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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Micheal K.

Executive Contributor

Parent and Emotional Intelligence Coach

Micheal K.

Parent and Emotional Intelligence Coach

Micheal K. (pronounced Mah-Kel) is a California girl and the founder of Sweet Soul Parenting. Sunshine and triple-digit heat at the pool is one of her favorite pastimes, as is connecting with her many friends from all around the world.

Micheal’s early years started with an angry, abusive father and a mother who was doing her best to raise two children amongst chaos. Micheal, her older brother, and her mother were constantly trying to escape her father’s anger, but when Micheal was 5, her mother took a big step and divorced her father and put a restraining order in place. Her mother truly did her best with what she had, but Micheal wasn’t an easy-to-handle kid.

Micheal was a ball of energy and was labeled as a funny entertainer on good days and bratty or hard kid on bad days. Those around her didn’t know how to help to the extent she needed on bad days, and her trust for adults became less and less and unhealthy anger grew. As much as she didn’t want to be like her father, she was starting to repeat the unhealthy anger cycle, but there was something that would make her heart melt, and that was babies.

At a young age, she knew that she wanted to be what she wished she had in her earlier years—a consistent safe place for kids—and that she became. Micheal became well known for her work with kids, and many families reached out to her for babysitting, and that eventually led her to fulltime nanny positions and volunteer teaching positions.

At 18, Micheal took a big turn for the better. She decided to work through many years of hurt through counseling with her pastor. She put in the work, and in time she no longer would be known for unhealthy anger, but she would be known for peace and positivity. She wouldn’t just be great with kids, but she would be great with adults too!

As a young adult, Micheal got sparked to go work at an orphanage, and at the age of 24, she made that a reality. She moved to Mexico and became a teacher and a houseparent (which is the equivalent of a foster parent) at Rancho De Sus Niños in Tijuana, Mexico.

Micheal’s dream of being a safe place for kids grew abundantly there. Throughout her time there, she became a houseparent to 20+ kids, and as tough as it can be parenting 10+ kids in a home, in a foreign country, it was a dream come true for her, and she grew so much.

Shortly after her time in Mexico came to an end, she decided to move back to California and go to college to dive into another passion, music. Micheal loves to sing, from on stage to singing kids to sleep; she loves it all, but once she finished her music program, she decided to take another turn.

Micheal wanted to shift her focus from kids to parents. She thought about how many kids suffer at home because the parents don’t have the right tools to help, and she wanted to change that. She remembered what she wished she had as a little girl, and she wanted to help other parents in a greater capacity than just her personal experience. So she went on to pursue her parenting coach dream.

This dream took off greater than she could have imagined. She started out with only coaching parents, but people who weren’t parents started reaching out to her as well. So she decided to mold her courses per individual.

Sweet Soul Parenting is for anyone wanting to break unhealthy mindsets/cycles in their life. From music producers, teachers, grandparents, baristas, and even teens, Micheal has coached them all. Her courses work for virtually anyone because they are centered around healthy communication, healthy relationships, boundaries, and emotional intelligence.

Micheal’s common nature is a great listener, an enthusiastic coach, a genuine encourager, and most of all, a good friend. No matter what is taking place, she will do her very best to provide tools to help her clients walk through whatever it is they are facing.

Micheal knows the work it takes to change the narrative to your story, and she wants to make that reality more accessible to everyone. She knows that not everyone was taught empathy or emotional intelligence, so Micheal takes it upon herself to teach as many as she can!

Micheal has been known for being “the nicest type A person one has ever met.” She is timely, blunt, and to the point, but she carries it with such kindness and sweetness. She doesn’t just listen but also seeks to truly understand what her clients are going through.

From growing up in a German family, working with many American families, being a foreign exchange student in Geneva, Switzerland, and being a foster mom in Mexico, Micheal has been around many different types of family dynamics, and she loves it!

Micheal teaches that no matter what is thrown at you, you get to decide what you want the narrative to be. She frequently tells her clients, “As long as you have breath in your lungs, you’re not too far gone. There’s hope in every breath we take.” She believes this statement with her whole heart, as she is a walking testament to it.

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Boundaries, A Rejection Or A Key To Love?

How many of us have been hit with a “boundary” and it left us feeling more disconnected rather than connected?

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CREA Global Awards presented to

Micheal K.

Parent and Emotional Intelligence Coach

The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

Micheal K.

Parent and Emotional Intelligence Coach

Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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