remember who and what they truly are, become masterful manifestors, activate their Soul's purpose, and experience happy-harmonious relationships! Co-Founders of the Ascension Academy of Light - they empower Families, Light-Workers, and Leaders around the world to consciously create thriving, extraordinary, purpose-led lives!

All articles

Conscious Breathing – Nurturing Your Inner Growth

Finding tranquility and mental clarity amidst the chaos of our modern lives can often feel like an insurmountable challenge.

Unlocking Spiritual Growth – Exploring Why Men May Take Longer To Embrace Their Path

When it comes to the journey of spiritual growth, it is often observed that men tend to take longer to choose to advance compared to women.

Embracing The Spider's Web – A Tapestry Of Spiritual Growth And Purpose

In the intricate world of nature, the spider quietly weaves its web, spinning a masterpiece that holds profound wisdom

Unleash Your Potential – Ascend To Greatness With The Power Of Community

For a moment, imagine a life where you effortlessly rise above mediocrity, experiencing greatness in every aspect.

Retuning Your Life – The Power Of Harmony And Healing

Like playing the guitar, sometimes you hit a chord on well-tuned strings, and the sound produced is pure perfection.

How Listening To My Heart Made Me Positive, Happy And Fulfilled

The Everlasting Moment. There I am, without a sense of self, blissed out with no identifiable reason for it

5 Keys To Experience An Exceptional New Year

So there we were, by the seashore, smelling the ocean breeze and digging our feet into the sand as the cold, moist air blew in and the tides

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CREA Global Awards presented to

Tara Antler & King Gabriel

Soul Coaches & Spiritual Mentors

The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

Tara Antler & King Gabriel

Soul Coaches & Spiritual Mentors

Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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