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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Tangela Huggins

Executive Contributor

CEO & Founder

Tangela Huggins

CEO & Founder

Early Life and Education

Tangela Huggins faced many child hood challenges growing up which caused her to quickly developed a passion for leadership, equality and social justice. From an early age, Tangela exhibited an innate ability to connect with people and a drive to make a difference in the lives she has touched. However, even though her childhood was marked by significant challenges and adversities. These not so good experiences shaped Tangela into the resilient and passionate woman she is today.

Despite the adversity she faced, Tangela's determination to succeed never wavered. As a single mother of six, she moved out of state to her grandparents in Georgia. Where she graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration concentrated in Accounting. While her academic achievements were commendable, Tangela found that working in corporate did not provide the fulfillment she sought. This realization prompted her to pursue a different path, one where she could truly make a difference in the lives of people and businesses.

Career as an Entrepreneur and Author

Tangela's transition from corporate America to entrepreneurship was driven by her desire to empower and motivate others to reach their highest potential. She became a successful serial entrepreneur, founding multiple businesses and a non profit Tangela Huggins Transforation Foundation that reflects her commitment to helping those in need. Tangela is also a celebrated author, known for her book "Grean Light Go to Meditation & Making Millions," which offers insights into personal and professional development.

Her writing and entrepreneurial ventures are deeply intertwined with her mission to inspire others. Through her businesses and publications, Tangela provides tools and strategies for self-improvement, career advancement, and holistic health. Her approach is encapsulated in her "Grean Light Go" technique, which she developed to guide individuals in their personal, career, business, and health development.

Transformational Coach and Motivational Speaker

Tangela's influence extends beyond her entrepreneurial and literary accomplishments. As a transformational coach and motivational speaker, she is renowned for her ability to empower and inspire people to overcome their adversities. Drawing from her own experiences with childhood trauma and adversities growing up, Tangela speaks candidly about her journey, using her story to motivate others to achieve their highest potential.

Her workshops and seminars are highly sought after, providing attendees with practical advice, inspirational messages and transformation. Tangela's coaching style is characterized by empathy, resilience, and a genuine desire to see others succeed. She has a unique ability to connect with her audience, offering both support and actionable guidance.

Advocacy and Community Engagement

Beyond her professional roles, Tangela is deeply committed to social and community empowerment. She actively participates in various community organizations, working to address issues such as economic disparities. Tangela's advocacy efforts include organizing community forums, participating in policy discussions, and collaborating with local and national organizations to drive systemic change.

Her vision is to create a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and succeed, regardless of their background and circumstances. She envisions a society where everyone has access to quality education, mentorship and resources to reach their full potential. Tangela aims to foster a culture of inclusivity, diversity and empowerment, ultimately leading to a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

Her community engagement is evident through numerous initiatives aimed at empowering marginalized communities. Tangela founded a nonprofit organizations “Tangela Huggins Transformation Foundation” to develop mentorship programs, provide resources for low-income families, and create opportunities for youth and business development. Her efforts have had a lasting impact, contributing to the broader goal of creating more equitable and just communities.

Professional Development and Leadership Training

Understanding the importance of lifelong learning, Tangela continually seeks opportunities for professional development. She has participated in various leadership training programs with world renowned motivational leaders such as Les Brown and Lisa Nichols. She has earned several certifications in areas such as conflict resolution, organizational development, and diversity and inclusion. These experiences have further honed her skills as a leader and enabled her to implement best practices in her transformational work.

Tangela is also a sought-after speaker and trainer, sharing her expertise at conferences, workshops, and seminars. She is known for her engaging presentations and her ability to provide practical insights that can be applied in real-world settings. Her contributions to professional development extend to her role as a mentor, where she guides emerging leaders in worldwide communities.

Awards and Recognition

Throughout her career, Tangela has received numerous awards and recognitions for her outstanding contributions to community service. These accolades include Trail Blazer of the Year, the Excellence in Leadership Award, and recognition from civic organizations for her volunteer work. These honors reflect her dedication, hard work, and the positive impact she has made in various spheres.

Personal Philosophy and Vision

Tangela Huggins operates on the belief that aggressive perseverance is a powerful tool for change and that every individual has the potential to succeed when given the right opportunities and support. Her vision is to create a world where education is accessible and equitable, where communities are empowered, and where social justice is not just an ideal but a reality.

Her personal philosophy is rooted in the values of integrity, empathy, and resilience. She believes that true leadership involves listening, learning, and leading by example. Tangela's work is driven by a desire to make a meaningful difference and to inspire others to do the same.


Tangela Huggins is a dynamic and transformational leader whose career is a testament to the power of education, advocacy, and community engagement. Her contributions have had a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals and communities. As she continues to champion the causes she is passionate about, Tangela remains a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change. Her legacy is one of empowerment, equity, and excellence. Tangela's passion and calling to help people in need—mentally, physically, and financially—show why she is important and why she deserves a platform. Through her "Grean Light Go" technique that she developed, she empowers and encourages people on a transformational path, guiding them through motivation and transformation to reach their highest potential.

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CREA Global Awards presented to

Tangela Huggins

CEO & Founder

The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

Tangela Huggins

CEO & Founder

Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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